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Buell Forum » Big, Bad & Dirty (Buell XB12X Ulysses Adventure Board) » Archive through March 12, 2010 » Keyed tumblers are available...Thanks Bumpus! « Previous Next »

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Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 07:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

This thread will go along good with the one below.
I managed to break the little locking tab off one of the tumblers on my Outdoorsman luggage by giving it a good pull while it was locked. After having no luck at my local dealers trying to replace it I contacted "Ft Bstrd" at Bumpus HD/Buell. He turned me over to Jonathan, their parts manager, and he said he'd look into it. He contacted me a day or so later and said he called the Motor Co and finally got the part number, all he needed was my luggage key number and he can get them ordered.
I want to give a big THANKS! to Ft Bstrd and Jonathan for going the extra mile to help a fellow BadWebber out!
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