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Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 - 10:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


I think Internet "Trolling" should certainly be banned and a process should be put in place to eliminate it.

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 05:29 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Differences of opinion are what makes internet forums enjoyable and interesting.

There can sometimes be a very small difference between deliberate 'Trolling' and just holding a different opinion to other people, and I think that we need to be very careful when suggesting that the forum should be censored to remove comments that do not follow the official company policy.

Constructive criticism and genuine questioning of authority and company policy should not be confused with Trolling for the sake of it.

If I want to read only the company PR line then Buell.com covers that base nicely already.
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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 06:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

And should Imonabuss be excluded from this form of censorship? You know, with it being his idea, yet somehow he himself often Trolls away at Rocket.

My personal advice would be to grow a thicker skin. Such can be done by mating with a Yorkshire lass!

Get a life for chrisakes. We're arguing motorcycles here. That's all.

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 09:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I've been posting on this forum from the beginning and also followed Blakes single handed defence of all things Buell on that Motorcycle mag forum...cannot remember name, bad memory!
I always wanted a S1 lightning from the beginning but wasn't prepared to spend £10500, a few years later with more money in my pocket I spent £9400. 3 months later Buell reduced their prices to £6500 felt a bit miffed but hey, I owned one of the meanest looking bikes on the planet.
6 months later I realised I owned the biggest pile of shite ever. The rose tinted glasses were quickly removed with all the problems and hassles I had with the bike. If I posted negative comments I got flamed via private emails as well as on the board....although some of the private emailers actually sent apologises months later as the problems I had encountered and highlighted had happened to them.
I stopped posting a good while ago as my opinions didn't usually fit in with the majority of regular posters.
I like searching for posts from people who have different views than the Buell/HD flock, most of the time they could well be written by me if I had bothered.
The only thing that keeps me coming back now is the likes of Rocketman and Trojan, they are like a breath of fresh air in a farmyard of stale manure.
These snide comments from pathetic anons and that Imonabuss want to be jumped on as hard as you jumped on Rocket or anyone elso who doesn't toe the party line or sees all thing Buell through rose tinted glasses.
Keep it up Sean and Trojan
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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 10:47 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Mark in Ireland,

I know EXACTLY what your talking about. Back in 1996 my buddies bought a S1.. I LOVED how they looked and performed...

About two years later.. I moved and did not really realize that they had sold theirs and moved on to BMW's and a differenct Jap crusier...

So.. in 1998 i decided hey... I got some $$$... lets try out a 98 S1 lightning...

I did.. I had owned SEVERAL Jap Race Bikes... The BUELL was FUN!!! looked TOUGH and Performed GREAT...

But.... Then... the problems came... Weird things started happening... Odd things were breaking and warranty recalls were starting to come in...

I sold it about 3 yrs after i bought it and moved BACK to some Jap Bikes (GSXR 1000 and a TL1000R)

Now... 6 yrs into the Future...I decided to give the BUELL another try... This time.. I went with the 1999 X1.

FUEL INJECTION!!!!!!!! Seems to be the trick for the most part.

I have noticed the BIG SMILE again from riding... I really enjoy it and so far (KNOCK ON WOOD) its being VERY reliable.

I know that there are bad bikes in EVERY bunch... Hopefully this one stays good as i would love to see it stay a member of the family for LONG time.

Its been soo much fun cleaning and playing around with that it has me kicking the idea around of buying a BUELL S3....

Who knows.... we will see...

I think some get caught up in defending something that they have grown sooo close to... Is it bad.. Not really.. but there are always ALTERNATIVES...

What works for me.. may not work for another person... Even with this 99 X1... I am still thinking of EVENTUALLY purchasing another 4 cylinder rocket... but who knows... only some time will tell.

For now.. its just fun playing around again on a bike that NOT MANY have seen or even heard of...

Just my .02 worth..

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 11:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

It's not about disagreement; it's about virulent, nasty trolling. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism from Rocketman? That'll be the day! There are plenty of folks who post criticism, me included. And it seems to be accepted just fine by the group. And, you can't troll against a troll, it's just a matter of bringing out the big billy goat!
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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 05:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

It's not about disagreement; it's about virulent, nasty trolling. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism from Rocketman?



