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| Posted on Thursday, September 08, 2022 - 08:00 am: |
| urn-of-the-ice-age.php What did regressives use to heat their homes before dried human dung? Nuclear power & natural gas. Yes, Germany is at least 3 months before they actually start executing people for burning wood, to keep alive. By my guess. It's possible rational thought might happen. But I'm going to make a prediction. The people of Germany bought out ALL the wood stoves this Summer. Odds are that there will be a Spike in house fires from poor installation. Definitely a Spike in deaths from CO poisoning. I won't even guess at the number killed by cold. When New York bans gasoline powered vehicles for purchase, mirroring California, that will utterly ruin car dealerships and every job at one. Because of past land prices, locally we have a few main roads that have sections where it's car dealer after car dealer, for miles. As the suburbs expanded, the farm land on either side of the highway became car dealers and Pizza Huts and Burger King and Industrial expansion into cheap land. While behind them, in New tracts, housing. It's your guess what will replace the car dealers. Miles of them and every brand bigger than Ferrari is on The Strip. Toyota to Masarati, plus multiple used car lots in the smaller older spaces, all the way from the Old City limits to open farmland, and the middle class neighborhoods stretching out behind. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 08, 2022 - 08:15 am: |
Since the big mall locally is being converted into a medical center with a Few shops and stores, I'm guessing the car dealers will become government welfare centers where they can park FEMA trailers. Because there's no steam grates left over from 19th century cutting edge city design out in the windswept suburbs. Tents won't cut it in the Cold Lands. I just got my monthly letter from my power company comparing my energy use to my neighbors. Unsurprisingly, I'm the cheapskate. I can safely say I use less energy in a year than the people screwing me with the Con use in a week. The guys who fly to Cabo to eat caviar and lecture us on our sins burn more fuel in one day. I'm not envious. I'm smoldering. And the NYDEC may ban wood stoves... Because of air pollution in New York City. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 08, 2022 - 08:18 am: |
A new business will spring up. Dealers will sell cars to straw buyers, they’ll sit on them fir six months, then sell them as used cars in the newly created vast used car market in states where you can’t buy one new. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 08, 2022 - 08:29 am: |
That's brilliant! Technically, since a lot of new car sales are delayed... Ford for example could just declare the cars a year Old when delivered! My sister has had her Palisade on order for over a year. My Toyota took 4-5 months, and they have one car in the empty showroom. It's used. For your amusement 498707968 |
| Posted on Thursday, September 15, 2022 - 07:39 am: |
| en-energy-will-bankrupt-us.php I think a global economic meltdown is possible as a result of “green” fantasies. I don’t mean just a recession or garden-variety depression, I mean a collapse in which homes can’t be heated, lights don’t go on, agriculture is devastated resulting in acute food shortages, a generation’s accumulated wealth vanishes, civilization begins to break down, and hundreds of millions of people–maybe more–may die. “Green” energy doesn’t mean unicorns and fairies frolicking in meadows. It means grim, fatal dystopia. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 15, 2022 - 09:33 am: |
| t-believe-whos-giving-up-on-green-energy-n1629465 The brutal truth is 100% renewable power is possible for a wealthy elite. But only them. Everyone else is subject to the very unpleasant real world. Now, if you're an Off Grid Guy with a home in the Hills with solar panels and a sweet spring up the hill, who grows his own food and has CHOSEN a life of minimum impact on the planetary environment, fine. I'm a bit envious, and I bet you don't think of yourself as a "wealthy elite". I understand that. You made different life choices and priorities, very unlike the millionaire ecofakes with multiple mansions, a Tesla plugged in at every beach house to virtue signal and a yacht parked where you don't pay taxes and servants to do your labor while you focus on your Important Business. I'd argue you ( The Off Grid Guy ) made better choices and are absolutely a wealthy elite. If completely different than the Running Dog Capitalist Exploiter. You sure aren't the Third World Peasant the New Liberal Order wants you to be. Heck, I'm A wealthy elite. I worked myself to crippled to get a modest house, ( nevermind it's owned by the bank ) own a great motorcycle, a canoe, a tractor older than the neighbors with kids, a great library, and usually manage at least a 3 figure bank balance! ( ok, low 3 figures ) I'm so much better off than so many. |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - 05:45 am: |
