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Buell Forum » Quick Board Archives » Archive through March 06, 2004 » MARCH American Sport BikeN agenda....2004 « Previous Next »

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Posted on Monday, March 01, 2004 - 12:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

“American Sportbike Night” Agenda. March 1st, 2004

Set-up. 5 pm till 6 pm.
Meet and Greet. Videos and Photos. 6 pm till 7 pm.

Opening. Woz. Welcome back.
Where I have been over the last couple of meeting and what
Our agenda is tonight. (www.americansportbikenight.com)

BUB’s Pipes. Dennis Manning. Bonneville event, Sept. 6-10th.

SINGLE’S NIGHT. Single Cylinder Night. Buell Blasts and others. Terry Parsley, and our gang of Buell Blast owners to update us on their Blasts and special events on single cylinder motorcycles.

Other things to discuss:

-National Brag Events. No Wine’n Tour. Northern Cal. May 3-5, at Vallejo Buell. Homecoming. Milwaukee Wi., June 2-5.

-American Sport BikeN events.
April. Flat Track Night. May. Helmet Night.
June. Road Race Night. Vallejo. July. 2 stroke night.
August. New Buell Model Night. Sept. Ducati Night.
October. Bonneville review night.
November. Aprilia, Moto Guzzi, and KTM night.
December. 6th Anniversary night.

-Other events and folks to talk:
Reg Kitrelle, Dealers, Vendors, Press, Partners.
Daytona destination ride?
April American Sport BikeN event.
Upcoming race season, and events.
Door Prizes.
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