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Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 12:45 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

After 8 days of ownership (6 of which was spent with the XT in the shop getting a new O2 sensor), I've put together a list of observations. Since the XT is not an entirely new model and since there have already been other XT ride reports posted, I'll only list the things that have "jumped out" at me so far. Keep in mind that it's been almost a year since I last owned an XB so my memory may be flawed when comparing the XT to my 12R or 12Ss....

  • Although it has a shorter seat height than the X, the XT still feels tall to me. I'm 5'6" and and thanks to the peg placement, I still am just on the balls of my feet at a stop. This will only be a problem when trying to waddle it or (God forbid), I have a brain fart and end up parking nose-first into an inclined parking space.
  • With my Shoei TZ-R full face, there's a lot of wind noise - but thankfully, very little buffeting - and then, only when riding into a strong headwind.
  • Between the taller windshield, handguard and frame pucks, there's a decent amount of wind protection as compared to the 12Ss - but of course, nowhere near a full faired tourer like the 1200RT, ST1300, etc. Still, with proper gear, winter rides shouldn't be too bad for this Texas boy.
  • Typical XB - right thigh heat is a bitch. My plan was to install a heat blanket but I'm having second thoughts about obstructing the airflow around the electronics.
  • The engine definitely idles smoother and quieter than previous year models. The turn signals still shake like an epileptic crackwhore* at idle, but it smooths out with just a little throttle. No surprises there. *no offense to epileptics or crackwhores
  • Definitely much less fan activity while riding. I rode about 60 miles tonight. Granted, it was mostly freeway, no traffic and temps were in the low-mid 60s but my 12R and 12Ss would've had the fans going at least some of the time. As far as I could tell, the XT's fan didn't come on at all until I shutdown - once during the ride when I stopped to grab something to eat and then later when I got home. In both instances, the fan ran at low speed but for about 8-10 minutes.
  • I am NOT impressed with the bags. Compared to the BMW bags on my 1200RT and 1200ST, the HB bags seem to have flimsy latches and nowhere near as sturdy an attachment mechanism. In fact, the dealer has already had to order a replacement right bag as the lip on the original bag is warped and the bag won't close properly. How this got past QA at Buell is beyond me. I'm not surprised that the dealer didn't catch it because the bags were already installed on the bike when it was uncrated. Still, I'll take these bags over soft luggage any day. (No flames please - I've seen the pics of the Uly hanging off the side of the dam by the right bag. While I'm reasonably sure they won't coming flying off the rack while riding, they just don't have as secure an attachment mechanism as I'd like to see.)
  • The suspension totally rocks!!! It's not Road King plush but it's firm and fits the sporting nature of the bike. You can immediately feel the difference between the XT and the X once you get on the road. (I've never ridden an X off road.)
  • Either the dealer totally f***ed up the suspension settings or didn't bother to even check them. The first time I rode, I knew the rebound and compression were totally out of whack - the bike would "fight" me any time I tried to make a simple right or left hand turn. Sure enough, I adjusted the damping/compression to my weight per the manual and it handles like a totally different bike. I'm going to have to talk to my dealer and find out what exactly the "setup fee" includes. It obviously doesn't include taking 10 minutes to adjust the suspension.
  • Going to have to get a socket wrench to adjust the front preload. The throttle, brake, clutch and heated grip wiring makes it difficult to get to with the included wrench.
  • The heated grips seem to work fine. They're not as elegantly designed as BMW's (BMW doesn't have external cables) but at the low setting, I could feel ample heat through my gloves. I've not tested them at the "high" setting. With the handguards and grips, I'm thinking I'll be able to use thin gloves year round. Woo hoo!

My only real concern (other than the right side heat) is the problem I ran into with the O2 sensor. I have to admit that I was keeping a close eye on the CEL the whole time I was riding tonight and it may be awhile before I can stop fixating on it.

Although I'm still in the honeymoon phase, I'm betting the XT becomes Buell's best selling XB if the XB series remains as-is for '09. With the bags, it's not only a good touring bike, but an excellent daily commuter (which will be 90% of my use) and good weekend canyon carver. (Yeah, like we've got a bunch of those here in Dallas.)

