Nice spin. If a Russian and an American were in a foot race, the Russians would say that the Russian came in second and the American came in next to last. They are much better at propaganda than we ever were.
When Barry the Weasel supported the coup attempt in Syria, I was against it.
Not because I'm a fan of Assad, the murderous thug, but because they were an ally of Russian and the Russian's only warm water port, albeit a foreign one.
( alternate 2002-4 timeline speculation ) I also, back when Bush the Younger was killing Obama's friends in droves as the Iranian Mullahs and Assad sent jihadi and weapons across the Border to murder Iraqi civilians, wanted us to put troops on the borders, and burn the bodies of the Jihadi in smoke signals to the Iranian and Syrian thugs. But also a BIG middle finger to the lying sacks who "speak for the Muslims" who claimed, lying through their teeth that the Jihadis weren't "real Mualims". ( Because it's a big sin to be cremated and you don't get to Paradise, which would be fine if you took the lying sacks at their word, since we wouldn't be cremating real Muslims )
Oh, and I'd have sent the bulk of my troops to the Iranian Border, as soon as Saddma's holdouts were elimintated, and it devolved into a "Nation Building" excreticise, to Burn the Mullah's and their Pretorian Guard, freeing millions MORE people in the region. Hindsight tells us that would have saved hundred of thousands of lives in Iran, Iraq, and the other countries the Mullahs are terrorizing with proxy wars. Zero doubt that would have been a major good,
But, some A--ho- at the CIA decided to commit treason, and "leak" with his D Party Media and Klan Party Pols, the fact that an Invasion of Iran was a possibility. Whoever that %^&$# is, is responsible for so much death, including American servicemen, that only becoming a Galley Slave to 1790's Barbary Pirates is enough punishment. Maybe.
But I wouldn't have invaded Syria. Not just because of the Russian fleet base, but because Assad was keeping a lid on the Jihadi in Syria, if only to keep his own Clan in power.
There are circumstances where I would agree with conquering Syria, but it would have to be a multinational effort that gave the Kurds a homeland, which means we'd have had to Free Iran first to make it all work. Also you'd need a plague to sweep Congress and the State Dept. to eliminate the commie Jew hating anti Christian types, because they'd plotz when the King of Jordan got onboard and hung the entire PLO.
I'm pretty sure that we could have got an agreement with Czar Putin for a Syrian base and free passage into the Med, ( as part of the realignment and deal with Turkey for the Kurdish border ) and since I'm assuming a roughly 2003 timeline, or at least the Deals starting to be made in '03, the current President For Life in Turkey would never have come to power, either.
( You can see why I'd wish a very cruel fate on the CIA traitor )
Oh, and with a clear shot at the Med, Putin probably wouldn't have invaded Ukraine in 2014. Depending on, of course, if Barack Obama hadn't exchanged the Crimea for a delay to get reelected.
And back to Ukraine, I'm all in favor of rounding up a bunch of Russian Propaganda Minions and put them to work burying the bodies of the Russian Citizens Putin sent to their deaths, and Putin sent to be tried for War Crimes.
But, that would require a much broader war that would kill a lot of civilians, mostly Russian civilians, ( since Putin would use them as Human Shields ) and I'm not in favor of that horrible war.
And not just for Humanitarian reasons. The Clinton, Obama, and Biden* regimes have wrecked our military.
and even The Bad Orange Man only got started on making NATO useful and well equipped.
Maybe if he'd had another 3+ years? Ironically, Putin's War has accelerated that revival of NATO, despite the Biden* regime scum's best efforts at breaking up NATO in favor of a EU kleptocracy that would be worse than useless, even cooperative, in a Russian conquest. I'd bet Putin's War wouldn't have happened if Joe* hadn't been made resident.
I did notice Putin's "short victorious war" only happened AFTER the Ukrainians elected a reform candidate who was a threat to the folk who gave the Biden* Crime family tens of million$.
A Russian General once said he didn't want to fight Americans because we don't follow our own doctrine.
U.S. Doctrine has pages and pages of detailed siruation/response instructions. But the introduction tells the soldier to use initiative and take advantage of the chaos of War. My retired Marine buddy's training was to analyze the situation, then attack. Do something, anything, even if it's sub-optimal, because sitting still gets you killed by artillery.
