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Buell Forum » Old School Buell » Archive through March 12, 2014 » 2000 S3 Front Isolator and mount « Previous Next »

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Posted on Sunday, February 16, 2014 - 01:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I have recently been posting about repairs needed on my recently purchased S3. I knew the front motor mount was cracked, but wasn't aware of the state of the isolator until I took it to my mechanic. Apparently it was cracking as well, probably due to age, and in need of replacement.

I ordered one from the local HD before I began doing some research on that area on this site. I am not sure what part number got ordered (I just told them the part that I needed and they ordered it, not super knowledgeable about Buells) but I have recently discovered a few issues with the possible replacement that I might be getting.

I believe I need 16207-79B, rather than the updated version, 16207-79C. I have also read about using one numbered L0501.T, which is the same part as the -79B, but cheaper. I was wondering which one should be used with my bike?

I am replacing the motor mount with a brand new stock one (I know I should probably get the NHRS one, but I can't afford it right now and had already ordered the new one when I discovered it). I will make sure that the mounting surfaces are flat to avoid any pressure issues. I was also going to ask my mechanic to machine a replica of the stenzel strut http://www.stenzel-parts.de/14321.html, which has shown to reduce the load on the mount bolts, to hopefully keep the mount from breaking again, as well as the bolts in one piece. I was also going to ask him to weld something between the two "bottom" bolt holes on the mount to stiffen it up, similar to what the NHRS one does.

Does anybody have any suggestions on the isolator issue? Does the brace addition to the mount sound like it might work? Does anybody else have one of the stenzel struts that can provide some feedback on their success?
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