Well done Erik.

(Message edited by towjam on April 19, 2008)
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Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 05:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Good write up. I will add some of my observations when I get my CEL issue resolved with the dealer. Pisses me off that I paid the 'setup' fee for a bike that wasn't properly set up...
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Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 07:51 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

I can't speak for other dealers, but I always try to personally set up the suspension for a customer's body weight when the bike is sold. The factory doesn't really "set" anything. Our setup tech (the "other" Joe) will usually catch it and set it for his bodyweight for the test ride, but I took our XT from him before he had a chance to do that (LOL) and set it myself that night when I got home. Factory settings were all over the map - one fork in the 270 range, one fork in the 200 range, and I couldn't tell where the rear was supposed to be.

ALL buyers should ask their salesperson - "do you have a couple minutes so we can set my suspension up?" It a) gives them a chance to take part, maybe for the first time, and hopefully they'll take initiative "next time", and b) gives you someone to hold the damn book while you're adjusting, because I haven't found a good place to put it yet where it doesn't slide off and lose the page! : )
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Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 09:09 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

good little write up tow, and i agree on most of your points. although i haven't had any problems with anything like you. i'm not dissatisfied with the bags. they are bigger than the ultra's saddlebags, so i'm happy with that. and since i wasn't planning on doing any aggressive riding i wasn't worried about the set up right away and waited until later on in the day to do it but only haveing a few hrs sleep the night before, it was taking me time to do the adjustments. couldn't concentrate.
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Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 10:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

i'm not dissatisfied with the bags. they are bigger than the ultra's saddlebags, so i'm happy with that.

Agreed - I'm impressed with the capacity. I like the fact that I can keep a fullface in any of the 3 bags. And don't get me wrong, I don't mean that the Buell bags are "junk", but if I'm being totally objective, they're a notch or two below the equivalent BMW bags with regards to construction quality and the all important latching and mounting hardware. Time will tell.
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Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 10:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

<deleting double post>

(Message edited by towjam on April 19, 2008)
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Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 05:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

i've never had a beamer and never really looked at them but because they are what they are i wouldn't doupt that they are better. i guess you had to keep the weight down one way or another or it would begin to get top heavy on ya. until i took the bags off and saw how light they are i had concerns that they would make the bike top heavy. i'll be taking it down to myrtil beach bike week so i'll see how much stuff i can really pack in there.
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Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 - 10:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Good write up Tow. I concur with most of your comments.

I happy with my cases, the only bimmer cases I've messed with were from an early 80's bike so can't compare. The latches will do fine as long as you don't ham-hand them by trying to compress an oversized load in them w/o putting any side pressure on the outside case half. I've crammed mine to the max and putting a little pressure with my off hand or thigh to the outter half they close up just fine w/o straining the latches. A cam latch like these is most venerable in the half throw or open position. I suppose a twisting, cam lock latch crated out of metal would be more bullet proof, but certainly not as clean looking. Either way I can live with it.

The grip warmers do indeed rock. Had my bike out the first couple of rides in the 40s with fingerless or deer-skin, light gloves, no problem........(and that was on the low setting)

My suspension was setup OK on delivery, though a bit stiff for just me for just cruising.(one setting up from my weight on the table) But the initial setup was perfect for 2up. I played suspension today, definitely a task you don't want distractions the first time. I set it up for me solo, w/o bags and ripped up some local roads.....beautiful. I took another ride with the better half latter in the evening only bumping up the rear preload, not so good. Will put it back to the initial setting for best all-round performance. Every setting it is pretty easy except the damned fork preload adjusters. I messed around with a darned wrench for a bit before breaking down and getting out the socket with long extension.

The motor will continue to get smoother if yours is like mine. Even the low speed stuff is getting better. I can reliably putt at 10-15mph no problem now w/o clutching/brake dragging, even slower in a load situation like a hill. Flat, no load situations are least favorable it seems. This is my first FI bike so it's a bit of an adjustment for me, but one I'm more than happy to learn.

Another interesting quirk is the variable idle......it knows when you have it in gear when the clutch is disengaged vs neutral. Almost impossible to stall, nice. I thought it was my imagination at first till I started paying attention.

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