A couple of centuries of experience in America's oldest fighting forces shows that usually works. ( the Marines predate the Navy and Army, despite their Purpose being to go on Navy ships to fight. Seems like they had priorities straight in the 18th century. )
Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 12:57 pm:
"Congress needs to investigate what's happened here, and whether we have adequate tools to make sure foreign policy is conducted by the government and not by one billionaire," Warren, D-Mass., said Monday
Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 04:22 pm:
She is an idiot. Musk is not making foreign policy. He is determining what his company assets may be used for. The US does not own, operate, or in any way manage, the starlink satellites, and politicians should have no expectation that they can do so. Idiot is not strong enough.
Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 - 06:44 pm:
Pretty much a Given that if Musk hadn't bought Twitter and announced there's no more censoring, ( there still is ) that this refusing to allow his product to attack Occupied territory would be Highly Praised for not escalating. A total 180 attitude shift from the Party Media.
I don't rate Warren as a credible source for anything. Nor the Party Propagandist who "interviewed" her.
I believe Elon Musk more than you. So there was a US government attempt to support the Ukrainian nazi so they can attack the sink the Russian fleet using the Starlink.
Except the Nazi part. Because they are not. That is just propaganda you have bought.
I have to edit my posts three or four times each time I try to post something. It is amazing how often I use an apostrophe in simple sentences even knowing that I cannot. I must be dumber than I look.
Ukrainian nazi eliminated the headquarter of the Russian fleet. I guess Ukraine is going to be nuked soon. As alternative Russia can nuke the UK or USA who supplied the rockets to the Ukrainian nazi for this attack.
If you've been victim of the miseducation system of commie core or the older dumbing down policies, then you need to educate yourself, and the old fables like the frog & scorpion, are a good place to start.
If you're a parent and you never read to your kids? You deserve the contempt you get from ungrateful brats, and, you don't care about mine. But you'll end up alone and despised.
Aesops fables and now forbidden classics like Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, etc. are a start.
It's actually helpful that the Karen book banners ( who today are lying about Republicans who aren't ) of Any Party have provided a handy list of books you & your kids should read to thwart their goals. And raise smart, Aware Citizens.
The Canadian government is run by marxists/communists more concerned with diversity and inclusion than competence. Just like ours. And not because they really care, but because it drives a wedge.
For 6+ years the Clinton Campaign mantra of "Russia, Russia, Russia!" accusing her political Enemy of being a minion of the dictatorship her family took 45+ millions in bribes to approve the Uranium One Deal, has shifted the balance of power in the world, especially Europe.
They want you to forget Barry on open Mic asking the President of Russia to ask his boss, Barry's good friend Vladimir, to hold off on his plans until after Barry's reelection. ( and Vladimir politely did wait to invade Ukraine )
Today the mantra is Nazi, Nazi, Nazi! from the Putin Propaganda machine. You'd think that they're all using the same script writers. You'd be right.
Goebells, Wilson... Clinton, Putin...
I've read various editorials blasting Zelenskyy for being ungrateful for the generous support, blah, blah.
Germany and the Biden* regime both promised weapons that were delayed and delayed, which seems a good reason to complain, despite other support, but you can spin that several ways.
The biggest problem is that the "Western Powers" seem happy to let Ukrainian and Russian people die in great numbers while they play internal politics and accuse their political enemies of being Russian Lovers or Nazi Lovers , depending upon the Agitprop of the day and the ruling groups.
Consider honestly what claim the Putin Empire has upon a soldier who fought against the former Soviet State in a foreign country? There's no alleged crime, just overtly uniformed military vs. their Army. Not anything any rational international law would consider worthy of extradition.
Poland, otoh, has a standing grievance against the SS unit Hunka is alleged to have been a member of. War crimes & genocide.
I don't dispute the allegations that Hunka was in that unit. Nor can I confirm. I don't know if he had anything to do with Poland. I know several from those German run units moved to Canada to avoid being murdered by the Soviets.
But I do understand the desire to investigate if he did have anything to do with crimes against humanity in Poland.
There's zero reason behind lying agitprop for Putin to care.
Lying Agitprop, and murdering rivals, or critics, is Putin SOP.