| energy-war Don't be fooled by recent Media lies. The War on Energy/War on Western Civilization, by the Soviet Union, ( now the Putin Empire/Russian Thugocracy ) has been ongoing since the 1960s, when the KGB started the Green Party to conquer Europe. We'll see how many die in Germany and other EU subjects this winter. And the number murdered by policy world wide by The Greens will rise A Lot, this next year. next-green-starvation.php All this deep ploy assault got leaked soon after the Iron Curtain fell, and KGB officers who were not Putin buddies fled the country with boxes of files to trade with Western governments in exchange for protection against having their families murdered by the New Regime. And a tiny window in time the archives in Russia were open to view. Before the doors were slammed and the slow to escape were slaughtered in publicly bragged about "suicide". This summer isn't the start of Russian elites out of favor "killing themselves and their families" as Russia Media " reports". It's just the latest murders. See Sri Lanka and Green Starvation Policy. Canada to follow. The number murdered by the Greens may exceed the hundreds of millions next year. Shouldn't be a surprise. These "people" have been scolding the world for years about overpopulation and their plans to cull the Servant Races that dare to want electricity, clean water, air conditioning, and economic development. |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 - 06:40 am: |
| f-the-drones/ A few decades ago the U.S. Navy was looking at "arsenal" ships to augment our naval power. Essentially a ship with propulsion, a tiny crew section, real good communication gear, and nothing else. Except a big flat deck covered in vertical launch cells with whatever mix the Brass thought useful when loading and refueling when preparing to cycle out to the Fleet. The Arsenal ship tackled two problems the Navy has. It's cheaper and faster to build than a cruiser or destroyer with expensive radar and sensors and the gear needed to do multiple roles. Ships ready to defend a Carrier group, or city from missile attack, find & kill submarines, and often, park in the harbor of a city devastated by a disaster to feed power, relief aid, communication, etc. And the brutal math of missile combat. If your target can stop 10 missiles a minute for 20 minutes? No problem, shoot 50 missiles a minute at them, and they die. Arsenal ships wouldn't have the expensive sensors, the big crew, the long lead times. Just be a mobile platform that would sail with the Aegis ships and be able to shoot hundreds of anti-air, anti-ship, and ground following cruise missiles. I've heard of war gaming tactics like using the Arsenals on the threat side of the formation, to defend against incoming missiles and bombers, while the ones on the other side volley cruise missiles at the enemy ships, air bases, and C3 sites. Unfortunately, we didn't build any. Budget cuts meant buying one meant not buying a multi role ship needed to replace the old ones we still have built during the Korean war that are far less capable. Looks like "Liberty Ship"* drone carriers might be the Bargain price replacement, and be lower profile targets you might conceal where an obvious warship cannot go unnoticed. * Not actually WW2 Liberty ships, probably. More modern, generic container ship types, perhaps. |
| Posted on Friday, September 23, 2022 - 03:24 pm: |
| /amazons-green-future-is-ablaze-as-company-nixes-a ll-solar-rooftops-over-fires-n2613519?utm_campaign =rightrailsticky1 Before you start pushing a band wagon of Solar Explodes, I point out that the insanely rich guy who runs Amazon is an infamous cheapskate who will fire minimum wage workers for going to the bathroom. So it's not surprising he bought the cheapest solar deal possible to virtue signal how Green he is from his super yacht. ( But you bet your sweet life his yacht's solar stuff is premium top shelf ) And along with buying the cheapest gear, I'd bet cash he hired the lowest bidder, and another pizza bet they were not Union Electricians. And never spent a penny on maintaining the stuff. The real pity is he was never in danger like his wage slaves are. |
