i agree with Glitch. dont think that classifies as a motorcycle. in america i think that would be sold as a scooter. dont even need a license to ride one!! lol
Do not under estimate the coolness of the Madass 125! Never said it wasn't cool. I have tons of fun on mini-bikes, check my profile. To me it's a scooter, not a proper motorcycle. I guess this must be a scooter too then. Yep, that one too.
Oh, don't be offended- I refer to all motorcycles as "bikes". Like calling women "girls" and guys "dudes" and anyone younger than me "kids" and so on.....
BuellToberFest is the first full weekend of October. October 2 - October 4, 2009 We have no itinerary, we have no agenda, we aren't organized, we are the 3%ers. Most everyone will stay at T.W.O. or a cabin near by. The 3%ers tend to camp at T.W.O. http://www.twowheelsonly.com/
Oh and by the way, we have no room for seriousness. Once you meet us, you'll understand...
i definately think of that bike as a scooter. i think anything under 500cc as a scooter. and that thing definately LOOKS like a scooter. i mean come on. highway speeds? my 125 dirt bike could hit 50mph also, and had "full sized" wheels also but does that qualify that as a Motorcycle in the same class as say a buell, harley, sportbike? and bourget motorcycles hold oil in the frame.
I took my motorcycle licence test on a 200cc "scooter" with MC plates. If the US government calls it a motorcycle, then it must be a motorcycle.......right?
I believe that the Burgman uses the same motor as the SV650.
btw I own a Vespa GT 200. That this will do ~72mph with my fat ass on it and will beat my Blast off the line. The scooters now-a-days aren't your daddy's scooters of old.