Always, from the beginning, it is to keep the slaves disarmed. After Lincoln, disarm the ex-slaves. After Wilson, disarm the proletariat. ..... but especially the Negros.
Why is Barry so angry at the NRA?
Because the NRA gave marksmanship and safety courses at Black Churches. So people could defend themselves from the Klan, the action arm of the Democrat Party. Ruins your whole evening plans of beatings, lynchings, and cross burning when them uppity Negros shoot back.
Back a century ago, another law designed to make it too expensive to own guns mandated that you HAD to buy Military spec firearms.
That's funny considering that one of the advantages the North had in the civil war was soldiers using their own rifles that were superior to what was being issued.
The idea was, and still is, to make guns too expensive for "those people".
When I was a kid, another variation on that theme was the "Saturday night special" law that banned inexpensive hand guns with a list of arbitrary items.
That brought us the Walther PPKs, adding thumb rests to a very expensive pistol to meet arbitrary rules.
Yes. Nothing has changed in my lifetime. The anti civil rights people continue to lie to the public.
True, before my birth the emphasis on hating Negros ( & other minorities ) had begun the slide towards disarming all citizens in the cause of making them subjects of the coming Soviet America. So there has been a continuous effort to ridicule, marginalize, and oppress gun owners my whole life.
As an amateur history buff I can tell you it never ends well.
Ask Germans. Or Iraqis. Or Russians. Or Chinese. Or....
So there has been a continuous effort to ridicule, marginalize, and oppress gun owners my whole life.
Quite right.
This is seen most in comments from areas where such restrictions have been implemented and the people have been indoctrinated to believe those with firearms exercising their freedoms are a scourge to civilized society.
Put together some pics comparing the full size and compact. I see your compact and raise you an XDs, also in .45 ACP. The 10 round Wilson combat magazine has been modified to work in 1911, 1991, and the XDs. Pic removed I personally think the Colt 1911 with an aluminum lower in full size would be the best choice for carry.
Thanks. The essay makes several incorrect assumptions apparently based on ideology. But. Some of the observations are correct.
Fact. With the increase in LEGAL gun ownership over the last decades violent crime is down nearly half.
Fact. A large percentage of that LEGAL increase is due to fears not paranoia but observed fact that the Clinton regime was dishonest and wanted to disarm the citizens. The reasons given were provably false and the religious foundation historically obvious. Especially in the case of the co-president, Hillary. So false and misleading restrictions resulted in high purchase rates in anticipation of worse abuses of power.
During the Bush the Younger regime the erosion of civil rights continued, while the real danger of being murdered in daily life by random terrorist activity increased. Result? More gun sales.
( while I point out the planetary danger increased nearly exponentially during & BECAUSE OF foreign policy decisions of the Carter regime, & increased again because of decisions of the Clinton regime, the progressive chickens came home to roost in 2001, during the Bush regime. )
The Obama regime hit new lows in blatant dishonesty on civil rights issues, with speeches to the faithful promising to disarm the public and repeated statements to the public denying that Obama was "going to take your rifles & shotguns", "am a dictator", "have the power to....." & "(pretty much total content)".
Result, more guns purchased. Less crime. More propaganda, and an increasing believe that being disarmed would make things worse in an era of deliberate racial strife and militarization of police.
Thanks to the magic of social media I find myself saddened by all the worshippers of Obama. These people repeat every word he says like it is gospel. If your were around just a decade or two and paying attention you'd know he's full of it.
"But Obama taught Constitutional law!"
The essay isn't perfect but makes some interesting points. The assumption that "gun control" is meaningless without complete registration, confiscation, and control is pretty much how it is. IIRC participation rates for gun registration schemes is 1-9% in the US. That tickles me some. I think abroad participation is thought to be 30-40%. It's a good indication of how much people trust their officials.
They also call the NRA terrorists, baby killers, and gun pushers in bed with manufacturers. Your great leaders have sold these guns all on their own. I think that's the best part. Coming from folks that actually advocate killing unborn babies I find that bizarre.
Whatever the stance the tactic of selling gun control as a measure for saving lives and stopping crime is a sham. If the Dems were honest I'd at least give them a little credibility. The Hildabeast is the only one who's been honest with the real agenda in her "town hall" meetings...funny that.
Before the convention, you compete for true believers. After, in the General election, you tone it down for the rest of the voters.
Hillary is competing with a proud socialist and has to be more stridently Soviet. In a few months she will tell you what she said today never happened. ( if the O decides to prevent prosecution )
You can quote her verbatim from yesterday and they will call YOU a liar.
