Massive destruction, yes. Success? Slow and expensive.
I don't expect the Ukrainian Army to try and hold the Kursk Oblast, just turn it over to the U.N. to let them vote to return to Russia or stay free. I expect they will return, it's a farming area. Not enough resources to be independent.
While I'm not a big fan of FDR in many ways, he did recognize that the U.S. military was starved for funding and horribly under equipped. Training with trucks marked "tank" and broom sticks for machine guns.
What most don't understand is the long lead times on anything heavy like artillery, years for ships, months for just the artillery shells we give away. If there's a contract.
And the electronics industry has to be built from digging foundations for the factories to build the chip machines to build the electronics. It's been outsourced for years.
A program requested by the previous administration to start making domestic chips, has been delayed by legal challenges by the "Greenie" wing of the Party and ignored by the "Pro-Chinese Dictatorship" wing, and like biblical "angels" they've got a lot of wings and eyes and terrifying to behold.
While pundits question the counter invasion, they miss the simple and potentially devastating ploy of temporarily rescuing all these Russians from Putin, telling them they're going to be reconquered by Putin's forces, since Ukraine has no intention of keeping the territory, and giving every subject an AK-74 to protect themselves when the Ukrainians withdraw.
Also the smart thing for the Ukrainian Invaders is to refuse to defend the freed towns so Putin's forces don't shell them into rubble.
And make sure the locals understand that strategy to preserve their lives. Suggest they hide the guns and not resist the inevitable re-conquest, save their towns and wait for the chance to resist effectively. Sabotage the Putin regime transportation system, etc.
In WW2, in Occupied Norway, the Hitlerites lined up the adult males in towns where Resistance fighters had operated and decimated them in the town square. Killed one in ten. Lather, rinse in blood, repeat. This cut down local assistance to the Resistance, bad blood for decades after the war, broke up families, lingering resentment. Just 5 years of Occupation.
It's more than a century of Bad Blood in Ukraine. Genocide, Russification, Conquest, Re-Conquest, more Genocide...
The Ukrainian nazis have no intention (or ability) of keeping the territory, they have intention just to execute terrorists attacks.
Russia freed 18% of the territory previously known and the Ukrainian territory from the Ukrainian nazis while the Ukrainian terrorists groups were found on 0,008 % of the Russian territory.
Russia already started eliminating the US made jet fighters USA provided to the Ukrainian terrorists. Congratulation on another not successful attempt to support the terrorists.
Posted on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 - 06:29 pm:
Except that they are removing remnants of the soviet occupation, not destroying soviet stuff in russia. The russians did a pretty good job of that themselves in the early 90s.
Posted on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 - 06:30 pm:
You can not be occupied if you live in the same country. If it would be occupied the Soviet would not build factories and another stuff in that land. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.
It is more like the current generation of the Ukrainians live under occupation because of their live turned to shit after leaving the Soviet Union.
Posted on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 - 06:40 pm:
Meanwhile the morgues in Poltava received more than 700 bodies within the last couple days. That's quite a lot of the Ukrainian nazys Russia eliminated in one single strike!
Posted on Thursday, September 05, 2024 - 08:40 am:
It was their choice to once again be independent of the soviets. It was the soviets who turned their lives to shit, and it is now the russians doing the same. Same actors, of course, just different characters.
Posted on Thursday, September 05, 2024 - 10:28 am:
You are lying. People in Crimea live better with Russia than they lived with Ukraine. They have more work, they have new better infrastructure, they do not deal with the Ukrainian nazis anymore when someone from Kiev can discriminate you because of you speak Russian.
You definitely have no idea what you are talking about.