Dude, I absolutely challenge you to find one thread on the BadWeB where my anti-Buell commentary has been what you say it is.

I'd say every word I've offered in criticism has merit. I might be wrong in my assumptions, comments, findings, but they're never done with the malice you imply. As a blunt Yorkshire-man I might drive the stake in hard at times, but you should see that as keeping Buell grounded. I have explained as much before, but it never sinks in apparently. I would like to think it was some of my 'trolling' that made those involved think twice. As it is I don't think I've ever know a motorcycle company with its head so buried in the f*cking sand, and out of synch with its fans and customers.

I do see the clever engineering married to the clever marketing, but the sad truth is, Buell build some poor quality motorcycles that are forced to be less powerful to maintain reliability at least in the engine. Following the ways of HD by continuing tradition (now a Buell trait) in an ever changing sports bike orientated market is all about making money, not great motorcycles. The bean counters have got Mr Buell by the balls it seems. And not just in motorcycle development, but in racing too!

Have Buell ever made a great motorcycle? If Buell have, what made it great was its limited appeal in a limited corner of the motorcycle market. The second Buell dipped a toe in the deeper water their bikes, no matter how good or great they were / are, have some much more serious competition to face up to. Such is the quality, power and handling performance of other brands like MV, KTM, Triumph etc etc, the XB platforms appeal is suddenly limited to similar levels of those of the old tube frame Buells, yet Buell needs to sell these same models, and plenty of them, in a fiercely contested market where frankly the XB's were outdated in 2003.

Don't get me started on the cash cow Blast either. That's a bull shit for profit poke that doesn't even resemble a motorcycle. Worse still. It's an embarrassment as a Buell owner that Buell make the fugly pig of a thing. It certainly isn't the Buell equivalent of Honda's Cub 50. If it were, at least a little face might have been saved. As it is, my only saving grace is they don't, thank f*ck, sell them in the UK. That at least saves me a little face down the coffee bar on a sunny Wednesday eve.

Then there's those interesting conversations I've tried so hard to have with those in the Buell ivory tower, with regard to the XB's alleged magic handling prowess. All I get for my efforts is accusations of trolling whilst those who could engage in meaningful and intelligent discussion on the subject matter decide to scurry off into the shadows screaming "trolls", "trolls", "trolls"..

Nothing is new around here where Buell is concerned. Rehashed models. Rehashed sales blurb. Rehashed promises of glory on the race tracks. Rehashed promises of great things to come. And for our loyalty we get what? More rehash! It's rather like trying to be fond of a motorcycle company that's a member of the Freemason's. If you ain't a motorcycling Freemason yourself, you're expected to buy the product. Enjoy it of course, and swallow the bull shit, even though you know the motorcycle Freemason's are f*cking you up your arse.

Fine by me. I learnt the hard way. Through downtime and in my pocket, that is. So whilst you fellas at Buell sit in your ivory tower preaching to the preached, consider my comments as my efforts to keep you in touch with the real world of motorcycling. That's where Buell need to be. Building motorcycles people really want, and not motorcycles their culture of patriotism and nationalistic fervour draws them to through some sort of American brand loyalty.

Wanna talk / argue about Buell in motorcycle racing? Then get in it and we will.

I could go on...........

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 05:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

And don't forget the two XBRR's that are in the UK either, busily gathering dust in Warr's showroom

Hals has had one also gathering dust, until last week. It was torn down, and all the updates, and new bodywork has been added to it. Danny Bilansky will be racing on it in his 1st AMA FX race this weekend at Road America.

Terry Galigan is pretty confident of a top 10 finish with Danny at the helm. Lets cross our fingers : )
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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 07:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

For the naysayers, I have to say I understand your point of view. I have a 99 M2 and 06 Uly. The only problem I have had with the early run '06 Uly is operator related. The bike has never had a problem in almost 20,000 miles. So I believe the bike has been as reliable as my CB750, one of the most reliable bikes out there.

