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| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 12:52 pm: |
for those of you that have DIY on the valve clearance checks. what sizes are being used? my local dealer doesn't carry them so i need to have at least some kind of guesstimate as to what i will likely need. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 01:11 pm: |
Find a shop that has a full set of V-Rod shims. Ours are the same parts. Z |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 01:11 pm: |
You should really measure the ones you have first so that you can just cross reference to the ones you need in the back of the service manual. Mine were between 235 & 275 for the most part. Any hd dealer can order the shims, they are the same as whats used in the v-rod. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 01:16 pm: |
i know i should measure them first it's just the down time i am concerned about. while i wait for them to show up. the big issue there is forgetting where something goes on reassembly or something becoming gone(cats, dogs, nephew, kids etc) i will have to look around for the independents and see what they've got. there is one dealer in town with three locations and none of them have any was specifically told it's an order item... normally these guys are really good but that one really makes my brain hurt considering how many v-rods i see floating around. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 01:52 pm: |
I know this was posted before, there's a generic shim kit out there, although I haven't bought it myself just yet. Maybe in another month or 2 when my season is officially over. You need the 10 mm kit I think. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 01:58 pm: |
yeah i saw that kit and somewhere on here one of us bought it and there were questions to whether or not they were in fact suitable for use in the 1125r. i would think they'd be fine but out of warranty it's a pretty big risk to take not to mention the risk i am running by being so late on getting it done to begin with. approaching 22k without the first one done. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 02:08 pm: |
$.83 per shim vs. $5.95 each from the dealer. Tough call. =5363 There's another one, little more expensive. I don't think I'd worry much about it doing damage to the motor, if it's spec'd correctly (99.9% sure it is) and other guys have used them with no issues. I'll be going that route for sure. You've already run 10k WAY past the check, so the damage is probably done if was going to happen. Depending on which way it went, you either end up with a loss of power and burnt valves or end up bending parts because it got too loose. If it's still running good, then you probably got lucky. My first check, 7 of the 8 were out and all were on the tight side by more that .004" with the 8th one right on the line for being tight. The valves were slowly receding up into the seats and getting tighter. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 02:11 pm: |
yeah she feels a little down on power but runs fine. nothing to indicate a burnt valve. def nothing bent either. so yeah i am guessing i got pretty lucky. knowing how my luck runs i will do the adjustments and it'll die on me. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 02:31 pm: |
then i found this kit. ALVE-SHIM-KIT-10mm/?id=119727&psreferrer=http%253A o%257Ct%257Camp%257Csource%257Cequalto%257Cweb%257 Camp%257Ccd%257Cequalto%257C2%257Camp%257Cved%257C equalto%257C0CEEQgwgwAQ%257Camp%257Curl%257Cequalt 252F%253Fcode%257Cequalto%257CSP-RKG-D-PRODUCT%257 Camp%257CcatalogId%257Cequalto%257C119727%257Camp% 257Cutm_source%257Cequalto%257CGoogle%2BShopping%2 57Camp%257Cutm_medium%257Cequalto%257CCSEs%257Camp %257Cutm_campaign%257Cequalto%257CRKG%257Camp%257C csource%257Cequalto%257Cgoogle%257Camp%257Czmam%25 7Cequalto%257C71052737%257Camp%257Czmas%257Cequalt o%257C1%257Camp%257Czmac%257Cequalto%257C1%257Camp %257Czmap%257Cequalto%257CWIS-VSK-10%257Camp%257Cr ct%257Cequalto%257Cj%257Camp%257Cq%257Cequalto%257 C10%2Bmm%2BVALVE%2BSHIM%2BKIT%257Camp%257Cei%257Ce qualto%257CBtF4Tqb6C4WFtgex1IyWDA%257Camp%257Cusg% 257Cequalto%257CAFQjCNGUyBRjQJL-18Lhg5GL3U39k_TqFg &utm_source=Google%2BShopping&utm_medium=CSEs&utm_ campaign=RKG&zmam=71052737&zmas=1&zmac=1&zmap=WIS- VSK-10&segment=badger |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 02:35 pm: |
I used this set when I did my valve adjustment. I was about 5000 miles past it's due date and only 4 of the 8 were real tight the others were still within spec or getting tight. I have put over 1000 miles on the bike since the valve job. The bike runs great and the shims are a perfect match. And. Still have shims for the next valve job |