Yup, "you POCs are too dumb to learn math and reading, so we'll earn our teacher union contributions and not make them teach you things to get ahead and you'll stay on the plantation to keep us in power."
But it’s ok to call it the ‘owner’ suite? Isn’t that just as bad? Of course it is. And in a couple of years they’ll ban that, keeping race front and center in America. Manufactured bull shit.
I think Andrew figured a resignation ahead of a breast & crotch groping scandal was better than over 10,000 charges of Negligent Homicide with Depraved Indifference, or the well documented abuses of power in destroying those who accused him.
I think it important to remember the names of the Party Operatives pretending to support abused women ( if they accuse a Republican ) while trashing women abused by Their Klan.
This is what you get when the Klan Party runs schools.
We fought a war to stop slavery, ( among other reasons ) and lots of people were murdered while getting the descendants registered to vote, and troops had to protect little girls to get then into schools.
The current Klan Party Occupiers are returning Afghanistan to the days little girls have acid thrown in their faces for daring to want an education. Segregation, authoritarianism, censorship....
There's no rule there will only be one Civil War per country. In fact that's rare. Just saying.
As Comrade Mayor Deblasio of Gotham demands his Subjects produce Papers to eat in a restaurant, knowing that will preferentially exclude black Americans, I honestly can't say if he's unusually racist in his peer group, just more unwilling to allow peasant scum to eat in his White Rich presence, or consciously practicing KGB racist policy to ruin the relationship between Citizens in America.
Since Comrade Mayor's peer group is White Billionaires assuming he considers Anyone to be his peer, and he's openly commie.... He's undeniably elitist and treasonous. But might not be personally racist, just collectively with his Party and ideology.
There's a term for Party Elites who claim to be unconnected with the evils their organization commits, and are just doing their duty.
That's why I bought the Hybrid. If they hadn't stolen the election it would have been a truck.
Hey, I might be crazy, but I'm not stupid, Heck, everyone here knew that prices would skyrocket the day after the Coronation when Just Joe* canceled the pipeline from Canada, guaranteeing that his donor in Omaha would keep making big money on train loads of oil.
I watched a Brit Naval History guy do a mini lecture on the Battle of Bull Run.
Weird hearing a foreign perspective on American internal strife. Drachinifel ( another Brit Naval history guy ) often comments on how the Congress is nuts when it comes to military budgets and decisions. I'd be insulted if he wasn't right, and I didn't hold Congress in Contempt. In many ways.
Relevant point here is his description of the mistake made by the Democrat Party of The South who rebelled and Split our country. They thought that D.C. would accept the Split as a fait accompli and just accept it. Obviously to beat them would take rivers of blood and mountains of corpses. No sane leader would fight a lost war.
It's always a Huge mistake to assume the Enemy is just like you, with identical motivations, and equal fears. This is one major reason the West, with a few exceptions refuses to accept they are at war with Fundamental Islam. ( and it is NOT a coincidence the exceptions are newly freed Nations once conquered by the Soviets. They Understand Slavery )
It's also a big mistake to assume your Enemy is stupid or cowardly. Or reasonable.
The Japanese in 1941 made that error. As did the U.S. intelligence agencies. There's a Lot of racist stupid in the build up to WW2.
The Japanese assumed we were a soft weak people and without a battleship fleet in the Pacific, we'd accept armistice, and negotiate keeping the Hawaiian islands and Alaska, and the Japanese would have the resources of the Conquered lands, and in time we'd go back to trading with them and everyone would be happy with their own Empires. ( and the Brits were too far away & busy with Hitler to stop them )
OTOH, the Americans mostly thought the Japanese made lousy copies and were a small cowardly race of people with bad teeth and eyesight. Because that's what the racists in Hollywood thought sold movies.
Unfortunately, the Japanese, while they had made copies, did so to learn how to make planes and tanks and battleships, and learned pretty darn good. Their best planes were better than ours. ( not by much, except for range, which makes a Big difference ) They were building world class ships of war, including the biggest Battleships in the world. ( and built a freaking building to hide them in while they built them ) And their torpedoes were top notch. ( while ours had never actually been tested properly, and had multiple faults, including... Not exploding. Exploding randomly far short of the enemy ship, which included on launch. Cruising too deep, so they passed under targets. Cruising in circles, so you shot yourself. )
Unfortunately for the Japanese, Americans are stubborn. We don't do fait accompli worth a darn. Emotional too. You don't generally hear us being referred to as serene, or contemplative, or under reacting.
I suspect the Party In Power today is making the twin mistakes of assuming Americans are just like them. ( after all, they constantly accuse their enemies, ( us ) of committing the crimes they do ) And assuming we are like the propaganda version of us.
The Action Arms of The Party, Antifa, BLM, and the Soros sponsored Hydra of "Activist Groups", all attack the police, when they have overwhelming force, burn helpless shops and homes, beat outnumbered civilians, preferably old men and women, and thus the Evil Pricks in charge assume we will act the same way when things get really bad. And a scattered few wake up to the New Normal.
They are wrong. No one I know would loot and burn shops, or attack police, or do any of the things they accuse us of, while doing themselves.
And a lot of us are vets, and people who understand the principles of overwhelming force at point of contact. And I'm not stupid enough to point out the strategies of Revolution to Domestic Enemies.
Systemic racism Ordered by the Klan Party in our military in direct violation of the Constitution, the UCMJ, and American Law.
Basically the Real White Supremacist group, is Demanding Racism to cover their deep and often shown belief that the colored are inferior.
They aren't. But ever increasingly that is the Fundamental Assumptions behind lying about their ( divisive Leftists ) true nature.
Do not count on the Military protecting you from an evil regime when the officers are chosen by Purity of Revolutionary Ideology. Mandatory racist indoctrination for all. & Political Reliability.
This judge is an idiot. Of course it has a disparate impact on latinos. They’re the bulk of the illegals. That doesn’t make it unconstitutional. I certainly hope this gets appealed.