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Message |
| Posted on Thursday, August 15, 2024 - 07:59 pm: |
| e-teleprompter-spoke Harris* is "going after" the inflation her Regime's policies made, by price controls. Failed bad before! But that was with a Democrat Congress and Nixon. It's going to Fail Worse Tomorrow. Six months into a Harris* Regime they'll be editorials on how high food prices are healthy and blaming Jews for price gouging on the same page of the Mandatory Media. |
| Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024 - 09:10 am: |
| ughts-from-the-ammo-line-540.php |
| Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024 - 07:44 pm: |
| ala-mocks-white-people.php What a racist scumbag. I mean Walz. Kamala* is Jamaican and certainly can mock him on spices. |
| Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024 - 11:19 pm: |
| bad-idea-ever-dies.php Kamala*... "Elect me and I'll power grocery prices!" Unbeliever... "Why not lower them now?" Crickets... |
| Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024 - 11:24 pm: |
Yeah, I remember the '70-73 freeze. Not a penny more in wages allowed, prices rose anyway, and us low wage guys lost 3 years of raises. Executives took stock options. Made out like...bandits. Easiest Prediction in the world... If they Appoint Kamala* Prez, and let her play Ms. Price Control, groceries will get very expensive and hard to find. Starvation of the old and poor. Guaranteed. (Message edited by Aesquire on August 16, 2024) |
| Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024 - 11:50 pm: |
| ive-case-for-sauron/ If I get a fell beast to fly, as promised in my PalantirKindle, my vote is assured. |
| Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024 - 11:53 pm: |
| -groundwork-in-swing-states-to-prosecute-sue-and-t hreaten-gop-officials-into-certifying-elections-or -else/ |
| Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 09:12 am: |
| /october-surprise-biden-resigns-and-kamala-assumes -the-presidency-n2643483 I think that finishing off The Coup might just do it, as the editorial says. I'm going to stand pat on my earlier bet that Obama/Soros/Etc. will take her out ( euphemism ) and substitute a ringer, and that doesn't invalidate the editorial prediction/warning. Just the headlines, and makes my bet even more likely to happen. It's not what I want, it's just me assuming the worst from people who are the worst combination of Fundamentally Dishonest and Authoritarian Intolerant. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 09:41 am: |
Chicago businesses are putting plywood over Windows in anticipation of the hate rag wearing rioters at the Convention. There's an excess of choices of False Flag Operations in Chicago. It's actually harder to figure out what they wouldn't do. In no particular order... FBI fake MAGA counter protesters firing indiscriminately into the mob. AR-15s, naturally. "Proves" how deranged Trump supporters are! Assaults on Convention attendees, the expendable peasants, of course, not the Elite. Again, blamed on Trump fans, & Trump's hate speech. Full on bombing of the Convention. Mass casualties event. The perfect culling of the weaker, a Party Purge that miraculously missed the Party Elite and eliminates the losing candidates for Congress, allowing ringers who will coast to victory on outrage and sympathy. Putin Nukes Chicago. ( actually it's a nuke in a suitcase stolen by the appointed but then... Not, Nuclear Waste guy, who steals suitcases, and is now forgotten by all except meme makers. But they will certainly Blame Putin for Russian Interference in the election. Whatever happens. ) The Boeing Broken Space Capsule is given a software update that lets them remotely unlock from the International Space Station, and "malfunctions" directly into the Convention hall. No parachutes. Satan appears in person and gets the nomination in a surprise vote. Democracy saved! SMOD. Go SMOD! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 09:51 am: |
| great-like-68-protest-group-looks-to-shut-down-the -dnc-for-gaza-n4931729 So it's a mob paid by Barry & Joe* through the money laundering Mullahs in Iran? Or the next FBI op? Both? I'm going with sympathies generating false flag operation, because the Convention is literally obsolete this year except as publicity. All the decisions were made by the "unknown people in charge", already. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 01:14 pm: |
| Reasons to move out of Minnesota and/or detest Walz |
| Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 01:17 pm: |
| ge-this.php Reasons to flee to... Oh, crud. We're gauged! |
| Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2024 - 10:11 am: |
| /tim-walz-cant-tell-truth-about-own-life/ Not unusual for a politician to lie about his past. Biden* lies all the time, about his dead wife, dead children, how great a brawler he was, imaginary enemies and friends. Until he ran for President in 2020 the press called him Just Joe*, every time he lied really obviously and made casual racist remarks in public. "It's Just Joe*" Everybody knows he's full of it. All that got switched to covering up every time he forgot what city he is in and what office he was running for. Who the President is, ( both when he was Veep/ Life Insurance & when he & Dr. Jill were living in the White House ) and who he was introducing. Hey, I forgot names a lot. It's not senility, I've been terrible for decades. I have sympathy for gaffs. Dr. Jill, otoh, should be in prison for Elder Abuse. Barry the Weasel lied about everything. Where he was born, ( Kenya, according to his publisher trying to pimp the American Success Story of a poor Kenyan born kid who rose to become a State Senator! ) imaginary friends, lovers, arguments he won, everything. I'm not going to pick on the rest of his family. To be fair, everyone after an argument thinks of that perfect remark that wins and shows how smart you are. Barry, and many other politicians & celebrities, just takes advantage of a biography to lie/create a better past. They even believe their lies after lying long enough. Some, like Barry and Joe* and Fauxahontas, believe their own lies immediately. They're crazy. Not an insult, seriously ill. Does this understanding mean I forgive Walz for his lies? No. If he was a shoe salesman, then I'd just be polite. But he's a commie tyrant wannabe who's policies killed people. Lots of old folk in nursing homes. Cops. Crime victims. Women rape/murdered by Invited Invaders. He would be a disastrous President. Even Andrew Cuomo, who is also responsible for the deaths of over 14,000 elderly in nursing homes and a Crime Family Creep, is a better pick, and I think he richly deserves the circle of Hell he's bound for. But I'm probably being too nice to both. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2024 - 10:33 am: |
| t-agenda-faces-harsh-reality/ First, Kamunist? Brilliant! True too. Branding! Second, since the Jew Hating pro-rape wing of the Klan Party rejected Shapiro, it's full Kommie Path to Kamps if they fraud to power. This isn't your Daddy's Democrat Party. The Establishment since WW2 until Bill Clinton. This is the Anarcho-Communist terrorist wing ( Bill Ayers, Obama's mentor ) Weathermen/SDS types, allied ( until the inevitable betrayal ) with the Iranian Sponsored Jihadi. Walz wants to be the Glorious Leader of the National Neighborly Workers Party. I point out the previous famous leader was also a disabled veteran, ( poison gas/lungs not Artillery/hearing ) actually saw combat, had aspirations in art, wrote a book, and also had strong opinions on white people. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2024 - 11:21 pm: |
| /nyt-columnist-gives-this-brutal-reminder-to-dems- before-their-convention-n2643549 |
| Posted on Sunday, August 18, 2024 - 11:30 pm: |
| 24/08/18/the-other-dnc-disastrous-national-convent ion-n2643543 Every time I hear something about the Convention, I'm trying to get that Paper Lace song out of my head... |
| Posted on Monday, August 19, 2024 - 11:58 pm: |
| -furious-when-they-all-got-tossed-out-of-famous-re staurant-to-have-staged-event-for-harris-n2178284 |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 11:12 am: |
| d-the-2024-dnc-way-back-in-1994-n2399871 btw, the Primanti Brothers family owned mini chain in Pittsburg makes a good sandwich, etc., although I'm not fond of their signature version with french fries in the sandwich. It's not that it tastes bad, it's just a carbo-load and very filling meal that is appropriate for a hard labor day, and I'm always there after driving 6 hours and going to sit in the drivers seat another 6 before I get home, so not the ideal for that. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 11:28 am: |
| cy-pelosis-cutthroat-remarks-about-biden-during-in terview-on-cnn-at-dnc-n2178307 Coup, coup, it's what I'm going to do! "For the good of his campaign"???? So Nancy burned the village to save it. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - 07:57 pm: |
| Brick deliveries... |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 07:10 am: |
| /michelle-obama-n2643686 The Taqiyya President gives a great, lying, speech, lies about the guy he organized a coup to remove, pretending to like the corrupt POS. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 08:04 am: |