| Posted on Sunday, September 25, 2022 - 11:39 am: |
| buzzed-nearly-2000-times-in-just-two-months-raisin g-a-mystery Obviously, it's intergalactic spam. We just don't have the modem codes to get the ads for tentacle enhancement products. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 - 08:52 am: |
| 1249.html How many tons of copper per wind generator? |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 - 09:09 am: |
| lity-bites-wind.php The Biden* Crime Family sold Cobalt mining to the CCP, just as the Clinton Crime Family sold Uranium One to Russia. -chinese-purchase-cobalt-mine But that's Just, Just Joe* getting his cut on screwing you. It's not Spice, but no different to control the raw materials for power. The literally isn't enough of the essential elements mined to make the Batteries and wind farms for their Electric Utopia. Not if you want in. And you're not invited. Luckily, the Way Has Been Spoken at the recent WEF. Don't worry about being a Slave to the Elites. They have no intention of following that obsolete economic model. Keeping slaves alive is expensive and reduces profits. There will be no responsibility in your direction. You're on your own, and if you don't want to die, your choice, you'll rent Company apartments and eat Company food from Company chow halls. They are creating the Cyberpunk Dystopia without the heroes. VR, drugs, bread, circuses, and you'll live in Their Cities. Or not at all. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 29, 2022 - 06:12 pm: |
Suppose the country went totally "green" with no "fossil fuels", relying only on solar panels and windmills with only electric cars, trucks and emergency vehicles. No fuel fired backup generators. Then the hurricane hits. G |
| Posted on Friday, September 30, 2022 - 06:50 am: |

| Posted on Friday, September 30, 2022 - 06:59 am: |

| Posted on Friday, September 30, 2022 - 09:19 am: |
| |
| Posted on Friday, September 30, 2022 - 10:53 am: |
| oid-crash-through-the-eyes-of-webb-and-hubble-tele scopes/ NASA can do good science, except when it involves climate which is funding related. Not good at running an airline as proven by the Shuttle program. But you can blame Congress for sticking them with a handful of compromised experimental craft, and denying the funds to build a second generation. In automobile analogy, the Air Force wanted a Super Duty pickup truck. NASA wanted to build Model Ts. Congress insisted on funding steam carriages, that threw away half the boilers when the coal ran out. ( which made them very expensive to operate ) By now, we should have had Model A pickups in mass production,by the late 1980's, which would have been replaced by the start of the 21st century by V-8 Flathead trucks of multiple configurations, ( tank trucks, cargo trucks, buses, ) and some competitive designs by other companies cashing in on the growing Space Industry wealth. Dodge Power Wagons mining asteroids and preventing future Dinosaur Killer impacts, and Detroit Diesels moving heavy cargo to & from the L-5 O'Neill colonies. Instead we have a NASA rocket that leaks. An Amazon delivery van using Soviet engines and no restrooms. ( but they couldn't buy new engines from Russia anymore, the Putin-Obama Invasion of Ukraine in 2014 stopped that, and the new engines, nice ones,( hopefully) btw, are made in Alabama. ) Neither has actually hauled cargo into orbit. Oh, and an African-American immigrant has some very nice rockets! I'm not knocking the folk at Blue Origin for taking a cautious, incremental approach. They've almost caught up to 1949 Von Braun plans, with a beginning Space Tourist program for rich people to experience free fall on an up and down hop. Seriously, landing rockets is a LOT harder than just launching them. Full credit for that. I'm just being bitchy because I was promised a honeymoon at the Lunar Hilton. |
| Posted on Friday, September 30, 2022 - 11:08 am: |
| ivists-attacking-fertiliser-use-food-mass-producti on/ Mass starvation of the peasants certainly will help with overpopulation. Theoretically. All you need is an utter callous disregard for human life and suffering, a willingness to embrace genocide and mass murder, and a religious zeal to excuse any crime against humanity. |
| Posted on Friday, September 30, 2022 - 02:13 pm: |
....until the hungry (armed) masses decide enough is enough... |
| Posted on Friday, September 30, 2022 - 06:10 pm: |
