In our local newspaper this morning, their AP story on the vaccine shipping somehow did not contain the words "Operation Warp Speed". Imagine that.
Also in the sidebar story explaining the Electoral College, they do say it was a compromise between direct election and having the House select the President, but nothing about how direct election would result in the most populous areas choosing the Prez and the deplorables in the sticks being inconsequential. Wouldn't want to inform any of those people!
While as unlikely as an asteroid hitting the Atlantic and leaving a growing volcanic island, but far fewer dinosaurs, it's possible to arrest and charge Just Joe for massive corruption right up to Inauguration Day, but nigh impossible the day after.
Yeah, Iceland is a great adventure vacation spot, I haven't had to shoot a Utah Raptor eating the Neighbor's new dog, and Biden's Laptop Matters.
But it's still long odds.
Not as long as getting honest news out of the Leftist Media/Tech demigods, but I'm not betting a dime.
One of the not-so-subtle digs that Centrist pro-Trump news & editorial companies ( like Breitbart & American Greatness ) throw at the Democrat Propaganda Machine, ( aka The Media ) is daily, gushing, praise for Trump's wife's fashion sense. "Melania addressed the Middle East Religious Freedom Conference wearing ( Famous Designer ) dress and looking Fabulous as she called for ending the Genocide of Gays in Iran".
It's both a parody of The Media's fawning lust for their favorites, ( remember the endless praise for Michelle's biceps? ) And a constant reminder that Trump's Wife is smarter & better looking than every one in D.C., and especially Hillary.
Not that The Media is clever enough to realize that, as they cover for Joe Gaffs ( reg. Trade Mark ) and refuse to cover news they don't like. ( Religious Freedom news, for example )
Today, both have the same opportunities to get informed.
Back in the Before Time, small town papers had less international news than a big city paper. But tended to have more national coverage. Iirc. Other than that, libraries scale to town size, in rather quantum jumps.
When I was in grade school, Aberdeen S.D. only had 2 network channels, & a half watt public station with hand me down cameras. Today? Everything. Pay cable & Satellite & Internet.
Canandaigua, Dansville, lots of N.Y. is in a signal hole, so had diddle, adopted cable early, and now have... Everything. And free ( mandated on cable) classic Network channels, plus others, farm channels and lots of sales/infomercial channels.
So access is equiv. And the difference, if any, is attitude of the individual.
As groups? I think perhaps there's a threshold size where politics and education and poverty might affect that? Couldn't say how & how much.
Sorry, don't have a good answer. Just more questions..
I do know both groups have the opinion the other is... a bit slow.
And a lot of small towns are bedroom communities, to bigger cities. To a certain degree, most house commuters. So the "groups" as defined, are a mix of both.