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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

you are on thin ice buddy,
might have to revoke you membership to NOMAAM
prez of LA chapter
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I vote for
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

"Blake, to answer your question, I would have no problems with ANY of the types of pictures you mentioned."

It is very difficult for me to imagine that should one of the scenarios I described come to pass that you would remain so tolerant. You make a distinction though that I did not include. I said nothing of any age of consent. Would you be okay with your son(s) or daughter(s), prior to their 18th birthday, posting sex pics of themselves on the internet? Why not? Is there something undesirable or threatening in that against which you would wish to protect your children?

Then again, Jerry Springer enjoys an audience for a reason. So I could be wrong. :/
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

A related follow-up question:

Would you be okay with requesting your mother, son(s), daughter(s), granchild(ren), to pose lewdly for nude photos to post on the internet?

No? Why not?
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Nail on the head Blake.
You are wrong!
stop impeading the freedoms of others, like all things.
this site to is personal choice.
the tread title is hot chicks on buells,
are some of you waiting for a baby chicken in my 12R?
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


I vote you surf on over to other sites that provide the type of content you seem to crave.
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I crave the freedom of choice,
please direct me....
Who tricked you to the soap box?

start a new tread.
here's a title.
"life as a glitch"
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I'm wrong? About what? : ?

How am I impeding the freedoms of others? You want to post and view sex pics, you are free to do so on any number of internet sites or via film or print media to your heart's content. No one's freedom is being impaired in any way here. Go start your own internet site and have at it.

This site, much like the vast overwhelming majority of public media and discussion even forums on the internet has certain basic policies. If you cannot abide the policies of this site, you are free to visit other sites.

You are right, the thread title indicates that one entering here is likely to encounter photos of beautiful women and Buell motorcycles. The title does not say anything about, and current board policy absolutely prohibits the posting of lewd content. Period.
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Would you be okay with your son(s) or daughter(s), prior to their 18th birthday, posting sex pics of themselves on the internet? Why not? Is there something undesirable or threatening in that against which you would wish to protect your children?

Aw come on Blake, the reason why not is obvious.
I don't want my kids drinking under-aged either. that doesn't mean that I think there is anything wrong with drinking within reason or that I won't enjoy a drink with my kids when they have become adults....
As adults and within the law, we are allowed to express our own sexuality, I applaud the woman posted for doing just that.
Even if I didn't feel that way I would still expect my mother, daughter or son, as adults, to do what makes them happy, not me. Do you really think Mom loves that I ride a motorcycle? I think she'd prefer naked pics of me on the web!
Others can choose to not be that way or to not want to look at people that way- that is their choice. Unfortunately some see their choice (insert religion, politics and sex) as the only "right" choice.
If you don't like what you see and it is within the guide lines of this site, my suggestion would be to stop looking and stop posting, but of course, the choice is yours ;)
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 12:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I'm sure that if you exploit www.google.com you'll find what you are looking for.

Hey, I can probably find someone who'd like the freedom to come defecate on your kitchen table. How about it? Would you be okay with supporting that freedom of choice?

Why not?
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

don't slip off the pulpit...
So far you are wrong in take part in a tread you have no interest in,
you seem to be smart enough to know when to change lanes,
the exit is approaching, signal, exit,
I'll see you at Hooter's.
are you compelled to join in an assert your opinions in all the treads?
lighten up, thank god you have the right to say what you say.
I defend your right to speak your narrow mind, please allow me to do the same.
I have a client on the phone, I'll be right back to reply
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

"the reason why not is obvious."

It is not at all obvious to me. Please explain it to me. Don't confuse supporting the liberty/freedom to act with approval of said act. I strongly support freedom. I don't approve of how some use it. And like you advise, I do my best to avoid association with environments I personally find problematic.

"If it is withing the guidelines of the site": There you see is the problem. Some of the content offered was not meeting the guidelines of the site, namely the following:


I will not post any content to BadWeB or hyperlinks to other web pages that one would hesitate to expose in the workplace or to family and children. If it is not appropriate for showing on daytime public television or on a public billboard, it is likely not acceptable to post on BadWeatherBikers.com. I will honor this policy and understand that should I fail to do so, I may forfeit my BadWeB posting privileges.

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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Blake has a valid topic and I think it's very interesting. As many here are loving the pics of someone elses wife, would you feel the same if someone was enjoying pictures of your family?

I still will stick to what I said that I would have no problems with ANY of the types of pictures you mentioned. The age thing comes into play because I would want my daughter (or anybody) to be old enough to understand what they are doing. Much like a tattoo, posing/posting is something that could be around for some time to haunt you...make sure it's something you want to do.

Would I ask one of my family to pose nude for posting? No, but then again I'm not the type to take nude photographs of anybody for posting. If someone else asked and they wanted to, then I would be supportive of that choice.

I also know that not everybody is as open as I am about things, that's why we as a community have to set limits (rules) on certain things. They're not hard to follow and are here for the good of the community as a whole.

Get off Blake's back about the issue. A quote from "The American President" comes to mind:

"You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil who is standing center stage advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours."
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

change the channel for god's sake....
we don't all have alike or liked.
personally I think you are great!!
Hell you changed my mind!
I love you, god loves you, you are handsome, smart and smell good.