For Tesla fans usk-says-cybertrucks-can-serve-briefly-as-a-boat/ As a Halo player, I rather like the Tesla truck. If he offered a Van with Star Trek shuttle styling, I'd already be on the waiting list. My "objections" to electric cars are based on Big Picture problems. Not range or Appleplay compatibility. If the range fits your needs, enjoy. The Big Picture problems are already coming true. See the California disaster zone. If you want E-vehicles, you Absolutely Need a few big things. More power generation to charge them. The only rational way is nuclear, which is a subject of it's own. Every other power generating system will take longer and pollute More. You do remember pollution? Charging stations. That's a problem solved best by running dog capitalism. It will happen organically, unless the Government takes charge, then you won't be able to. Pollution. Big problem. Ties in with... Evil Regimes supplying resources. You might think the last 70 odd years with oil and OPEC and Putin would make that obvious, but half the people are below average and too many in D.C. are invested in Evil Regimes. Just ask Joe*. And Barack. To this day we can only guess who paid his way through college and politics. |
| Posted on Saturday, October 01, 2022 - 01:37 am: |
I like to think my car is a multifuel vehicle; natural gas, coal, oil, wind, solar, nuclear - if you can make electricity with it, I can charge my car with it.  |
| Posted on Saturday, October 01, 2022 - 09:18 am: |
They just had Skynet day at Tesla. Humanoid robots that don't need orders. That won't go wrong! And a nifty graphics series explaining how everything their cars see is processed, and stored in the master system. Makes SHIELD look primitive. And the Cyberdyne chip we might want to toss in molten steel is called Dojo. Gotta give Elon credit for branding! Dojo is a great name on multiple levels. As I point out repeatedly, the question of the 21st century is, "Building the unstoppable killing machine was a good idea in which movie?". Seems like a race between I Robot & Jurassic Park, & On The Beach. With Dr. Strangelove in a bad crossover with Hydra. |
| Posted on Saturday, October 01, 2022 - 09:29 am: |
You missed the entire point of Tesla building a humanoid robot. Musk fears AI. Since someone will eventually do it, he wants to do it first, and do it in a way that will not result in skynet. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 02, 2022 - 09:02 am: |
| 10/02/the-coming-green-electricity-nightmare-n2613 860 |
| Posted on Sunday, October 02, 2022 - 09:03 am: |
Elon is going to build the Iron Legion to protect us from Ultron? Or is he Forbin, building Colossus? Or is he going to copy his mind into the internet? No way that could go wrong!
| Posted on Monday, October 03, 2022 - 06:24 am: |
Regarding that Townhall article, Oh, boy, the Gubbermint being in charge of power distribution, like in North Korea and Cuba! As far as compelling more distribution lines, how will they deal with the NIMBYs that would sue to stop them? Send in the FBI? Only if there are any agents not already busy monitoring school board meetings. |
| Posted on Monday, October 03, 2022 - 08:36 am: |
| istas-attack-on-farmers-is-part-of-a-long-history/ |
| Posted on Monday, October 03, 2022 - 09:21 am: |
| ro-emission-vehicle-mandate/ 13 years is plenty of time to develop electric semi truck tractors and not kill millions with starvation as the supply chain collapses. Say the people with armored limos. There's a wee problem with electric cars that the rich don't care about, and that is how you charge yours in a city where you live in an apartment and don't have a garage with power to lock it in at night. I live next to a city where an unoccupied house is very likely to have a basement full of water after thieves strip the pipes and wires. I'm not talking just abandoned houses, but also ones where the owners went on vacation. You think extension cords are going to be there in the morning? There's a lot of copper in a charging cable. These are 'hoods where the Police tell you to not leave anything in your car or it will have broken windows. Where I worked for decades. They haven't improved, even though the local DA beat the Soros funded pro crime candidate. Those who Virtue Signal for their rich peers don't care about the peasants. Although they use less flattering terms for you. |
| Posted on Monday, October 03, 2022 - 01:22 pm: |
| -without-a-demonstration-project-or-feasibility-st udy |
| Posted on Monday, October 03, 2022 - 07:28 pm: |
| -owns-science.php |