Mountainstrom - NICE. Are those roads in Virginia? They are so clean and well kept. I couldn't help but notice the double yellow lines were everywhere. Was there a posted speed limit?
The roads here in SW VA are generally in fair shape. Some counties and communities have more tax money to throw at improvements. Around Smith Mt Lake everything is "new" but as you go further into farm land and woods the roads are not always safe. There will oftentimes be gravel or dried mud from wash outs. And there are always the deer.
On the backroads no ****s shall be given about passing on double yellow lines. Some old timers here drive 35 in a 55.
It's America. You can assume there will be posted limits on every public road.
Go into the camera setup menu of the software and turn the mic sensitivity down and the put a piece of electrical tape over the mic hole. Not perfect but it helps.