To everyone else, proceed with the posts, b4
Uncle Mao, decides we all should ride 3 speed bicycles with grocery baskets.
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Do you drink at work as well as carouse websites?
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

look up brother,
i think you might have a little glitch in your eyes.
I did just that!
that's it for me!,
you can beat a dead horse for only so long.

now is the time on sprokets when we dance,
we can still dance right?, Blake
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I fully support that postings need to be within the guidelines Blake and said so, pictures that don't should be removed. Please don't get my point(s) confused with those of others.
If the pictures are not any more graphic than what you see at the beach, or in the underwear section of a Walmart flyer, why the problem?
I'm not buying the freedom thing, I understand that this is YOUR website. But if it meets your guidlines then why not let it go?
I think I explained "why the reasons are obvious" very well already, sorry if it doesn't make sense to you.
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Bottom line is, whether you're using the photographs as an artful expression of the human body, in this case along with a Buell or simply as a form of sexual exhibitionism.
Personally, I have no problem with either. It is a wholly personal choice to pose for a picture, whether clothed or not, and if you are not ok with your pictures being seen by others then you should not pose for them, or at least have the means to keep those photos in a safe place where others cannot freely share them, if, again, you do not wish to do so.

It seems many people are very very uptight about the naked body, whatever size shape and color it comes in. We were born naked, our ancestors lived together in full and partial nudity, and many more primitive-type people still live that way, so what the heck's the big deal about seeing people naked? Europe has tons of nude beaches.. we even have them here in Florida..

While I have absolutely no problem with any of the pictures posted here, I can see wanting to limit the photos to, say, covered genitals, for the purpose of keeping a certain level of adult content rating...

Seeing as the photos are being posted for visual entertainment purposes and nothing more, people must just choose to look or not look, depending on their level of comfort. It is plainly obvious when you see the title of the thread, what the content might be.

It's really quite saddening, what we have come to, our standards of what beauty should be and how we can be so shallow as to judge a person, a stranger, by a photograph... knowing nothing else of that person.

None of these comments are directed toward anyone inparticular...by the way
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

"Everytime I try to get out... they pull me back in"
As a matter of fact I work in the Beer and Liquor industry.
sometimes it's part of the workday.
let me guess,
some one now think we should only drink soy milk right?
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

good post Angelwild!
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 01:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

As many here are loving the pics of someone elses wife, would you feel the same if someone was enjoying pictures of your family?
Poor point Cruisin, I'm sure that your S.O. has family members that would rather not know, think about or visualize you two doing it, does that mean you shouldn't?
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 02:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

come on already guys.. go effing ride instead of this internet arguing....nothing dumber than people sitting around bickering on the internet....except when they have a buell to ride and then still sit home and argue on the net....NOTHING DUMBER..........the rules state certain things....abide them. We all had to agree to them or we wouldnt even be able to post anything........GO RIDE....The pics i posted were tasteful I think.....I was aware of the rules I agreed to when I signed up......This place is a wealth of buell info...lets not lose sight of the main objective here.....its buells......the chickpix were just a sidebar that got a bit out of hand I believe........MEN........we are bad animals............lets ride....


(Message edited by sinatra on July 18, 2006)
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 02:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

After this weekend can we change this thread to Hot chicks on Buells at Leguna Seca?

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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 02:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

i drank soy milk once.. i horked all over the place..

I'd rather drink a Molson anyday. If Molson was milk.. I'd be on the label.

And not as a missing child.. HAHAHHA

Ponders.. Hrmmm.. Angel in butless chaps.. hrmmm

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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 02:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

...whether you're using the photographs as an artful expression of the human body, in this case along with a Buell...

Let's not confuse art for standing in the corner of your sparsely furnished kitchen while your pic is taken by an amateur with a cell phone camera. The intent was exploitation. Not art. Simple. And nothing's wrong with porno. God bless porno. But call it what it is.
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 02:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

please take part in a quick pole to put the aching hearts of the morality police(guestopo)
How many of the pic posters drugged, tricked,
beat, forced in any manner the girls in the pics?
how many posted pics of girls under age
how many posted pic of girls and farm animals?
how many of you think you are so special as to be the guiding light choosen to lead the lost to a higher moral values.
Get the point?

as far as lewd comments,
if your wife or girlfriend, or daughter is in any of the pics, that's an issue to be dealt with in a less public forum, if you don't know the girls, then you don't know the girls.

thank you for your time.
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 03:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)


DMeX...I have chaps...aren't ALL chaps buttless?? I'll have to ask my better half to take some pics of me on my buell.. hope no one has issue with my gothy boots..lol
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 03:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

i love gothy boots! my wife says she is game for some pic's of the "classy" type nothing nude and i don't blame her.
she will most likely be stopping at SOME store on the way home to buy some NEW CLOTHES for the photo's.

i said "i need some pictures of you on the bike"..............

she said " i need your wallet for clothes for those pictures on the bike"..............

seems there is always a catch....but i can live with that.
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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 03:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Not a Buell but a damn fine Italian...and a Ducati to boot!

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Posted on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 03:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Y'all are a bunch of winey goons!
It's just like a bunch of weenies to ruin a good thread!
Why pray-tell can't some take what they're given and not cry about it when things aren't more (or less) than they want. When the main winers haven't made a contribution other than crying foul. If someone gives you something for free, why complain that they didn't give you more?
Blake asks nothing from y'all except to play by the rules he's put down, he asks nothing out of your pocket, asks nothing at all. He would hope that y'all would be decent enough to contribute something to the site, maybe not in this thread, but maybe a little advise to a noobie, or a story about a nice ride you were on, an adventure, a helpful tool or trick to help your bike. But no, some just take with no give, I'd bet these are very unhappy people.
When this thread showed up I closed it, and tucked it away, mainly because I didn't want to have to fool with this foolishness.
Guess who told me to put it back?
Now some of y'all want to shit on him and his site he lets you visit.
Mean People Suck
Suck less, play nice.

Y'all are a bunch of winey goons!
Just to be clear I'm not talking about those of you that have played nice, and tried to keep this thread nice. But you're the kind of people that didn't need me to say that, but I did anyway.
Y'all I thank.
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