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| Posted on Monday, August 01, 2022 - 09:00 am: |
| I once had to explain to a University of Rochester Psych Professor why Hang Glider pilots scored high in "attention to detail" testing. Simply, if we don't, we die. Not every job I've had would kill people if I didn't care about objective truth & science. Only a few, really. Quality Control of artillery fuses and helicopter night vision & targeting systems, come to mind. And technically volunteer first aid isn't a job, it's a "hobby". But my avocations, flying, first responder to car and motorcycle crashes,( that just keeps happening, and I just keep being there, not a deliberate hobby really, that would be a bit ghoulish ) even riding a motorcycle, aren't activities where willfully lying about reality are sustainable. Except, perhaps, the typical denial that riding bikes is especially hazardous. And the typical self delusions that my skill will save me from random idiots on public roads. ( hey, nobody's perfect ) But jerks like Fauci or Gore? They get people killed in Biblical numbers, when they Lie. |
| Posted on Monday, August 01, 2022 - 09:51 am: |
| 022/07/31/the-climate-its-hot-and-it-cant-be-stopp ed-n1617214 Whew! Thank Loki that's over. Nothing we can do to stop the apocalypse. Takes quite a load off. I'm going riding, before the glaciers get here. |
| Posted on Monday, August 01, 2022 - 08:48 pm: |
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| Posted on Monday, August 01, 2022 - 10:23 pm: |
At what point do we rename the Quick Board "Pat's Posts"??? G |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 02, 2022 - 08:42 am: |
| eter/ If you prefer not to be upset by the insanity around you, I'll stop and let you wonder why you can't afford to buy a steak, billionaires want you to eat insects, ( which I presume they will sell you at a record profit ) and why you are in lock down by emergency orders of your Governor because it was predicted the ice caps melted in 2003. And then by about, oh, the spring of 2023, wonder why it's illegal to buy gasoline for your murdercycle, now that The Blue Wave Congress passes the Environmental Crisis Act, to save the planet. Meanwhile I'll catch up on my reading and play the forbidden songs like No Doubt's big 1995 hit and The Immigrant Song, which is more historically accurate than the entire National Public School Union curriculum. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 02, 2022 - 05:28 pm: |
Greg, Good question. I don't have an answer, but it's a valid question. Ask Blake, he might tell you. It is kinda fun having our very own O'Brien on the forum though. It's almost like we are important or something. (Message edited by whisperstealth on August 02, 2022) (Message edited by Whisperstealth on August 02, 2022) |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 03, 2022 - 10:22 am: |
O'Brien? You mean?'Brien_dynasty Because that's fairly distant relatives through a much older King of Munster, but I suspect the later royalty was a different branch (afaik, just one King in my line, mine tended towards reavers. Feel free to make Firefly jokes. ) I'm not sure if there's direct line to the Eóganachta but the family might be Tuatha Dé, which explains a lot, some might say. Or is it someone else? Should I feel insulted?  |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 03, 2022 - 11:26 am: |
You know; maybe if they got off their dead asses and posted more often, they wouldn't have anything to whine about. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 03, 2022 - 03:50 pm: |
Sure, because your assertion and logic is impeccable.
