Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 02:26 pm:
Yes Ft_Bstrd brought up the CPSIA topic a few months back. His wifes children's clothing business is in jeopardy because they have to spend thousands on getting everything tested for lead. I was hoping this would fall apart and not go into affect.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 02:32 pm:
It is possible to make a bike without lead. and the manufacturers will comply. Especially one with a magneto as in the XR70R. No battery necessary, Cables don't need to be soldered.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 03:23 pm:
I guess we can't keep kids from licking or chewing motorcycles. This is putting a MAJOR crimp in ANYTHING that can be loosely defined as children's stuff. Not just 50-100cc 2 and 4-wheel "toys"
Arrrgggg. Don't get me started.
Just keep your kids from licking their motorcycles and quads.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 03:27 pm:
The law is still in effect, but compliance has been stayed for one year.
No one has any idea how to comply with the law or what compliance looks like.
Right now there are two lawyers running the Consumer Product Safety Committee.
They are responsible for overseeing all compliance with the law for every manufacturer, foreign and domestic, producing every product for use by a child 12 and under.
Two people.
This is a huge chunk of our economy that is being forced through a ridiculous bottle neck.
The fines and penalties for noncompliance are ridiculous.
We've gotten a brief reprieve and another year to battle the inanity.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 03:56 pm:
This is another example of a knee-jerk reaction by a bunch of jerks er... congressmen. See Sarbanes-Oxley for another example. That law is a major reason we're in this financial mess, and it has done NOTHING to dissuade C-level executives from cooking the books or otherwise robbing the shareholders blind.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 04:13 pm:
somebody ought to put a hit out on these groups that push this cr@p. And on another note, if you have kids that would rather lick a motorcycle than ride it, QUIT YOUR DAMN BREEDING.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 05:02 pm:
Incremental laws (make no mistake this is the first step in setting a precedent that will allow them to take our motorcycles) designed to save us from ourselves are the tools that special interests use to whittle away your freedom "to save the children" when their real agenda is something far different.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 05:24 pm:
What throws me for a loop is that the current Euro standard seems to work just fine, but then the CPSA steps in with something more strict and unnecessary.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 05:46 pm:
While i believe the law is a little silly,it's the result of those massive recalls of the tainted Chinese milk products,the tainted pet products,and the lead found in those children's toys that we found unexpectedly.
There's NO free lunch in life.You may be able to get peoples like the Chinese to make your products more cheaply but you get what you pay for.
This new law is the EFFECT of the toxic products we've been getting from China.
Heck,there were riots in Korea when they lifted the ban on U.S. beef products they thought may be tainted with Madcow.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 05:47 pm:
Used to be, for some of us that were born 'mid-century-ish' that being safe meant that we should stop jumping and sit down in the back seat, and never shoot above the neck in our BB gun 'wars'.
Couple of us are still alive! Got all our eyes, n'shit. Just luck, I guess.
There are entirely too many attorneys on this planet, and somehow they need to justify that massive college expenditure.
So we get this type of thing.
I'm all for the protection of children, but Brian hit the nail square on with what he said above.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 06:04 pm:
While i believe the law is a little silly,it's the result of those massive recalls of the tainted Chinese milk products,the tainted pet products,and the lead found in those children's toys that we found unexpectedly.
There's NO free lunch in life.You may be able to get peoples like the Chinese to make your products more cheaply but you get what you pay for.
This new law is the EFFECT of the toxic products we've been getting from China.
Heck,there were riots in Korea when they lifted the ban on U.S. beef products they thought may be tainted with Madcow.
May be, but the end result will be unexpected and worse.
Had the laws been limited to JUST Chinese products, it would have been viewed as a tariff. The Chinese would have created reciprocal agreements limiting US goods. The result would be that the hundreds of thousands of US produced goods would NOT be allowed to be imported or would have been made less competitive. The multiple hundreds of thousands of cars WE produce would not be allowed in.
So the law was written in order to cast a wide enough net that the Chinese wouldn't feel it was singling them out. EVERY manufacturer, foreign and domestic, is now subject to this law. The testing is widespread and expensive. The result is that the cost to produce these products domestically increases substantially.
In order to control costs, you must make your product out of cheaper materials, decrease the engineering, reduce the R&D, or outsource your labor.
The ultimate result of this law, intended to "protect the children", is that more of those children's parents will be out of work with the goods they previously produced manufactured elsewhere.
This law is an over reach of the highest order. In stead of holding the companies responsible in criminal and civil courts for tainted goods, they are going to create a bureaucracy and add expense that will squeeze out smaller manufacturers who can't spread the costs over a smaller quantity of goods as easily as larger employer. Products will cost more. Jobs will be lost.
Everyone loses.
Just for shits and giggles, anyone know how many children have been hurt or killed by lead and pthalates?
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 06:31 pm:
I am soooo f'n sick of the nanny state. I have a firm belief that Darwin would be in full affect if it werent for intervening meddling intrusive govt and litigations. If your kids are dumb enough to even attempt to lick, tongue, taste or otherwise ingest a motorcycle, get out of the gene pool, and for f'n sake dont go breed a starting line up of a baseball team in one fell swoop (dont even get me started on Mz Fertility)
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 06:39 pm:
I used to lick the lead from the outside apartment wall which faced the intersection of the San Diego and Santa Monica Freeways in the early 70's. I wonder how much of THAT additive is still in the Los Angeles soil and water table, not to mention the rest of the Nation.
I mentioned last time this issue was discussed, this law will mean no more fishing for children. Actually that's a good thing seeing how there are no more fish left in California. (Sewage, water management, and industrial waste to be blamed, me thinks.)
No shooting either, and no pellet guns. Bow and Arrows, and sling shots will have to do. Still fun though...
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 07:15 pm:
Peace Jeremy,i do not wish to antagonize
No antagonism felt.
I understand your position and am in favor of it.
My point was that this law is bad for US labor as well because US manufacturers, who are already covered under domestic hazardous materials laws, are not exempt.
If they wanted to make the law meaningful and beneficial, make it apply to ONLY foreign manufacturers. Provide another incentive to use US manufacturers.
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 07:58 pm:
Just for shits and giggles, anyone know how many children have been hurt or killed by lead and pthalates?
Could the same be said about our own beef producers discovery when a cow was found to have "MadCow" or "hoof in mouth" whatever it was? Our beef producers suffered when countries like Korea banned American beef.When there was,maybe,ONE incident of somebody actually contracting it? Or even only,one actual Cow.
I still love my Chilean blueberries in our Winter.
The lead law is SILLY.Let's talk about Peanut Butter and Salmonella
Posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 - 11:29 pm:
I remember stories as a child in the sixties wherein lead was causing young children to become retarded because they were chewing on window sills and such in their homes. That is where the confusion began.....they were retarded before eating the leaded paint! If the kid is chewing on the house, and not retarded, the parent is at fault!