That said, yes the M2 has not been perfect. I had problems with the rear brake light switch, kick stand safety switch, positive pressure in the transmission causing it to puke fluids and oil leaks. The bike has been work to keep on the road. For me, I love to ride the bike and am willing to deal with its idiocities because the riding experience for me is worth it. I have a more relaxed point of view than other on this issue. Some could not or would not deal with the issues I have had with the M2. That's okay, I do not mind. My CB750 was reliable but it too had problems in the 24,000 miles I rode it. It love to eat batteries, lunched a chain and sprockets, the starter button would stick ever so slightly killing the head light, the valve covers started seeping oil and the clutch would slip under hard acceleration at 24,000 miles. Other than those issues the bike started all but a few times when the batteries (three in two years) lost charge. The bike was not as comfortable as the two I have now and the bike was boring to ride. I kept beating on it because riding it at the speed limit was no fun. I am sure a modern sport bike would be a lot of fun at the track, but the bikes are no fun on the street when you are riding under go-to-jail speeds.

Now back to the M2, it has 46,000 miles on the original motor and transmission. In comparison other sport bikes, mainly Japanese bikes with I-4 buzzing a million RPMs, the engines would have gone through their first overhaul by this mileage (70,000+km). The Engine, transmission and clutch have never been worked on the M2. Other than a bad kick stand safety switch and worn rear spark plug wire, the bike has always started and took me home from as far as 650 miles away. So on top of a soulful ride, the bikes has had its fair share of strong points too.

That said, we were talking about a little race team in a little racing series in France.

Oh and Go Danny!
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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 07:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

"Constructive criticism" from the Rocket again. What a distorted view of the world.
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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 07:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

My comments were not about the reliability issues, past or present, of Buell models. What I was inferring is that Buell are seemingly building not so expensive motorcycles and selling them as a premium quality product. The point is, we are all being fooled by this because we buy the marketing bull shit, which is cleverly helped along by the quirkiness of the engineering.

When one looks at other brands in competitive corners to Buell, their products are of much higher quality and technology. Technology is important here too. Buell have it that their prowess is in the handling. That would be the 'real world' then! If Buell can build motorcycles that are capable of superior handling, then they don't need to spend fortunes in technology keeping up with the Jones's. So we get no overhead cams. No liquid cooling. No multi cylinders. We get a Harley derived engine from the 1950's, and that is cost effective to build. Sold under a blanket of patriotism in a home market. One would have to assume Buell have done their homework. It's admirable business indeed.

It's also the reason that Buell will never be a major player in the racing world. That is a quick way to lose money, and fans. Buell of course know this. They just don't want us to. That's why the XBRR. That's why the bull shit talk. It's a trick to keep the faithful faithful. All it takes is a hammer to crack a nut. XBRR versus a few proddy Duc's lost in France.

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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 08:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

It's amazing how Rocket can turn ANY thread into an excuse to post rambling manifesto after rambling manifesto.

Blake, is this software capable of letting us put people on "ignore"?
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Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2007 - 09:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

rocketman, don't you work by my local HONDA dealer. lol
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 01:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

This thread is about a XBRR winning races in France, and the reactions that this win caused.

Some people got really happy for the win. This is normal if you are a Buell owner and fan. I am one of these people.

Other people, for some reason, tried to make the win look stupid and worthless. Why? I do not know, what is the problem with them. It was just a win of the XBRR.

Does this win makes the XBRR the best racing bike ? Certainly not.

Does this win prove that the XBRR can be competitive ? Yes it does. It won against Ducatis, and this is very important.

I think the important question, would be : Will Buell try to improve the XBRR, or built a new one that could be raced with a factory team in a world series class ?

Noone can really say for sure, unless Erik Buell makes an official statement.

Aprilia's president announced last week that they are racing in WSBK in 2009 and in MotoGP in 3 years. I wish Erik Buell makes a similar announcement soon.
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 06:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Other people, for some reason, tried to make the win look stupid and worthless. Why? I do not know, what is the problem with them.

Vag, you answered your own question in the same post.

I think the important question, would be : Will Buell try to improve the XBRR, or built a new one that could be raced with a factory team in a world series class ?

Noone can really say for sure, unless Erik Buell makes an official statement.

And Buells trick is to keep their adoring fans in the dark on everything. That is the amount of Buells official commitment to public relations. They don't discuss their future plans, be it for production or racing. Buell we are told, have a strict policy that sees ANY employee fired if any information regarding Buells future plans are discussed. Even the dealers selling Buell products and motorcycles are kept in the dark. That's why the XBRR should not represent any form of achievement for the factory. The factory have washed their hands of the XBRR program. Even the bodyparts are unobtainable from Buell. They built a race bike. How many did Buell anticipate would be chucked down the track? Only a handful are actually raced, and Buell can't supply that amount. Frankly, all it appears the factory have done is produce 50 odd racing type motorcycles, and that's it. And only a handful actually race, but not where Buell would have had us believe at the beginning. Those wins in France have NOTHING to do with Buell. Buell made the bike. That is ALL. They deserve little credit beyond that.

No doubt we'll here that Buell are but a small company who make little profit. Buell I believe made around 10 million in profit last time around. Ducati have just announced a 32 million profit. I believe both figures are dollars. I'd bet my grandmothers tea service Buell are much more able to appreciate the fruits of their profit than Ducati are. But Ducati are right behind their racing - even when they're in financial doldrums.

Some would argue that Ducati rely heavily upon sales of race reps based on their racing achievements. Well, Ducati also build the worlds best selling 'streetfighter' - the Monster range. Buell are allegedly a company reliant upon selling 'streetfighter' motorcycles. Where is it then? The rehashed City X or TT. The Ulysses? Not likely what I'd call consistency in motorcycle fashion. Like I said, Buells XB's, the way of cheap production / development package for a home run! Not that there's anything wrong with these bikes, but Buell fans are being sucker punched into believing so much more. Buell don't build for world sales. They build essentially for America. That's the safe seats. Time is now that Buell take on the world. The REAL WORLD. Or as some here would say, "put up or shut up".

Aprilia's president announced last week that they are racing in WSBK in 2009 and in MotoGP in 3 years. I wish Erik Buell makes a similar announcement soon.

Good on him. Great news indeed. Makes me want to buy an Aprilia. You'll be waiting until hell freezes over if you are waiting to hear similar from Erik Buell.

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 07:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Meanwhile back in the US

I personally saw a couple of XBRR's race last weekend in West Virginia with pretty good riders at a CCS/ASRA event.

I also saw them get beat by a rider on a Daytona 675 in one race and beaten by another rider on a 999R in the other.

I could spin a headline like the one in the other thread but it is not necessary.

I also saw "regular" XB's win plenty of other races, read the Buell press release for their take on it.

This weekend there will be a few XBRR's at the AMA Formula Extreme race at Buell's "Home Track", Road America, with some pretty good riders on board.

Enought about France.

PS the 1200 Ducatis are a done deal, see World Superbike Thread for details.
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 09:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Rocketman, you are ignorant and small-minded, an embarassment to all. Your statements are bitter and full of lies. Your prior post is a prime example. I cannot imagine how awful it would be to live in your world, and I pity you.
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 09:57 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I think Erik has been pretty outspoken about racing.

Let me get this right . . . there is someplace or someone on the face of this planet who doesn't know of Erik Buell's passion for racing.

Frankly, I'm not buying it.

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 10:20 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Court, we all know of Erik's passion for racing, although we are all by now equally aware of the parent company's complete lack of interest and comittment to it. Which do you think will win out in the end, the engineers passion or the money men?

The XBRR should be regarded in the same way as Britten and the Saxxon Laverda (only slightly less successful) in that it was a brave attempt to make a 'different' race bike that in the end didn't work in the series it was designed for. A Britten or Saxxon could (and do) still win races at club level but would no longer cut it where it was designed to race originally. It has no relevance to everyday motorcycling or Buell everyday products (despite what the hype would have us believe), so lets move on and look forward to the next generation of Buell race bikes (if there are any).

