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| Posted on Wednesday, July 09, 2008 - 12:13 am: |
You know where the Blast Isolator is thinner and softer than the updated part that laf is talking about - a denser rubber and thicker - a very solid looking unit. EZ |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 11:49 pm: |
Hi everybody! Well, I broke the Do Not Remove bracket last week. Did not break bolts off in the head this time! I ordered a new bracket and I ordered the isolator listed above this topic (pn 16207-79c) and will be installing it soon. It does look much different. Does the new one need a washer like the old one, or is it built in to the isolator? |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 12:10 am: |
Hey how you doing? You have not posted up for a while. The new isolator looks a little different, especially if you mount it upside down like I did on the Big Kids bike...but it lasted for quite a while and is still going. |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 01, 2008 - 11:36 pm: |
It appears I broke 2 engine mount bolts at the same time... Actually, this has nothing to do with "me" breaking anything. The Blast broke itself... I was 5 miles from home when I heard something strike the exhaust pipe and then fall on the road. I instantly noticed a very shakey motorcycle, and the higher engine rpm's were really rough. The isolater still seems intact, but the whole engine is slumped forward and pressing up against the front of the frame. I can't see much tonight in the dark with my workshop lamp, but I noticed the left bolt appears to be snapped as I can only see about 2 rings of thread on it. I'm hoping that it's not the head end that broke off, because I don't have those special drill bits for removing screws with no heads. My guess if the left bolt snapped when I hit a bump in the road, and the whole weight of the engine strained the other bolt causing it to fail. I don't even see the right bolt. I think that was what fell off while I was riding and struck the exhaust pipe. The roads I travel are terrible, except for the freeway. The in town roads in Petaluma are just covered in large mounded cracks and uneven pavement. Each time I drive over one, I cringe because the Blast's suspension system is as lousy as it is. I guess the last 2 years of abuse on these bad roads finally took it's toll. Does anyone recommend I replace anything else in there while I'm down there? I don't know how to fix this job, but over the next few days I'll figure it out and look at the manual. The isolator appears fine, but I was reading on here that the newer engine mount parts are highly recommended. For me it depends on what it all costs. I have a 2002 Blast. (Message edited by toniportray on October 01, 2008) |
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 10:46 am: |
Just the isolator - Tony - where do you live? Petaluma - is that East Bay or North Bay area - how far are you from Pittsburg? EZ |
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 03:12 pm: |
What a disaster. So further inspection today reveals that both the front bolts are gone. The right bolt and all it's parts including the toothed washer and the rectangular metal piece (I presume to be a washer as well despite it's odd shape) are totally absent. The end of the left bolt was found severed in the frame along with the toothed washer and the rectangular washer. The washer/ring below the main isolator nut at the top of the isolator is also slightly bent on the posterior/rear side. Should I replace that as well? Upon seeing how bad the situation was, I decided to check the rear isolator as well. It's not pretty there either. The two bottom bolts (of 4 total) are gone and the bolts are severed and stuck inside the frame. Damn. The hex heads must have snapped off and now the bolts themselves are lodged in. This is going to be one hell of a repair job. I'm mostly worried about how to get those snapped bolts out of the rear. Since it takes so much torque to set those in, I don't know if a reversible drill bit set is going to be strong enough to get them out. EZ: Petaluma is about an hour and 10 minutes from Pittsburg. I drive to Martinez occasionally to do some research at the VA Clinic there. Petaluma is just north of Novato and San Rafael in the north bay. Do you have any interest in working together on this project? Maybe you've got tools that I don't for this project. I don't have a trailer to put the bike on, but I can probably get one from some friends. I don't think it's a good idea to ride it with only the two rear isolator bolts intact. The ride is really rough as it is and anything above 25mph makes me real nervous the way the whole thing shakes so much. It starts to mess with the engine rpms and feels terrible. Let me know if you're interested. I could find some parts at the Novato or Vallejo dealerships. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 04:04 pm: |
Geez - don't ride it! PM me, we'll exchange phone numbers, addresses, and I'll come buy bring anything special to help with putting it back together, when the parts are gathered. Yeah - you'll need a new front isolator, washer, center bolt and associated hardware, and new side bolts and associated hardware. How are the Bolts going to the head and the DNR bracket - I would jack the motor up a bit to take pressure off those bolts. EZ (Message edited by ezblast on October 02, 2008) |