| Posted on Wednesday, August 03, 2022 - 07:58 pm: |
| dge/ |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 03, 2022 - 09:25 pm: |
Earth Is Spinning Faster Than Usual, Scientists Baffled and similar headlines all over. I say: PROOF of global warming. After all, we all know stuff moves faster when warm.... I really loved this one: s-suddenly-spinning-faster-than-usual-and-it-can-s pell-doom-for-us-502483 Doom!! - our cells phones may stop working! The horror heaped on Millennials and Gen Z. On the plus side, your workday just got .5 milliseconds shorter - whoo hoo! Of course the alarm clock on your phone is going to go off a whole millisecond earlier. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 03, 2022 - 11:20 pm: |
| etic-north-will-align-in-2022/quote In the movies this is a cosmic key thing and we get Elder Gods or time travel. Stormy Island Temple scene optional. Shifting spinning molten Iron of varying compositions, poorly mapped & understood. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 04, 2022 - 09:27 am: |
| p Why we lost trust in the expert class By Victor Davis Hanson |
| Posted on Friday, August 05, 2022 - 05:18 pm: |
| Dutch Farmers in revolt against WEF/EU/Watermelon war on private property. And especially farmers. Canada is following soon, and Sri Lanka is already in ruin & famine. You bet it's on the agenda here. The real problem with theocracy is your gods are your priorities, not your subjects. Zero tolerance. Theocratic Muslims kill more Muslims than anybody else in history. Crusades? Ha! Just a mediocre weekend. 1200+ years of murdering for the exact, specific, version of the Word. Millions murdered. The Soviet Cult is the second biggest mass murderer in history. And history has Lots of them. They even wrote out the end game principle of "if the only survivors on a ruined planet are Communist, and everyone else is dead, it's a Win". ( fortunately, because it's a fake, corrupt, religion that it's rulers don't believe, they haven't murdered most of the planet. Yet. ) Every day, the Watermelon cult predicts the end of the world, in just a decade, half that, or even months, unless you give their Church Everything. Obey, or All Shall Perish. For over half a century now. Anyone who bothers to look, knows the cult is a front for billionaires to get richer, not one of whom would give up a single yacht, ranch, beach mansion, or penny, to actually save anybody. ( although some get a lot of free press for pretending to. For example, the Gates foundation does some good, we are told, while getting huge tax dollars and making serious profits on donations. ) And the cult was the child of the Soviet Secret Police, a tool to wreck Western economies and industry, so they could... Win. The Soviets imploded from incompetence and corruption, but the current Czar of Russia, being the head of the secret police is very competently using the forces his predecessors created to his advantage. See Germany and their plans to freeze this winter after following the Watermelon cult path. Expect German citizens to be arrested for gathering fallen wood for heat. ( see also the California fire policy ) I'd love to be wrong here. Opinions? |
| Posted on Friday, August 05, 2022 - 07:05 pm: |
You’re not wrong. |
| Posted on Friday, August 05, 2022 - 07:51 pm: |
I'm hoping you are wrong; but I think you're right. Unfortunately. |
| Posted on Friday, August 05, 2022 - 08:34 pm: |
You're more correct than incorrect that's for sure. My brother describes it as a fifty foot tidal wave coming at you that you can't do anything about but yell surfs up and do your best to ride the wave out. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 06, 2022 - 08:51 am: |
I read you don't know you're in a Golden Age, but it's not so. Or at least I see it clearly. In automobiles, we've never had cars that handle this good, make this much power, etc. And it's the end & peak. Ford makes one conventional car. The rest are SUVs in different scales. Dodge, Chevy, more or less the same. The Cadillac and Lincoln lines have a few more. And while they are insanely electronic computer phone cars, the flagship cars are fast, good, and loaded. And soon, gone. By Decree far more than market. The same is true, ironically, for Electric cars. The next generation will track your position and tattle on you for tax and criminal purposes. So the government can tax you by the mile, and the Prosecutor can prove you went near your ex's kids school, a Trump yard sign, the pro-whatever they hate place, or the other people that will be charged with conspiracy to disobey, etc. Sure, they do that with phones, today. Nevermind that it's perfectly perfect system if they accuse you of Insurrection and unreliable and hearsay if it's their enemy accusing them of vote fraud. Phones are informants, and so will next year's? Cars. Motorcycles too. Gotta tax you somehow to "pay for roads". & Electric vehicles don't pay gasoline road taxes. ( nevermind the legislature redirects the taxes at whim/bribe ) Collecting your movement data is just a bonus, and quite profitable in SO MANY WAYS... Plus, the Supply Chain thing, where everyone buys the vital chips or materials from countries that can screw you with sanctions or be invaded, or be screwed with sanctions, or... Russia and the United States...are both hostage to foreign suppliers... almost everybody is. And that's not counting energy. Or food. ***** My sister ordered her new car a year ago. She chose a Telluride for towing a trailer and the pile of crap her family has to haul to go anywhere. Dog crate to life support machines, entertainment consoles, luggage, more luggage, etc. They have a heavy load. Looks like it might eventually be a 2023 model, and enough more expensive to be unaffordable. Because like everyone who can't vote to give themselves a raise, her income isn't keeping up with inflation. So... Enjoy this shining moment! This peak of technology & civilization & cool toys! I suggest going for it. Get that motor-thing. Before you can't. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 06, 2022 - 09:20 am: |
Electric bicycle news! A buddy got a "mid-drive" electric motor kit for his high end mountain bike. With a 750 watt motor & 17.4 watt the heck battery, he commutes 30 miles a day on it, and averages 20-30 mph. Pretty impressive & a GREAT way for an old fart to extend his bike riding life. He got the ( last year's ) Bafang kit from Amazon and chose it because the newer version can't be easily reprogrammed/hacked to change speed/power restrictions. ( and hasn't bothered to change the programming, yet, but he could ) Btw, If you get one, buy the shift sensor to momentarily kill power when shifting. Or expect to break expensive and sometimes hard to find stuff like rear gear cassettes or derailures. Mid-drives pass the power through the drive train. Rear wheel motors don't. Rear wheel motor set ups are a bit cheaper, but more limited. They have fixed gearing for the motor. ( duh, it's the wheel ) Do some research before you buy. Pick the system for your use. And leave front wheel motors for the all wheel drive enthusiasts or the stupid. Imho. I'm seriously thinking of getting the ( roughly $1000 ) kit for my full suspension Stump Jumper. Mid-drive like my friend's. My buddy is a professional bicycle mechanic with all the tools and especially knowledge on the important things like making wheels true and adjusting transmissions and brakes. ( I have the skills and can buy or borrow the specialized tools. ) But any reasonably competent amateur mechanic can study a few video tutorials ( and there are many ) and get equal results. It's just rocket surgery! If you've never changed oil or changed a wheel then go to a pro, or grow up and learn. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 06, 2022 - 10:05 am: |
In contrast, a Different friend is on his second ( the first was stolen ) Chinese gasoline engine kit on a bicycle. Cheaper than electric! Faster, maybe. Noisier, certainly. 2 things against the things. The really stupid and cheesy way the rear sprocket is clamped to the spokes will destroy the rear wheel. You can extend the destruction by weekly periodic maintenance on the spoke tension, but the only real solution is a custom rear hub and serious attention to wheel tension and true. And it's still a consumable wheel with limited life. ( an extra $150, plus a few hours of labor and fresh, proper length spokes. Basically you double the total price ) The clamp on engine will saw the frame in half over time from vibration. Absolutely wreck a light weight thin wall steel racing frame, fast. So you're better off with a Huffy water pipe frame than a Yeti or Pinarello. The solution to that is a custom frame for the engines. ( $6-700 more ) And the bicycle you use for the project. And be aware, the clutch isn't a motorcycle clutch. You pedal with the clutch in then jump start the gas engine by releasing the lever, then pull in to stop. It will burn out fast if you try to start off like a manual transmission motorcycle. But... It's stupid cheap and marginally legal. Lots of videos. Personally my OPINION is I'm better off with a Honda Trail 90, in nearly every way, except initial cost. For folk without a driver's license, kids, etc. It's a hobby toy. ( it is for my friend, he has a motorcycle stable. ) For my purpose, and attitudes, the Electric kit may extend my riding life and actually get used. The gasoline versions are horrid kludges, if fun, and I already own one of the greatest motorcycles ever made, so while I wouldn't mind a smaller one for fun, I see no reason to waste money on a POS. Ymmv. I'm seriously thinking of using an electric bicycle for paragliding. I can park my minivan at the landing field & ride the second stage bicycle to take off, or vice versa. Or... How's this for a Mad Max world toy? |
| Posted on Saturday, August 06, 2022 - 11:44 am: |
| en-administration-calls-for-censorship-on-energy.p hp McCarthy says the tech companies “have to stop allowing” people to disagree with Biden. There are other religions where you aren't allowed to question the Prophet or priesthood. Killing you for heresy is still a thing in much of the world. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 06, 2022 - 03:10 pm: |
| -coming-war-on-agriculture.php |
| Posted on Sunday, August 07, 2022 - 06:03 am: |