Ourdee - I shot my buddies XDs in .45 with the 3.3in barrel and its next on my list of guns to pick up. loved it
I just got a Sccy CPX-2 9mm and have about 100 rounds thru it. going to be my carry so far I liking it for a lower price point pistol. I wont cry myself to sleep if it gets a little beat up or scratched.
"If the president really wanted to make Americans safer, he’d pick up the phone and tell his Justice Department to flip Chicago upside down until every criminal with a gun, criminal gangbanger with a gun and drug dealer with a gun is arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned to the fullest extent of the law. THAT would make a difference."_Wayne LaPierre
The "meme" thread had some pics of a pro shooter using an extreme long weak hand grip on his AR.
I just re-read an article in the Feb '15 Guns & Ammo magazine by SGM Kyle Lamb on the subject.
He recommends a long grip but not to " twist my elbow up and over so that I become contorted, as this adds stress to the support arm and does not allow for speed when driving the gun. It is also slower to conduct manipulations with a contorted arm and elbow. I do clamp the forend with my support hand thumb riding down the side of the rail, and sometimes I place it over the top of the rail if the circumference of the tube is small enough."
He also recommends a low elbow on the shooting hand, both to allow smooth movement around obstacles and to be prepared for an elbow blow if needed.
I make no claim to expertise on this subject. The guy who runs Viking tactics, can. ( SGM Lamb, (ret))
A customer just got a "Kushnapup" bull pup stock for a Saiga shotgun. Looks interesting, if not a perfect solution. Reading reviews on this gadget I'd never heard of tells me it does need fitting to an AK receiver, & the sight rail may not fit anything without work.
Still, makes me wish I had bought a Saiga shotgun before prices went nuts after Obama made an Imperial decree that stopped importation from Russia.
Note that the reviewed item was custom built by a presumably well equipped shop and is not what Joe big hammer can expect to get working at the kitchen table.
I've always had to go through the NIC check if buying a gun at a gun show.
OTOH, if I am a major drug lord, or a Jihadi rampage murderer, Barry may have supplied my weapons. By ordering the legal gun dealer to break the law. ( Fast & Furious )
Posted on Wednesday, February 03, 2016 - 06:42 pm:
That is a nice AR, although I do have a soft spot for anything with Cavalry on it(Scouts Out).. It is funny, I think AR platforms have become the adult Legos for a lot of people. I would enjoy just designing/planning them for other people. Building them for myself, I'd just have a safe full of them that only had a magazine or two through them and a work bench with 4 or 5 in pieces.
The 7" gun is really just for fun. That said I wouldn't want to stand in front of it. The right ammo makes all the difference. It's easy to transport and entertaining to shoot.
The 10.5" is just as capable as a carbine.
They're essentially AR-15's without stocks. I agree that they are not for everyone, but they're fun and easy to shoot.
This fellow demonstrates some effective techniques:
No need for federal "permit" of a short Barrel rifle.
The product of regulation, not common sense.
Like the SUV. Station wagons were the need. Regulation made a Vista cruiser no good, in pollution control and fleet mileage. A station wagon is classified as a car. Build a station wagon on a truck chassis, you get different rules for a "sport utility vehicle".
Thus an entire generation has grown up with overweight, over expensive, tall station wagons with unnecessary four wheel drive.
Not that a Suv is a useless thing, but in a rational world it would have a much smaller market share and be the toy of hunters and boaters. The more rational wagon ( regulated away ) would be the soccer mom preference.
In the world we live in with irrational regulations, if you wanted a wagon you spent more on a vehicle that burns more fuel and pollutes more. ( burns more = pollutes more ) Unintended consequences.
Same with AR pistols. Not useless but a small niche market except for stupid regulation that makes it popular.
At the extreme you have single shot break action pistols in 5.56 x 45. A modern derringer in a silly chambering. A .410 makes more sense but is illegal in the People's Republic.
The AR pistol has been around for decades, with a very small market and suspect reliability.
I think a crossover occurred with the gun trust phenomenon making owning SBR's and other Class III items a reality for more people. A lot of tricks learned from making M4's more reliable crossed over as well. An explosion of options resulted, especially after a few types of arm braces hit the market. With Sig making factory guns and various defense contractors and major manufacturers offering uppers and components, there's more a market for pistols/SBR's than ever.
Some of the recent AR-15 PDW concepts have been pretty cool, too.
The firearms industry has been getting pretty good at invalidating the arbitrary laws that have been imposed over decades.
Recently a few "binary" triggers have hot the market (firing on the pull and release).
Folks who have been making "bumpSAWs" with the bump fire stocks have come up up with ways to reduce or prevent the trigger from over running the action, with lightweight carriers, buffers, gas and action spring tuning. The blowback/pistol caliber guns have less of a tendency to do so as designed.