Wasn't the Backfire Board created for Political discussions?
The problem I see there is that you can't start a new thread in Backfire. So if I want to discuss the politics of deer management I have to do it on Quickboard and it will get moved to Backfire when the rabbit lovers start ranting like crazy.
The ability to start a new thread in the BF was my first request here at BadWeB. I still would like that ability. But it might get too tame on the Quick Board for marketing reasons. Can go the other way too. Too much infighting-bye, bye customers.
If you don't wanna talk politics, or read someone elses political views, DON'T!!!!
People need to quit being so damn sensitive and realize that no matter what your mom told you, YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL!! The world does not revolve around you.
Before someone says "but this is a motorcycle forum, not a political forum", it's motorcycles that brings us together, our common thread, the glue that holds this dysfunctional family together. We all have different views, experiences, cultures etc. To censor the sharing and debating of such would be a real shame. When those of you that have friends in the real world get together around motorcycles, is that all you talk about? Doubt it. If it is, get a life.
Now if you don't want to do anything but talk about right side scoops for you firebolt or the latest farkel for your uly, lemme share a secret with you. The bike of your choice has it's own, generally "on topic" forum!! Neat huh?
My point is content censorship is a slippery slope. Hex gets his way, politics are zapped from the board. Some other tool stumbles along and decides they don't like conversations about technology stuff like smart phones and computers. Then that gets banned. Where would it end?
To summerize, if you don't like it, don't read it and don't join the conversation.
Hmm lucky me.. I started on WIN 3.1 My first delve into networking....
MSDOS was a royal pain to network. We were using Token Ring at the time. I remember just giving up, and cloning the one machine that saw the server... They don't call me Glitch for nothing.
Did I unknowingly start a Mac/PC thing? Actually, how I understand the cartoon, there is censorship on the internet, the computer sees this censorship, says it is a error that goes against the 1st Amendment, and you click the button to resume free speech. But then, I am a PC, so I don't know how Macs work, except from this: