Author |
Message |
| Posted on Friday, April 19, 2024 - 07:44 am: |
| -cov-2-prove-were-living-in-a-simulation-n3786753 |
| Posted on Friday, April 19, 2024 - 01:04 pm: |
Skynet is born e-confirms-first-successful-ai-dogfight |
| Posted on Friday, April 19, 2024 - 01:55 pm: |
On the plus side, those caught in the nuclear blast will die a quick death... |
| Posted on Friday, April 19, 2024 - 02:01 pm: |
Fallout Boy thumb rule. |
| Posted on Friday, April 19, 2024 - 02:11 pm: |
I'm outside the blast zone. Which kinda sucks, because radiation death sucks big time. |
| Posted on Sunday, April 21, 2024 - 01:17 am: |
| 20/bombshell-revelation-reveals-who-pushed-for-cov id-vaccine-passports-despite-knowing-they-were-a-s cam-n2638059 For the atomic apocalypse, you've probably been fed half truths. It's better, and worse, than the official line. For solid advice, the following novel & other work by the Author is suggested. g_Through Also Jerry Pournelle, not just for survival advice, he was a Hugo winner and part of the original Strategic Defense Initiative brain storming. |
| Posted on Monday, April 22, 2024 - 02:43 am: |
| -ev-bubble-bursts.php |
| Posted on Monday, April 22, 2024 - 11:51 pm: |
| has-earthday-climate-change-reality-checks-guarant eed-to-trigger-serial-alarmists-n2395394 |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 07:44 am: |
| ower-dog-robot-n2395431 Why do all the verify I'm human questions have me identify Sarah Conner? |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 08:26 am: |
Time to bring this thread back on topic. Word is, the John Snow spinoff has been shelved. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 02:58 pm: |
Aww! I was hoping it would have the redhead Wilding. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 04:13 pm: |
Uh. She is dead. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 - 05:32 pm: |
| sing-autopilot-mode-charged-vehicular-homicide-dea th-motorcyclist Autopilot is not FSD. It is nowhere near as smart. Not the same software. The author is apparently ignorant of this fact. Still, no excuse. Cover the brake and stay off your damn phone. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 03:10 pm: |
Re: John Snow show, I was hoping for a "prequel?" slice of time, expanded? More cave with hot spring? The panic reaction to any automated driving aid is not new. When basic speed holding cruise control came out people complained it would lead to people falling asleep at the wheel, driving off the road at speed and dying. That does happen. Heck, tire pressure sensors CAN mean you neglect to bother to check, manually, relying on the car's computer, and you get away with that most of the time. A low tire pressure crash is unlikely to get a lot of media attention, since the causal factors get lost in the mess. I've spent a Lot of time reading & thinking about, pilot/driver safety, and the common factor in crashes is a cascade of events based on one poor choice. I'm Awarrrre that I have a limited computational/observational capacity. So I use the ( old or new ) cruise control to relieve me of the need to constantly monitor speed, and devote my limited intellect more to collision avoidance and situational awareness. Plus the idea that I should get fewer speeding tickets by mistake, if I let my speed creep up without thinking. Every distraction or additional task lowers the available mental capacity to react. This is really obvious when you are learning to drive, and have to think about the muscle action to accomplish every task. As you self automate steering and other functions, you get theoretically safer, as more attention can be devoted to collision avoidance and navigation, and, and,... Bottom line is you are correct... Still, no excuse. Cover the brake and stay off your damn phone. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 03:25 pm: |
| ng-away-privacy-in-blink-of-eye I am appalled. This camera, using AI, strips the subject of basic human dignity. Imagine the gall of the developers. They have programmed an AI to ASSUME SOMEONE's GENDER! |
| Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 03:26 pm: |
Huh. I can post apostrophe from MS Edge on a PC, but not from an iPhone. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 06:15 pm: |
I'm frankly astonished that browsers work at all. Everything Microsoft for years has been broken by the earliest versions where programmers took advantage of bad writing/errors in Windows to accomplish what the OS wouldn't do. So Microsoft couldn't fix the original problems without infuriating the biggest paying customers. Some of that lousy code persists to this day. ( one of the programs exploiting the errors is Office/Excel, btw ) Browsers have the same problem. Old code has to be supported. Browsers have to deal with web site design software written by multiple idiots, and a few geniuses. ( Most browsers, by far, today, are altered copies of Mozilla ) The one I'm using right now is Silk. Which offloads the need for memory and power to the servers, breaking each page into chunks it assembles for display. It has serious problems with lots of pages. Oddly, I can type- post my own apostrophes. It's not a problem. But I have to edit/cull them to cut & paste a sentence. My Opinion is a lot of it is Google. By layering censor and spy code, the "evil pays" company has forced web page design software to compromise brevity and clarity to get through the Chinese government & EU mandated spyware. But I could be wrong.  |
| Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024 - 06:43 pm: |
Well, they finally dropped support for activex. Even ms has hopped on board with an html5 only browser (edge is built on the same code base as chrome - chromium). |
| Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 07:10 am: |
| l-is-ugly |
| Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 07:19 am: |
| l-more-co2-warm-the-atmosphere.php |
| Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 07:43 am: |
If, I repeat, If, we've exceeded the saturation point of CO2 to increase greenhouse effect, ( not certain, heresy to test ) then burning all the cities and people would just cause cooling from smoke particulate, just as volcanoes do. But it's solid that temperatures rise and CO2 is released from the seas, In That Order, with verified, Cause And Effect. Truth is Blasphemy. Basically the entire Global Warming Cult is a violation of the First Amendment, tithing us for someone else's religion. Argue religion vs. cult? I await a better definition than "Agree/believe one is legit and the other isn't" since every new religion is therefore a cult, including the followers of Christ and Mohammed. Mohammed's creed is that His is the Last Word of god and everything since is an evil cult. Which resonates with, for example, Facebook buying or destroying all competition for it's income and your attention. That Global Warming is a religion, or cult, is basic, revealed deeper truth of the reality than everyone else. Prophets, heretics, demonic ( demonized ) enemies. |
| Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 09:02 am: |
| say-daily-showers-arent-necessary-n2395544 Not only should smelly people shower, they should use a clean towel. I'm not defending the busybody types regardless of ideology, but it seems that the crazy is deep on one side. Obese is beautiful, stink is natural, biology is irrelevant, cow farts kill the planet, and racism is Everything. Wth? |
| Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 09:22 am: |
We will never reach saturation with co2, even with a 100% co2 atmosphere. But we are already effectively at 100% saturation. The curve never ends. Combined with water vapor, which overlaps co2 in the absorption spectrum, there is simply no more energy available for absorption in any meaningful sense. |
| Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2024 - 10:00 am: |
By saturation, I mean 100% of the infrared radiation from the Earth is reflected back in the frequencies ( a very narrow hand ) affected by CO2. I'M NOT Certain that it's true we reached that limit, ( 1970s? I need to read that paper ) beyond which more CO2 makes no difference. But I do know from the Vostok ice core results and pretty solid research, that when the seas warmed, naturally, they dump CO2 into the air. In that order. (Message edited by Aesquire on April 27, 2024) |
| Posted on Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 02:17 pm: |
| Speed controlled cars. Option to disable for a while.. |
| Posted on Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 02:31 pm: |
~ By saturation, I mean 100% of the infrared radiation from the Earth is reflected back in the frequencies ( a very narrow hand ) affected by CO2. Yes. We are effectively there. It will never be 100%. The curve gets really close, on out to infinity, but never hits 100. Think calculus and limits. And do not forget that co2 and water vapor overlap. We are likely at max absorption in their frequency regardless of co2 concentration. Hence the complete disconnect between global temperatures and co2 concentrations in the historical record. |
| Posted on Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 03:50 pm: |
Hence the complete disconnect between global temperatures and co2 concentrations in the historical record. I get your point on !00%. The Historical record is to be fair, a bit coarse, The Vostok Ice core data is over long periods of time and from centuries ago. You don't get the daily or yearly numbers accurately. But the long term is fairly clear, and the coarse time scale is actually pretty clear on Cause & Effect. Earth on average warms, Seas Warm, THEN CO2 rises. Very Clear, millennia after millennia. Completely Understood Physics, just slowly open cold & warm bottles of soda pop and see which has more gas pressure, then see which goes flat faster. ( you can go by memory, if you like, and just drink it cold. ) |
| Posted on Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 04:53 pm: |
Precisely. An Inconvenient Truth has it precisely backwards. Temperature leads co2 changes, not the other way around. |
| Posted on Sunday, April 28, 2024 - 04:55 pm: |

| Posted on Monday, April 29, 2024 - 07:55 am: |
| g-scientists-discover-carbon-storing-material/ Nothing could possibly go wrong with changing the atmosphere and killing all the plants, then oxygen breathing life on the planet. |