Great news Frank, I know how relieved you and Lynn must feel. My wife's was not cancer also. I have been married to her half of my life, and when she was going through it I remember thinking I wish it was me not her.
That's excellent news about Lynn! Now, just get yourself all put back together (like an old S2) and I'll hope to see you in the UP. Maybe I'll bring some of Cosmic Carl's Magical Jar Juice to make you feel "better".
Thank you we can concentrate on getting Frank well.He has an appointment next week, so hopefully we can get a treatment plan together. I really want him to be well soon!!! For my self now I just need to cut back on caffine and look at getting off of my Hormone medications that I have taken since my hysterectomy..many years ago. Will look at some natural herbs and treatment. thanks again everyone and happy thanksgiving!!
That's awesome news, Lynn. Frank, prayers and thoughts to you both. Rest up and enjoy all the time you have, because it's the one thing we can't get back.
Lynn, that is as good a news one could get. My wife is doing the "natural" thing, I'll ask her to put something together and we'll send the info via a PM for ya.
Thank you so much everyone!!!....Brad any help/info your wife could send me would be great!! email is and my address is 810 Hayloft lane Fountain colorado 80817.
Well I am still undergoing test. Seems they found a spot on my lung. I will be at the Air Force Academy hospital Monday through Wednesday. Could be nothing, could be everything.
Court, my friend, you have done more for me than you will ever know. Jay and Brad, thanks. You guys know if I can make it to the next 2 Gathering that I will, if nothing else but to see Brad have some fun at Bart's expense. Payback time!!!!
Shane, I do not know yet. I have to schedule another test as the last one did not come out correctly. I have my first consult for the Graves' in Jan to go over the different treatments. Looks like I will be drinking the radioactive material, at least that is what I prefer over them cutting on me.
Graves' is a minor thing and tomorrow when I go back to the doc they will do more test on my liver and reschedule the MRI for the lungs. That is about it. I am excited to start treatment for Graves' so I can get back to a normal life.
I think I have stabilized in that I have not lost more weight (almost 30 pounds so far). I cannot do any type of activity without getting tired to include walking, I am extremely sensitive to heat and seem to enjoy 40 degrees over 70. I have constant diarrhea and my eyes are effected. I still shake a bit but not as much, it is very hard for me to use a screw driver and such.
I have about 4 good hours a day and then it is down hill after that. It is very hard for me to work 8 hours a day coming from someone that typically is does a 10 hour day.
My life is reduce to sitting on the couch and watching TV in between sleep. I like to check the badweb from time to time but I have trouble seeing the screen sometimes.
IF the spot is nothing and if my liver is ok then we will be on good ground.
The Doc did warn me that as I get older that dementia is bound to develop, I asked him how he can tell from how I am now... LOL
Of course I am doing this through the military Tri Care which as been a challenge since they still had me on flight status which is now corrected to old retired hippy.
Thanks for the thoughts. Lynn was a Medic in the military so I am in good hands. There is nothing to do other than wait, do more test and just keep going.
Frank.... Sorry to hear about things that have changed in your life... Ive bin down alot of roads too my friend, but always RE: "Us old hippies" are hard to get rid of.. I live by Jimmy Hendrixs moto.. "Im gonna LIVe 2day, maybe 2moro, I just Cant say!... so Make the best of each day,forget about the bullshit and enjoy what each day has to offer... Take care Bro..Merry Xmas Hankb