I would not presume to criticise Pete and the Macadam team in France for what they are doing. I know from experiance just how much harder, more time consuming and more expensive it is to race a Buell than just about any other bike (Ducati excepted), and can only praise their comittment and results. Racing a Buell in Europe is a pretty lonely business.

Aprilia's president announced last week that they are racing in WSBK in 2009 and in MotoGP in 3 years. I wish Erik Buell makes a similar announcement soon.

Good on him. Great news indeed. Makes me want to buy an Aprilia. You'll be waiting until hell freezes over if you are waiting to hear similar from Erik Buell.

I have to agree with Rocket here, although I would have coined it slightly less harshly. Why is it that other manufacturers can come out and tell us what their plans are for 2009 and beyond for racing, yet Buell can't tell us what is happening from one weekend to the next?

You do not become a major force in world racing by being a shrinking violet. If you want to compete against the best in the world then you have to pitch in and race against them. The more you race the more you learn and the more you (should) improve.

There is a term used locally around here that I am sure Rocket is aware of...

Shy bairns get nowt!
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 10:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

"Even the bodyparts are unobtainable from Buell"

Not true. All bodywork is available for the XBRR, in any quantity you should want. If you want a couple of hundred sets, you might have to wait a few months; reasonable quantities are in current inventory, as are essentially all other XBRR parts.

This is the superior pre-preg all carbon-fiber bodywork used on the last production bikes. There's even extremely ultralight versions (true works quality) of it available if you want to pay somewhat more -- you'll have to talk to Henry directly if you want to order that.

And while Ducati's PR has been outstanding recently, any true comparison of a production 2007 Lighting with a production 2-valve Monster or Hypermotard would, I firmly believe, show the Buell with superior performance in acceleration and certainly on the race track. The styling of the Hypermotard limits its airbox volume dramatically, which limits its legal performance. Ducati gets around that by demoing bikes at press launches that are equipped with off-road performance parts, and with much increased noise levels.
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 12:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Rocket has carefully painted himself into a win - win scenario.

If Buell doesn't build a top tier winning race bike in the next few years, he will say "I told you so".

If Buell does build a top tier winning race bike in the next few years, he will say "see, if I hadn't kept poking Erik it would never have happened".

The whole thing is tedious, self absorbed, and unimaginative.
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 12:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

My position remains the same.


Buell will be one of the top names in motorcycling racing over the next 5 years.

I'm willing to concede there will be challenges but no more challenges than it took so see Buell build 10,000 more bikes than John Britten ever built.

Race resources will always be the first to be curtailed when it becomes a race or anything . . be it development or plant expansion.

Buell has too much heart, desire and talent to not be successful. I was there when people, now eating crow, were laughing in 1992. I'll be there to see Buell rise in the ranks of racing.

If Buell had any intention of "abandoning" their long term race goals my bet they would have started by trimming back the racing staff.

You can't have the top talent, combined with burning desire, and not succeed.

It's not easy.

It is certain.

There is a huge difference between a considered contrarian view and to consummate "glass half full" belly aching.

The first thing I do when I form a team I want to win is relieve the team of carrying dead weight. Doubters to the door in the world of Court.

Remind me to tell you the story of building an "impossible" project in the Indian Point Nuclear Plant.

Folks are funny. I'm only in this world for so long, if you need to find me I'll be with the winners.

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 01:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Folks are funny. I'm only in this world for so long, if you need to find me I'll be with the winners.

You'll be buying a Honda then?
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 02:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

>>>You'll be buying a Honda then?

I've had some Hondas and it's not a big secret than one of my best friends was one of Hondas top R&D guys. The stories of him and I meeting in remote place and comparing and riding each others bikes have long ago been archived.

Another one of my good friends is not in charge of the Honda facility in Torrance, CA. . . you've doubtless seen some of the pics I posted of the early NAS, which even they. . . . under their breath. . . admitted taking cues from Buell . . . perimeter brake, exhaust location and such.

Honda will be one of those teams Buell will be joining in the ranks of respected names in racing. There's room at the top.

