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Posted on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 09:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Anyone here familiar with Chosa's, I talked to Dennis up there.
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 01:25 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

chicken strips, what's that?
I have NOTHING left on my back tire.
I think Brian came here last night and mysteriously rubbed ALL the tread off my tire.
I think I have something like, "Brianitus".
Bald back tire or something to that effect. : ( Will post pics when I get home tomorrow.

Good deal with the Sympathy pains, LOL.
Chosa's is a decent "stealership" good luck with your new Buell, you'll have to come up and do some riding with us here in Phoenix after you break it in.
"Semper FI" !!!
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 01:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Bart here,
Meeting for todays ride. That's Ferris' buddy Dino leaning against the pole. He was riding his Katana 600. Ferris was on his S1W.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, looky here. is this Buell heaven or what? Miles and miles of tight, twisty, roads.
And of course you have to stop and wet your whistle after a long ride, LOL. don't pay attention to that crusty old miner standing there. This was his minute of fame. : )
Then I had to see them big trees they have here in Cali. This tree should make any tree-hugger happy.
This one will protect your bike from the rain.

edited by jerry haughton on May 08, 2004
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 02:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Any plans for a Tucson ride tomorrow? Oracle to Summerhaven?(Ducking under barrage of half filled beer bottles)
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 11:25 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

boys, our loss, your gain: Bart's back on the road, headed your direction. he's a class act (just don't tell him i said so...) and you guys are lucky to have him as your resident Ho. enjoyed having you here at the Dome, dude, but next time bring fresher rubbers, k??? ; )

ride to lean,
Ferris & Denise
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 11:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Mike, no ride tomorrow for me. It's mother's day and I need to be a good boy for my wife. Today I'm gonna get stuck going to work for a bit. Al and I may hook up this afternoon for a quick spin around Old Spanish Trail. Check back for details...
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 11:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

not I either, already have seperate plans for tomorrow.
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 12:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I just saw SouthernMarine (hencefourth beknownxed to me as Lucky Lassiter) off to Phoenix to purchase his new bike. I suggested the 12S to him but we'll se what happens when he rides em'. Either way, just reward for the ball pain!

Wycked, if you're doing nothing today, you might swing by Chosa's to see if you could run into him... P.S. My Paypal is getting fixed today
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 12:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Cool and thanks for the heads up its my email addy FYI that is my paypal as well. Good timing I must say, and any extra you could toss would help at the moment. Hmmm...Chosa's...yeah I think I can swing by there.
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 05:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Bart glad to see you are riding around having fun for me...While I am busy helping pick up the the people you see on the news....
Well the wounded and stranded heheheheh.
Go Rescue....
YOU ALL be safe......
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 07:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

How's Iraq so far David?

How's Moral?
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 07:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Is there anything we can send you?
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 08:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

The part is on it's way! Talk about pissed! Tilley's had it since Thurs. and didn't ship it!!! AAAAgghh. I know I'm just anxious to get on the bike but two days is two days! Been a month already! I'll be on the road next week!


No prob.
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 09:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


Hey guys, I'm HOME!
What a week! What great people I met, What great roads I rode on, and what a great time I had!!!
I'm going to post some pics later on this evening. I need to go and get some chow, talk atcha later!

Glad to see your still with us, : )
Hurry home!

Thanks for your hospitality. Ferrisville is truly a wonder. You are a lucky man.
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Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 11:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I bought my '02 Blast from them.. They are pretty decent.. only HD dealer I've been to though.
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Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 02:07 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

OK guys,
most of the pics are posted in the Tale section, under the No Wine-n thread.
But here's a few I wanted to share with you...

Beautiful roads

More beautiful roads,

the Golden Gate...

Lots of sharp curves

Watch out for them tree-huggers

Brian, You can use this one for your wallpaper on your 'puter at work. : )

truly a Buelltiful place to ride.

by the middle of the day on Friday, my tire looked like this,

And it was time to start heading home. : (

All in all, I had a great time. Wish some of you could have made it. Hopefully, the pics will let you feel what I did...
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Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 02:15 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Sweet pics Bart...thanks for sharing both here and in the Tale Section...course I was hoping that Jerry's written diahrea would have rubbed off and we had gotten a story but alas this will have to do...: D Unless Jerry wants to step up to the challenge and tell the tale?
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Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 02:21 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I will be posting my "story" of my adventures in the Tale section later in the week. I need to figure out all these big words and stuff.
Glad you enjoyed to pics.
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Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 02:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

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Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 02:57 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Any events going on in the Phoenix Area? I got a free membership for BRAG when I bought my Blast, figured as long as I have it may as well take it to one of those BattleTrax deals until I get something faster!
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