After reading the bio of the reporter interviewing Gina McCarthy, she has all the right credentials as a Party propagandist: BA in Sociology and first job out of college was a political writer for Cosmopolitan. She has an interesting part of her life (From Wikipedia): "In March 2021, McCammond was selected as Editor in Chief of Conde Nast's Teen Vogue. Subsequent to the appointment, racist, bigoted and homophobic tweets written by McCammond resurfaced. She apologized to the staff of Teen Vogue. Several media makers of Asian descent called for McCammond's removal, citing the American fashion business's rampant racism against Asians and the rise in anti-Asian violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.[16] Former Teen Vogue editor Elaine Welteroth called her tweets and the feelings behind them "racist and abhorrent and indefensible." 17] More than twenty members of the staff voiced concern internally and to the press.[12] In response, Ulta Beauty paused $1 million in advertising in the online-only publication,[18] and McCammond resigned from the position prior to starting in the role.[19] McCammond rejoined Axios in July 2021 serving as a political reporter.[2]" |
| Posted on Monday, August 08, 2022 - 12:10 am: |
The existence of a voluntarily stuffed "permanent record" happened in broad daylight. I'll skip the "paranoid" aspect of the government and megacorps gathering your "data". The NSA admitted computer key word searching on every international phone call, aka, the phones are tapped, years ago. From an era where you needed humans to actually Listen to conversations to get information, to computer translation, storage, & analysis took years. We basically ignore it. Only occasionally do you see editorials on Big Brother data mining, presumably because they are censored. But the stuffffff we post for our friends! Google & the various "socials" store everything. There's even companies that specialize in storing social media posts so employers can see the posts their job applicant deleted. Orwell never thought we'd buy our own personal camera to monitor us. ( but he did point out that the tv set/cameras were the only entertainment and a social necessity. Just like today, how are you going to get along at work if you don't know today's topic? ) One side effect is every mean girl twit & meme & jealous video rant is "out there", more accessible than a modern newspaper. ( where they have paywalls ) So I don't get excited about claims of evil intent from such references. I assume they're messed up from cynical pessimism anyway.  |
| Posted on Monday, August 08, 2022 - 08:06 am: |
| s-china-crisis We outsourced industry to increase profits by not paying American wages & environmental protection. It's not that we can't run a microchip factory, we invented them. But clean, skilled, and quality isn't cheap. But shutdown because you can't get the chip to run your thing... That's not cheap, either. Cars are shipping with features not installed. I'm not talking the BMW etc. screw job of Renting the cruise control or seat heater permission for a monthly fee. I believe the market will correct that behavior to some extent. Otoh, New Regulation that you will be forbidden to repair/improve old cars may be a Problem. And I'm going to invoke a class envy and bias against BMW owners, & guess there are enough rich ego driven idiots to sustain the subscription model. Feel free to joke that turn signals have long been an unused item. No, I mean Hondas and Kias and Fords, oh my, are arriving at dealers with missing parts and a promise to install them whenever they catch up. Today it's the accessories, tomorrow the engine control systems? And anyone who builds gaming PCs knows about the issues of foreign sourced parts. A flood in Thailand took out most of the planet's hard drive storage manufacturers, and the situation with video cards has been dominated by crypto mining. A buddy's PC cost him less than the current cost of the same model video card. ( from 2 years ago! ) |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 08:12 am: |
| ays-energy-tutorial.php I once asked a libertarian Frenchman I knew how France succeeded in building out a substantial fleet of nuclear power plants (mostly in the 1980s) at precisely the moment we gave up on them. His answer made sense: “It is simple; you see, in France, our Communists supported nuclear power, while your Communists [he had in mind Jane Fonda, etc] opposed it.” This is true: the French Communist Party, deeply embedded in France’s trade unions, saw lots of unionized jobs to be had. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 10:29 pm: |
Hah! Do not only do we have commies here, but we got the stupid ones? |
| Posted on Thursday, August 11, 2022 - 06:27 am: |
Patrick, check out the story of the Superphenix. It ran into the same crap that they we did over here... |
| Posted on Friday, August 12, 2022 - 04:27 am: |
| tain-goes-into-shutdown-mode.php Nelson adds that while load-shedding is commonly described as blackouts, plans currently being put in place in Britain are very different. “Blackouts we associate with sudden, accidental bad performance of the grid, but load-shedding is a planned, longer-term failure,” he says. “Load-shedding means the grid is fine but there just isn’t enough power for everyone. “It’s a slower, managed decline of the country.” |
| Posted on Friday, August 12, 2022 - 09:00 am: |
| 022/08/11/in_netherlands_and_globally_greens_face_ ml?mc_cid=3403c93564&mc_eid=fba478624c More links |