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| Posted on Monday, June 22, 2009 - 04:48 pm: |
Went back out this way again on Sunday and had the time of my life, especially on Mt. Ephraim Road from the entrance to Sugarloaf Mountain. It turns into a dirt road that winds around the backside of the mountain through a dark forest and over a few easy streams. It took me to Park Mills Road, which was good. I turned off of that and got onto Peters Road, another crazy dirt road through the woods and along a big brown creek.
Heading back, I took Mt. Ephraim again, then continued straight on West Harris Road, another dirt road, until it ran into Barnesville. Nothing like a dirty Uly. (I know, I have a headlight out)
| Posted on Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 10:44 pm: |
Hey Kathy, did your route through the Black Water Refuge today and ate at Old Saltys. It was nice. Thank you for sharing it! |
| Posted on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 - 12:03 pm: |
route 9 DE from Delaware City to route 1. Some straightaways, some tight turns, some gradual turns, all fun. It is a great way to avoid some route 1 traffic on the way to the beach. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2010 - 11:28 am: |
If ever you are in the Shenandoah Valley. Try this loop. Exit 264 on I 81 @ New Market (cool Civil War Battlefield Park). From there head east over the wonderfully curvy and twisty mountain to Luray, VA. At the bottom of the Mountain turn right onto Rt 340 and follow that North into Elkton, VA. There, you will pick up Rt 33 East, up the mountain to Skyline Drive. Pay the nominal fee and enjoy a stretch of the most beautiful vistas and scenic roads the world has to offer. You can choose to depart the "Drive" at Luray / Rt 211 or go further along to Front Royal, VA. If you depart at Luray, follow Rt 211 back west and be sure to visit Outlanders Cycles 5 miles west of Luray. They stock plenty of parts, lubes and accessories for the V-twin Crowd as well as a Saturday Service Dept. This is a great loop with plenty of food, shops, and fuel along the way. Enjoy. If you're in the Area, text me at 540-246-6395 and The X1 an I will join you up. -JP |
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2010 - 02:04 pm: |
Very cool Hooper! I know some of those roads. The rougher parts are popular for the motard/supermoto guys. barnesville and all surrounding areas have some hidden gems... agricultural though so gotta watch for gravel, freshly cut grass etc. Sometimes roads aren't the best maintained either cuz Montgomery County doesn't care about us rednecks up here |
| Posted on Saturday, July 10, 2010 - 09:29 am: |
Been playing with the Ride Planner this morning. It had been a while because I was not impressed with the earlier version. The new one is much better, faster more responsive and allows you to export/import data to your GPS. Here's my Northern Virginia "Real Estate Ride". /road.jsp?roadId=253389&locale=en_US |
| Posted on Saturday, July 10, 2010 - 12:15 pm: |
Here's the GPS version of Paul's Weekend Ride to North Beach, MD /road.jsp?roadId=333036&locale=en_US |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2010 - 02:03 pm: |
Jose, thanks! Good stuff, sounds like you definitely get around , I'd like to know.... Can you, or anyone, come up with a really twisty turn and burn route originating from or close to Silver Spring ? I may try Barbireds' route from '08 , sounds good....I was doing back roads in the 32 and 40 area , which was ok, but looking for more ......... I just moved from the Clifton VA area and I'm missing the roads, although I do go back down there on occasion, I'm looking for something closer because of time issues. Ok thanks! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 11:03 am: |
In a pinch, here's one that I take when I can't think of anyplace else to's a sample from the "Great Roads Great Rides" book that you can buy. The turn-by-turn directions page doesn't seem to work, but with Google Maps and the sample map you can create a new one. mple-tz.html Also good option is to just get on New Hampshire Avenue from Silver Spring and head starts getting nice and rural with some decent curves. It will intersect with Georgia Avenue way north of Olney, where you can opt to keep going through the farms to Damascus, or head north on Georgia toward northern MD and start exploring from there. Sometimes I'll get on Route 29 (Colesville Rd) north from Silver Spring, blast up just south of Columbia and take either Route 216 or Johns Hopkins Rd westward, and just zig-zag your way north and west. Another easy one: take Route 28 west/north out of Rockville and just follow it until you get out past Darnestown. You can take side roads from 28 or just stay on it until you get to Point of Rocks. Cross into VA, head north to Frederick, or cruise further along the river on Rt 464 to the interesting towns of Brunswick and Harper's Ferry. Another one that's been posted, from Laurel to Frederick: &ll=39.280105%2C-77.075958&spn=0.763239%2C1.229095 &z=10&msid=107505159725656680588.00046d519b129d4ce f781 Now all we need is an end to the storms and extreme heat! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2010 - 09:51 pm: |
Thanks Hooper, that looks pretty good... +1 on the heat/storms.... Ok great thanks! (Message edited by XenoX on August 13, 2010) |
| Posted on Friday, October 12, 2012 - 12:34 pm: |
José_quiñones, Here is a southern add on for the North Beach ride. 8.74704,-76.62004+to:38.7223108,-76.64246+to:38.65 8457,-76.6814841+to:38.62417,-76.63202+to:38.58969 88,-76.556086+to:38.54516,-76.63628+to:38.49452,-7 6.61992+to:38.4892921,-76.5655821+to:38.4427468,-7 6.5170494+to:38.4583681,-76.4957265+to:38.50023,-7 6.52672+to:38.5186745,-76.6014054+to:38.595684,-76 .5275871+to:38.6485211,-76.5824966+to:Bay+Ave&hl=e n&ll=38.616334,-76.561661&spn=0.275764,0.476532&sl l=38.50855,-76.585007&sspn=0.069044,0.119133&geoco de=FQKlTgIdszlw-w%3BFaA7TwId-N5u-ymhi5AcyI-3iTFXHW CBfdC_Pw%3BFQbbTgIdZIdu-ylVbroDApC3iTE_QlB_ToZiTg% 3BFZnhTQId9O5t-ykNmdNjc5u3iTHKRgEMmaSU0w%3BFapbTQI dLLBu-ynLyv7KUYO3iTFJ42_S7PuujQ%3BFQLVTAIdythv-ykn keNr0YO3iTEnl9i5R7hxpw%3BFQgnTAIdiJ9u-ynZ7iCqBni3i TG-Im7G9XhOmA%3BFThhSwIdcN9u-ym_g5Xhxnm3iTFSyrkrHH wqMw%3BFcxMSwIdsrNv-ymXN6ZDPHm3iTGIOVe9beOTtg%3BFf qWSgIdR3Fw-ykpu90WO3y3iTGEUCDYOLvJeA%3BFQDUSgIdksR w-ykVm7nye363iTHjA-kzrq3leg%3BFYZ3SwIdgEtw-ykN10Mq IH-3iTF-_qH8kP512w%3BFZK_SwIdwydv-ympITYvWni3iTHnf VOD24eQaQ%3BFWTsTAIdHUhw-ynJewZia4G3iTFio0gg6lH0OA %3BFcm6TQIdoHFv-ymB53ggaIS3iTGpQNNa7adHmQ%3BFYykTg Idnjlw-w&oq=northern+&mra=dpe&mrsp=12&sz=13&via=1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14&t=m&z=11 (yea, holy zombies) |
| Posted on Sunday, December 29, 2019 - 10:10 pm: |
Hey Hooper, are you still on your Uly and living in the area? I think I'm somewhat nearby (Annandale, VA) - would be cool to plan a ride with a fellow Ulysses rider. |