It's not the names I've become so disgusted here as the attitude. Call me a frickin' sore looser, but I attended college on a sports scholarship and had a real thirst for gold medals . . . I HATED loosing. Even now, at 53 years old, I just completed my first semester at Columbia and there is no way in hell I was NOT going to be #1 ion my class. . . it's an attitude.

To some it's arrogance, to others it's a way of living.

Some folks go through life tippy toeing through, never doing, always content to take others shortcomings to task and talking.

Frankly people who do things are prime targets for such folks. I've got a list of failures, great ideas that have gone into the ground and things I should have never done that would allow someone to spend a lifetime laughing at me and they'd be right about each and every stupid thing I did.

Erik Buell doubtless has tenfold the stupid things (some well chronicled) that I do. You don't know it but a group of Elves saved the world from the goofiest set of motorcycle luggage you can dream of (you can still see it on the USPTO website) in 1995.

Failure has little impact but to redirect, recharge and refocus true winners. When folks asked me what it took to become a consistent gold medal winner, I was quick to answer "having my ass kicked over and over".

I have never met a more focused person than Erik Buell. That alone makes him fodder for the small. Some folks who never intend to climb the mountain, simply live to criticize the climbing techniques and slips along the way of those who've made it to the top.

Erik Buell is also unique in that not only has he climbed the mountain. . . he did it while taking an entire crowd of people with him.

The folks who populate the Buell Racing Department are like minded folks. Henry Duga may not say 15 words in a day. But, the one’s he does are thoughtful, honest, considered and focused.

Resources at Buell are thin for racing. You don't go race to get rich and the old adage "race on Sunday, sell on Monday" frankly holds little verifiable water. Racing, in large part, is an "earned luxury" at Buell and I'm willing to concede that there are, within the ranks of the HD folks, a couple folks who would prefer to see Buell NOT race. . .

Folks are entitled to their own opinions. I have no contention with that . . . but a louder opinion does not obviate mine.

I stand by my guns.


P.S. - what does any of this have to do with my buying a Honda? I've bought many Hondas and will likely buy more. If you haven't bought or ridden a Honda I can highly recommend them. They are every bit as good as a Buell. . . don't let anybody fool you.
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 05:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

A very noble speech, and I do not doubt for a second Erik's, Henry's or any of the other Buell employees passion or comittment for a second.
However, you will find equally comitted people at Honda,Yamaha, Victory,Voxan and every other factory. You will find equally comitted people at every race circuit every weekend racing every conceivable form of motorised transport, so I find it a little patronising to suggest that the only people with 'the passion' are from Buell. Have you stood in a Ducati pit recently?

It is not the amount passion or the commitment that sets winners apart from losers in motorcycle racing, because you'll find tha in equal measure in every garage. First and foremost it is the equipment they have at their disposal to use. Without the tools to do the job it just doesn't get done and all the advertising hype in the world won't make it any better. That is why Honda and the other major players spend so much money and time to get it right, and which reaps benefits in the end.

Even if Erik and his merry band of Elves are twice as passionate and twice as comitted to the cause than Honda etc, unfortunately they still lack the basic tool to do the job and no amount of cheerleading or flag waving can disguise that fact I'm afraid.

Believe me, I will be among the first onto the pit wall to cheer on the WSB/MotoGP Buell when it happens, but I won't hold my breath waiting for it to happen or make excuses for it not happening.

'Race on Sunday, Sell on Monday' is not a luxury but an absolutely prime principle that underpins the biggest players in the motorcycle manufacturing world. Do you think that Honda & Yamaha race for the fun of it,or just to blow a few tax dollars?

It is no coincidence that the best selling bikes worldwide are repli-racers that can be seen winning every weekend from world level right down to lowly club level. The average road rider cannot use even a fraction of the power and handling of the GSXR1000 K7 or even the latest R6/CBR600RR, but they buy them partly because they become riding gods by association. 'If it is good enough for James Toseland to win on Sunday it's good enough for me on Monday' is a strong selling point. Sports bikes sell because of their performance on paper and what they can do on a track. Real road performance may be compromised by this but it sells (The latest R1 is actually a worse road bike than it's predecessor, but that does not stop it selling by the boat load). This is something that H-D/Buell really need to tap into if they are to crack the European and particularly the British market, where the Sports bike is king.