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 04:38 pm: |
As an update to the information on this site, HD has a newer isolator, appropriately given part number 16207-79D. Someone who has authorization should change that in the text at the top if this page. The newer isolator costs $48. Fortunately the dealerships here each have about 10+ of these in stock. Unfortunately however they do not have the nuts, bolts, washers, and other gadgets I need in stock. The front 3/8" isolator frame bolts are $2 each (PN AA0616.ICZ). The rear isolator bolts are $1.10 each (AA0507.2CXZ). That's just for anyone who ever needs to get these parts in the future. I'll send you (EZ) a PM shortly after I finish raising the motor real quick. Just looking over the head bolts and the DNR bracket, everything looks normal and stable. And thanks ahead for your willing assistance. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 04:40 pm: |
You know what, Ed?? You are the bomb!! Why can't you live close to me? |
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 05:40 pm: |
I don't, but Ralph does! EZ |
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 10:01 pm: |
Who lives near me? |
| Posted on Thursday, October 02, 2008 - 10:28 pm: |
Sorry - your flying solo! EZ |
| Posted on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 04:58 pm: |
Okay. I've had enough. This is by far the angriest I have ever been at anything or anyone. My ex-girlfriend comes close. I think this project has resulted in the development of multiple brain tumors surrounding my amygdala (emotion area of the brain). I've replaced the front isolator and I'm done with the front section. That took me 1.5 full days of driving around for parts, and actual handwork on the Blast to get that all resolved. What's really got me storming now is that 2 of the 4 rear motor mount bolts had severed heads and were stuck in the frame. After spending 12+ hours yesterday and today stripping the bike down do the frame and hanging it from the garage rafters like a freshly slaughtered cow creating a shower of blood, I was able to vice grip the left bolt out of the frame. The right one however refuses to come out. It budged about 1/3 a turn when I first started on it, but now it won't budge. I've tried drilling a hole in the top (for using an easy-out drill bit) and drilling a hole in the side of the severed bolt to which I could place a wire through and twist the bolt out, but the bolt will not allow anything to drill through. There is just no way to make a starter hole to keep the drill bit in one spot rather than "walking" all over the bolt as I try to start a drill hole. Here is a picture of my dilemma:
The right bolt is now so trashed from all my vice gripping attempts that the vice grips won't hold on to it strong enough to turn the bolt. The grips just slide and tear up the bolt more each time I try, so I've stopped. There really isn't enough sticking out to get a decent grip with the vice grip tool. So I turn it over to anyone here who has any suggestions. I'm hopeless. I'm so exhausted and full of rage that I'm about to just put in 3 new grade 8 bolts in the other 3 slots and stick with that. I don't know what else to do other than take it to a mechanic somewhere. However, it'll probably take him 3+ hours to get it out so I really don't want to pay that. I was able to remove the left bolt without heating it with a soldering iron, but I've tried heating the right bolt but because it's surrounded by the cold engine case, the bolt won't heat up AT ALL. I've got a real hot soldering iron and I've held it on there for 3 minutes without getting any increase in temperature of the bolt. However, considering the left one came out without any heating, I don't know if there is really any loctite in there that is preventing me from getting the right bolt out. The only other thing I have wanted to do is remove the actual rear motor mount bracket (the big black piece in the picture), but the two bolts that hold it to the frame refuse to come loose. I've tried breaker bars, heating the bolts, and nothing works. Those bolts will not give at all. I thought maybe if I could get that piece off, then I could vice grip the bolt vertically from the top, but I can't get the motor mount off. I welcome any suggestions, and please let me know what you think about whether 3 bolts is sufficient strength for holding down that rear motor mount. It may be my last resort. And thanks to EZ for his generous help thus far. |
| Posted on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 05:03 pm: |
Use that Dremel I loaned you, put on one of the cut-off discs on it, and cut a slott through the middle like your making a slot-headed screw, then screw that puppy out! EZ |
| Posted on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 06:12 pm: |
A shot of PB Blaster might help, too. It makes WD-40 look like water. |
| Posted on Monday, October 06, 2008 - 09:01 pm: |
If you are at that point just drop the engine out so you will have room to work on it, or at least remove the swingarm. Then heat the bolt with a propane torch, trying to direct the flame rowards the bolt and away form anything that will melt, when it gets hot put some bees wax on it(It works Great!) or spray some PB Blaster on it, Ruel is right since the advent of PB Blaster , WD-40 is only used on grandmas arthritis. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 12:21 am: |
