The sexist racist monster who the press was eager to twist his words ( folders full of women ) to destroy, is now a Hero!
Because he hates Trump.
I'll point out that National Review, the dominant Conservative Media machine for decades, has, since it's founders have left the planet ( The incredible & eloquent William F.Buckley Jr. ) gone pound never Trump and while it's lost some writers and a big part of their audience because of this editorial position, is now "admired" ( falsely ) by the Mainstream Democrat Propaganda Machine.
Because they hate Trump. ( to be fair, Mitt Really Hates Trump. NR sees itself as The Loyal Opposition, a concept the Dems don't even understand today )
So, sure, Utah, f#$% Mitt! Enjoy! It's not like anyone with a functional memory thinks Mitt is a viable option. His unwillingness to fight his opponent, Barry the Weasel, head on, for fear of being branded more racist, more religiously wacko, more sexist, than the Media already painted him, meant he's a loser. "Too nice" to win, or too cowardly to confront, is a matter of spin.
He was a fake conservative then, ( when running for President. ) and that hasn't changed.
His critics say he Hates Trump for fighting back where the classier Bush and Romney just smiled at the Media hacks who lied about them. Maybe. Or he could hate him just because Trump is a classless boor. ( I like the classless part, myself. I dislike the boorish crap, and have never been his audience. ) Or a combination of jealousy, elitism, and corruption, which seems most likely. ( is having a former minion on the board of Burisma with Just Joe's son a motive? )
In any event, Mitt is not worth my breath. If I lived in Utah, I might be actively trying to recall him in chains for misrepresenting himself. But I'm in New York where the Minion Senator did the same, lied about her ideology, and there's no hope of that, unless NYC is nuked by AOC & Swalwell because they thought it had an assault weapon in a closet.
I think it's simpler than that. If you remember, shortly after Trump won the election, he had dinner with Romney. Some speculated Romney was going to be offered a cabinet post. Instead, Trump served him up a plate of frog legs and then showed him the door. I guess crow wasn't on the menu. Payback is a bitch.
It's hard to say, but...if I were Stone, I might communicate to DOJ and Barr "Hey...I'll take it on the chin and do 9 years in minimum security, but you HAVE to promise that the Dem dynasty will fall, and will receive severe sentencing as well. Use my sentence to backstop THEIR serious sentencing - put Comey, and Clinton, and Schumer, and Pelosi, and ALL of them, away for decades. Use me to send a message."
It would be a hard decision, but the Left needs to be shut down, hard and fast. The GOP as Mr. Nice Guy needs to retire - the GOP needs to get down in the dirt with the Dems and start beating them at their own game.
I have agreed with Bolton in the past, I'm a Hawk, but lean Jacksonian on the subject. And I'm aware of the limitations of that. ( many ideologues can't or won't see the limits of their cults )
But I don't give a gram of feces about his book, his tweet war with Trump or his views on the internal divides in the Infested White House.
First, Trump was wrong not to fire every Obama & Clinton minion in the government he could, legally. I get he didn't want to seem too much the Game Show Cliche...( You know his tag line ) and that not everyone touched by The Clinton Crime Family and Comrade Barry is an evil slut. The White House chef, for example is apparently awesome and non partisan.
But the Bush the Younger problems with treasonous leaks changing foreign policy to please the Clinton minions in the CIA should have been adequate warning. Purge the White House Staff with Fire. At least have it done the first year, if not months.
The constant stream of felony class leaks shows that I'm right. Unless you are a "Trump Super Genius" guy who really thinks Donald INTENDED to be thwarted in his actions to both avoid fulfilling promises he didn't mean & gin up sympathy for the picked on Millionaire. Maybe. But seriously?
New hires, like Bolton or Kelly, have to hold a measure of Fealty to the boss. But while vital, it's not absolute. Top moral priority MUST be to their Oath. Since the copier girl in the most obscure Federal office building swears basically the same Oath to the Constitution as the President and a Naval Seaman, I can't believe Kelly & Bolton didn't. If they didn't, they shouldn't have been allowed near D.C.
But absent violation of a sacred oath, loyalty is expected to the boss. If you can't fulfil the Oath, you quit. If fired, you have very limited responsibility to stay loyal. Tell All Books are expected. But always tainted by the fact that the fired guy is a resentful and possibly disloyal jerk.
In Bolton's case the leaks allegedly by Democrat fanatics attempted to be used to Impeach the Bad Orange Man, mid bull crap storm, cast doubt on every aspect of the dispute. Trump's reflexive twits on every slight don't help.
Ultimately I just can't care about the egos of these jerks.
Me, I'd have nukes buried under the capital and a few select passes to Pakistan, just in case Afghanistan goes full jihadi again. Which is likely. Doing so with high deniability is difficult. I'd want to use Russian plutonium. But I'm less cultured than Trump. ( sarcasm! Morally repugnant! Joking! Deniability! )
Get out! Let them fight it out. There's never a win in Afghanistan. If you have to, just target the leaders and leave it to the natives. Rinse and repeat as needed, like head lice treatment.
Eventually the country will be peaceful. Either the Rapture, the Sun will nova, or someone saturation bombs the place with orbital kinetic weapons.
Grey concrete and glass boxes to hold minions isn't my favorite architecture. It's a half step up from grey concrete Soviet boxes, but that's damning with faint praise.
I don't insist on fake Greek columns, either, I like Art Deco. Swooping lines like the Streamline era, where even toasters had curves and creases meant to evoke the future of air travel.
Bottom line is the face of the buildings you make influences the people that see it. A personality free box tells the occupants they are faceless. Roman solidity means permanence. Art Deco looks forward.
But mostly, that Trump is accused of hate crimes and being a brutal dictator, for saying Western Civilization is good, shows me who I don't want to rule.
If you like Art Deco, take a trip over to Syracuse and check out the Niagara Mohawk Power building. It's only a block and a half from the Dinosaur BBQ.
That's a nice one. My sister works a couple blocks away & photographs the nice selection they've got down town.
Rochester has a few. lots of detail outside, and cast iron stairs in the atrium, nice place to work.
But for fancy! There's a hatch on the "roof" in the centerpiece between the "wings" so you can change lights, etc. I've poked my head out, but not gone into the catwalk.
I've been on most of the bigger building's roofs and only been caught once. Maybe the hang glider was pushing my luck? I've literally been from the highest roof to the lowest tunnel all in a 3 block area.
On topic...
Trump is at Daytona today. Maximum head explosions are anticipated when the SS driver will circle the track at speed in The Beast. I wanna know the lap time!
Nascar, America's #1 sport? Talk about a basket of deplorables!
Some great acting, stars, and lousy dialog. Cheesy special effects. Interesting guns. I audited an acting class where Moriarity was praised for his work, as was Candy Clark! Great work playing a character you don't like. And the girl that cares about him.
[President] Trump is at Daytona today. Maximum head explosions are anticipated when the SS driver will circle the track at speed in The Beast. I wanna know the lap time!
Nascar, America's #1 sport? Talk about a basket of deplorables!
Some pix and vids from the opening of today's Deplorable 500: