Change is constant. Values and Technology change. Survival of a value or technology is not guaranteed. But other values and technologies arrive and change. It's a loop. Stoodents (sic) learn to think, with their five second attention spans, in a manner that reflects to the professor that they know, and agree, with what he/she thinks. Puppy mills and degree mills both produce deficiencies. All the best with the speech. I haven't found a way to make money using Twitter, or Facebook, especially as the majority of clients are seasoned (old, like me).
I cannot wait until todays youth find a face to face conversation to be NEW! Or even a phone conversation.
I was at my daughters house watching a TV show that we all like and there was a buzz in the room with all of the phone texting going on. I asked who they were all texting to and they said "each other". We were all in the same room for crying out loud.
I feel that if an enemy of the State comes up with the Magnetic Pulse Weapon of Bond films that could destroy electronic devices, we as a country are doomed. We can't even buy a flash light that doesn't have computer chips in it.
And why is texting spelled incorrectly on this forum spell checker? Is it too new of a word or did I misspell it?
I have looked and looked and looked. I still don't get the point. There is so little to read of any value.
I don't care that there was an earthquake in California. If I did care, it would be because a) I knew someone there and they would tell me about it, or b) I lived there and would likely find out first hand.
Did you guys know that I came into work late wearing a blue polo? Of course you didn't. Would you feel more fulfilled if you had???
I'm not a bleeding-edge type of guy when it comes to consumer tech, but I consider myself an early adopter, but I just don't see the point of this.
Xl1200r, yes I feel dumber for not knowing about your blue polo, and sad that you do not I made it to work wearing a green polo. (but if you where following me we could have coordinated ). I have a twitter account, but I don't really use it. had to get it when I was working on my web 2.0 website/startup/social network....
I haven't shaved or cut my hair in weeks (Normally just shave it all off...) . The polo/golf shirts in my case are all vendor stuff, and I Can attempt to look somewhat nice when I tell you that it is going to be $3k/month to host your servers, and the like. The facial hair and the earrings and the like give me that kinda nerdy hacker type look that gives a sense that I know what I am doing. I've contemplating growing a unix beard, but haven't let it grow that far yet..
Now if I could ride motorcycles for a living like you. I wouldn't be wearing polos, but alas the long hair wouldn't work for me as it no longer grows too well on the top. And there is no way I rocking a skullet