If you have to take it to get it removed, take it to a place that can weld a nut to it. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 07, 2008 - 09:19 am: |
I was thinking the same thing as Reuel. Weld a nut to the end of it if it's that stubborn. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 09:23 pm: |
Wow Tony. I feel your pain- you are a very expressive writer. Don't give up on the Blast. Even if it seems like it isn't well engineered, they are pretty good for learning how to fix things on. For many other motorcyclists, the Blast is a first bike, quickly discarded for a "bigger" bike. I have found it to be a great learning tool. Keep the faith! |
| Posted on Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 09:53 pm: |
I'm suprised that Ez isn't on a paid contract from Buell by now...even loaning out tools. Above and beyond the call of doodie. Seriously though, keep at it and you will have your fun soon enough. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 10:21 pm: |
Don't worry guys - he's a pretty sharp cookie and has some good resources of his own - I expect between his studies he'll have it done tonight and my tools back to me by tomorrow eve - lol EZ |
| Posted on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 09:18 am: |
Hhhhhuh huh... hhhhhuh huh... you said 'doodie'... |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 07:56 pm: |
"Victory is mine!" At last the bolt is out. Through the use of my impact driver, some more dremel grinding, a whole lot of cursing, excessive wine consumption (to calm down), and EZ's consistent encouragement, this little shit is out. This 2.5 week-long drama has finally come to an end. Unfortunately, now I have to figure out how to put it all back together. At this moment the main frame is dangling from my garage rafters, held up by a hand winch I found in the workshop, or as EZ calls it, the "Fibber McGee Room." I still don't know who the hell Fibber McGee is, but it sounds appropriate given the organization (or lack of) in that room. EZ, the fine wine and cigars are on their way tomorrow evening (as am I). It's time to do some shopping in EZ's garage and try out his award-winning coffee. I also want to see those crazy dogs again. |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 09:42 pm: |
I'll have the bbq hot and steaks and seasoned corn on the grill - the coffee will be ready as well - lol EZ |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 10:27 pm: |
I've always found that alcohol seems to make the work flow more smoothly. Or maybe it just makes me not care as much when things go all to hell. I'm not sure which. Why doesn't anybody live in or near Delaware?!?!?! |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 - 11:28 pm: |
The real delight I get from the accumulation of hydroxyl groups in my brain is that it mellows out any angry or panic feelings I might have. It's particularly good for calming down after a bad day or if I have something to worry about in the morning that is keeping me from falling asleep. If I get buzzed while working, I tend to knock stuff over and forget to put certain bolts back on before reassembling something. 'Course it depends what I'm drinking... I left the East Coast for a reason. It's too outdated there (or at least in Detroit, which really isn't the "east coast", but nor would I consider it today as being the "midwest" either). People in the west tend to be more up to date with styles, appearance, etc. As such, people are more attractive out here in California. Though Florida has far superior beach babes and much better oceanfront. I'm sorry you have to live in Delaware. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 12:34 am: |
OK. Taking another short cut. Will fully read the tread tomorrow. I just want to make sure I'm safe for the ride to work. It seemed to me, visually, and by finger manipulation that the outboard isolator bolts were somewhat loose. I did my best to tighten them to 30 lbs/foot per manual, but with the tank on, so I did most of it to a "good snug" and nothing more. Is it normal for these to come loose? One is easier to get to than the other. One shows more thread than the other (here is my concern). Can I be creating a balance issue? or creating a situation that might make the engine go berserk? |
| Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 12:38 am: |
I have mine at German value - good and tight! EZ |
| Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 01:48 pm: |
I'm in the process of reading as much as I can in the motor mount thread, but will get my question out here now, because just got back from lunch and the ride is concerning me. My bike shakes more than it ever has, mostly at going and stopping. Is it just that I am experiencing how it normally shakes? Or could I have messed something up by tightening the outboard isolator bolts? What exactly does an isolator do? |
| Posted on Thursday, October 16, 2008 - 03:18 pm: |
OK, read the whole thing from 2005. I guess my only concern left is the vibrating that increased after I tightened those bolts. I really don't think I over tightened them, and it looks like the increased rigidity naturally increases the vibration. However, I want to make sure I am not risking having created too much increased vibration. |