It appears to me that Buell is at an important crossroads in it's history, and one that will decide the future of the company. Does it remain a niche producer of 'eccentric' machines that will hover on the edges of the main stream for the foreseeable future, or do they grasp the bull by the horns and build a sports bike to go head on against the best that the world has to offer, which will also entail proving the bike on track against the current 'pick of the crop'.
There is nothing wrong with either path, and plenty of manufacturers make money in both, but a small manufacturer witha limited product range cannot afford to sit with one foot in each camp, because you end up with a watered down product that neither market wants to buy.
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 06:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Sean (Rocketman),

You've made such silly outlandish statements about the engineering, handling, quality and technology of Buells XBikes before. You were dead wrong then; you remain dead wrong now. Like many folks who are ignorant of what sophisticated high-technology truly entails, you seem to equate high tech with mere complexity (water cooling for example). You have it backwards, dead wrong. I've explained it all to you and others before. You don't listen. You have your opinion and don't care to hear the truth from a well-seasoned engineering professional, someone who's been intimately involved professionally with some of the most advanced structural/mechanical systems both on and off the planet. I know quality and beneficial advanced technology when I see it. I know a thing or two about designing a structure with very specially tailored multi-axis flexibility/rigidity in order to optimize overal structural performance.

You want to know why the chassis of an XBike is so advanced? You might start by taking one for a ride, one with Pirelli tires, one whose suspension has been dialed-in specifically for you. Until then, on the subject of Buell XBikes, you are nothing but a big ignorant bag full of hot air.

No one at Buell or H-D is listening to your arrogant derisive rants as they are entirely lacking in thougtfullness and constructiveness. Maybe some of that is the Yorkshire-Brit to American translation, but you come of as extremely arrogant and rude. If you want to be taken seriously, you might try speaking in more thoughtful and considerate ways; announcing publicly that Buell's engineering is antiquated, its technology outdated, and its product of poor quality, etc, is not any kind of way to garner thoughtful consideration.
It's kind of like you publicly preaching to a family that their children are dirtly ugly retarded morons then expecting them to thoughtfully consider any of your further criticism.

You've never even ridden a new XBike. You are not qualified to comment on their performance, expecially their handling. Is it really that confounding to you how a sport bike with chassis geometry akin to that of a 250GP racing machine can outhandle those of more conventional design? DUH!

Once again you bring up the America issue. You may not like it, but that is a solid selling point. Why would Buell NOT take advantage of it?
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 06:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Matt, Buell will scale those heights of world racing me thinks. I just takes time. Mr. Honda did not announce in 1957 that he was going to take on and win the TT in a few years no he waited until he was ready and then did it.

Ducati did not reach the heights of world racing 15 years after the company started building bikes. Something more like 25. Buell is only 15 years old. Yes we are celebraing 25 years of Buells next year but the first two attempts ended in fiscal failure. The company we are talking about built it's first bike in what 1993?

I also love everyone telling Erik and H-D how to run a business. Erik is pretty much alone in what he has attempted and succeeded in doing. As far as product secrecy is concerned, i have to say that if it was such a very bad idea than the one motorcycle company that takes it seriously would be the one in the worst shape not the best.

As far as the XBRR being a failure.. well in some ways it is but the book is not yet closed is it? People are still racing them in FX and perhaps they will still come good. Remember the goal was not to dominate the factory teams but to give the privateers a competitve bike to race.
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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 07:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

It's kind of like you publicly preaching to a family that their children are dirtly ugly retarded morons

You've met my kids then?

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 07:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I never measure success by medals of any metal. Nor trophies in a cupboard.

I'm proud of being a loser.

These books I read at an age of around 10 or 11, over and over. They represent the building blocks of a 35 year journey.

learning from books

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Posted on Friday, June 01, 2007 - 08:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

From those books to this day, my trophy I can hold in my hand.


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