Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 04:52 pm:
Has anyone ever had one of these? I looked at some google stuff, but it was the typical dumb Yahoo Answers responses. its a hard lump, in my ear lobe, closer to my head and where the ear connects on the bottom. Someone commented that they stuck a scalpel in his and the lump thing fell out. Should I try and cut it out? or think it might "drain" if its a zit? My friends got a scalpel for DIY surgery, and I have no insurance so I gotta get it out somehow. I just dont wanna mess with my hearing!
Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 05:06 pm:
I get lumps occassionally behind my ear where my lobe meets my head.
If it's only a mild "inconvenience" then I would recommend keeping it clean (rubbing alcohol) and keeping warm compresses on it regularly and see what effect that has on it. I do NOT recommend home surgery.
Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 05:08 pm:
i'd go see a pro if I had insurance. Do you know hownmuch a docotrs visit cost with no insurance? I'm damned if I do, damned if I dont. i work full time, go to school, havent been arrested too much, and I get no help. People in my neighborhood don't work, have a billion kids with no father, and they get taken care of. DAMN!
Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 05:26 pm:
If you are talking about a "pearl" inside your earlobe, leave it alone. It should go away after a few days. I get them from time to time. If, by chance, it gets worse... have it looked at by a professional.
Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 05:50 pm:
Don't try to home "drain" it. You will introduce germs into the cyst and cause it to become infected. Then you'll be in a world of poop.
I agree that it's just a cyst.
If it's in the ear lobe, you shouldn't create any sort of cauliflower ear problems. If it's up in the cartilage portion of the ear, you could create swelling and fluid between the outer skin and the cartilage. If that fluid remains, the cartilage below the swelling will be separated from the bloodflow (which comes from the skin, cartilage has no blood flow of its own) and will begin to die.
I used to wrestle and got really bad cauliflower ear. They drained the fluid and used 25 stitches front to back to stitch the skin to the cartilage. I got a blood infection causing the blood vessels to become swollen and infected. It looked like my ear was a spider and the veins were legs wrapping around the side of my head. I was on IV anti-biotics for a week.
If you think not having insurance and having a cyst in your ear sucks, try poking it with a pin, getting an infection, and checking into a hospital for a week.
Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 07:39 pm:
Don't be a girl, did your pocket knife out and hit it with a lighter to kill the germs and go to town! If it looks nasty in a day or two hit it with some peroxide.
Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 07:53 pm:
Most of your doctors will do a sliding fee for service for you if you dont have insurance. You should be looking at 115 for the office visit, and maybe 75-95 for the lance, drain, clean. and unfortunately, this is considered a 'surgery'. The benefit of this is that they will probably give you a local and drain it, doing it at home, you are on your own. I am a 200 kind of squeamish myself. Call around and find out how much they charge to drain a cyst, it could be something else and endemic of something bigger, ie lymphatic issues, you definately want those checked out by a professional. The home medicine of "Hey, watch this" is not a great place to be.
Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 08:09 pm:
Yep...had 'em, they go away. I even had a large painful cyst in my ass that took several months to go away (one day it erupted and drained out mostly on its own). Not that I didn't try to pop it beforehand...but all I got was a lot of pain and sore fingers.
There's a small hard object in one forearm I tried to remove once. It was so attached to the surrounding skin tissue that I would've had to cut out a big f'n hole to remove it. I had no ability to sew such a hole up so I had to let the skin I cut through heal. Lesson...leave it alone if it isn't killing you. though the aliens will always be able to track me
In the Corps a guy had a massive cyst on his face that made the above vids seem a bit tame...covered his entire cheek like a half a baseball. When the Corpsman made his first incision it squirted bloody puss forcefully into his face. His was not at all amused!
Posted on Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 08:58 pm:
Why, oh, why did I watch that?!? Don't they have county hospitals where you live? If you go they send you a bill and you pay when you can. If the're just the little small hard lumps, I get those and they go away. Anything like those videos, GO TO A HOSPITAL.