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Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 09:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

I am heading out to the Dayton, OH Hamvention from NJ and I am considering taking Route 6 across PA.
Anyone been on this road lately and can provide an update on conditions/construction
and whether it is worth taking the extra time?

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Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 10:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Very worth it if the weather is good. Awsome road with really cool towns along the way. I drove part of it last Oct. The road was is good shape but a good winter up there can kill the road quick.
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Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 11:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

It was a major East-West highway across Northern Pa in the two lane road days. In the sixties and seventies they tried to up grade it to a four lane and ended up with patch work highway at least in the North Western part of the state.

I haven't lived on rt 6 since 1978, but it hasn't been changed or up graded much since then either. It is kinda like the old rt 66, a dying artery or a broken one at best.

There were many thriving small towns and businesses along that route in the early sixties. It seems the plan to up grade was one that included doing the bypass around towns first. That killed and maimed a lot of business and I feel it was the reason the road's improvement project was stymied, you kill the businesses and people leave, then the need for the road has been removed.

It is truly beautiful country though, many small towns with their personalities being so individualistic. Many historic and State and National park type of things to see. The road is usually rough and pot-holed in the winter to mid spring and somewhere it is being patched or replaced all summer long.

If I had the time and inclination to do the ride of rt 6 I would make sure to find some mapping of where the four lanes have bypassed the small towns, and head off through them. That is what would make it an interesting ride. A lot of these small towns were literally locked in the fifties and sixties.
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Posted on Monday, May 12, 2008 - 01:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Here it is on Google Maps starting from High Point, NJ (A) & running through the Hawks Nest (B).

It's an ugly URL but it works...

http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=1771 5980122332303068,41.321956,-74.660532%3B6710388449 837819967,41.424516,-74.733035%3B47261314427988258 66,41.412498,-75.052826%3B8524444637027922713,41.5 40348,-75.210935%3B7938874929210002334,41.571215,- 75.502889%3B13126542569051495361,41.524140,-75.733 160%3B2422571907717958233,41.772830,-76.631290%3B3 951727474834900945,41.774947,-77.343959%3B63839349 42152745219,41.713860,-78.691130%3B162511988491310 7274,41.691589,-78.861100%3B1711408396586897588,41 .843663,-79.140396%3B7622737197294937941,41.757144 ,-80.115997%3B4739242202705974212,41.625028,-80.15 7710%3B285433052934537963,41.714480,-80.570690&sad dr=Unknown+road+%4041.321956,+-74.660532&daddr=RT- 97+%4041.424516,+-74.733035+to:US-6+%4041.412498,+ -75.052826+to:Texas+Palmyra+Hwy%2FUS-6+%4041.54034 8,+-75.210935+to:S+Main+St%2FUS-6-BR+%4041.571215, +-75.502889+to:US-11+N%2FUS-6+W+%4041.524140,+-75. 733160+to:US-6+%4041.772830,+-76.631290+to:US-6+%4 041.774947,+-77.343959+to:US-6+%4041.713860,+-78.6 91130+to:US-6+%4041.691589,+-78.861100+to:Pennsylv ania+Ave+E%2FUS-6-BR+%4041.843663,+-79.140396+to:U S-19%2FUS-6+%4041.757144,+-80.115997+to:Conneaut+L ake+Rd%2FUS-19+S%2FUS-322+W%2FUS-6+W+%4041.625028, +-80.157710+to:N+Richmond+Rd+%4041.714480,+-80.570 690&via=2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12&doflg=ptm&sll=41. 623655,-77.618408&sspn=5.715429,7.800293&ie=UTF8&z =7

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