| -cant-tell-the-truth-about-anything-n3793406 I'd like to thank Herr Governorfeurer Walz for his service to our country. And the CCP. And trying to take Lucifer's ( the biblical one, not the tv show ) title as Prince of Lies. To be fair, Walz hasn't tried to pretend he doesn't exist, yet, so he can't claim to equal Satan's Greatest Trick, but he's a guy who can't pass up any lie that makes him look good, when he's... Not. Like Hillary, or Barry Taqiyya Obama. But you can say that about a lot of politicians in both Parties. It's a common pathology for the kind of person who wants power over others. Walz is also, religiously, emotionally, Fundamentally Dishonest. I wonder what his Chinese Secret Police handlers call him behind his back? But I'm sure it's a clever Chinese thing involving pork. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 10:55 am: |
| er-last-night-57.php Snake oil salesman. Inviter of Invaders. Facilitating Child Abuse. Elder Abuse co-conspirator. Fundamentally Dishonestly Transforming America. Taqiyya. Commie. America's First Vizier. Secret Party Leader, multi-closeted fake. Asked Vladimir to hold off until reelected so he'd have more flexibility in treason. Coup Leader. Looking forward to his forth term. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 10:58 am: |
| ocrat-nominee-for-china.php |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 11:27 am: |
| -morning-briefing-im-so-here-for-the-madness-of-a- potential-trumprfk-jr-alliance-n4931816 If you consider Vance as the Life Insurance Policy, like Kamala*, Joe*, and Quayle, it's pretty obvious that the deterrent is against more Democrat Assassins, but not so much the Republican Voters. Republican Establishment, yeah, Vance is a threat. RFK jr.??? It's not so much what he brings with him, which is a small number of disaffected Dems and Never Trumpers, maybe, but more that it shows the cracks in the wall of Hamas Party Enforced Unity. Kennedy is going to be called very rude and profane names by the Party Media and Party Elite if he joins with Trump. Personally I consider him a lunatic, the outcast from a very "colorful" family of inherited wealth, ( but from bootlegging and Mob ties, not monopoly resources Rich, like the Rockefellers , thus romantic ) and certainly not qualified to be Prez in many ways. But with a strong motivation of Revenge, not Ambition, ( now that his ambition was thwarted by the Party Elite ) he might be the third barrel in a Drilling! Traditionally, the Presidential candidate is the calm and nice guy, while the Veep candidate is the attack dog. But this fall? Double barreled shotgun of mockery. Maybe the perfect combo? Kennedy might be useful as the third barrel in this election defined by coups and desperate rewrite of yesterday's Media Blitz. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - 11:40 pm: |
| icalizing-our-kids-coming-soon-to-you.php Mandatory Racism and Communist Agitprop class. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 10:43 am: |
| Kennedy staffer talks Regime tries to destroy rival. ate-investigate Walz just uses the easy for peasants words, not deceptive lies... Sure. The rich are evil is the theme... |
| Posted on Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 10:52 am: |
| t-care-what-you-say-this-guy-is-the-star-of-the-dn c-n4931864 Kucks for Kamala |
| Posted on Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 11:26 am: |
| d-unprepared-ready-to-do-as-shes-told-on-day-one-n 4931834 It's possible, not likely, that Kamala* would fool everyone and immediately take charge if she's put in the Oval Office. She knows the Deep State and Obama/Soros operation, and ordering mass arrests of her Democrat/Socialist rivals would remove so many knives from back stabbing her. Consolidate power and clear the way for the New, New Normal. Simple, SS arranged, House Arrest for the Obamas & Clintons, and a serious purge of the Intelligence Community elites ( removed to Gitmo to keep them out of control ) all on the quiet would secure her power. Take out the Soros Family & confiscate their "unfair white supremacist jew" Fortune into her husband's Canary Islands bank accounts. She's had 4 years to seek out the ambitious in The Deep State who want to take over, and would owe her fealty in the New Regime. This assumes she's been sand bagging and faking incompetence, at least in the field of setting up her own coup. It's not like she was expected to do anything real the entire Biden* regime, and making the right contacts in the Establishment to take out their bosses would be easy. Remember, the True Nature of Marxist ideology is simply to take out the existing Aristocracy and putting yourself in their place, with a new paint job. ( branding, slogans, ) And most importantly, to purge the Establishment of resistance so there's never a chance of a counter coup. All the bull $%&# about economics and equity and freedom is just lies to fool the ignorant until they take power. Once in, that's it. Look at Venezuela, Russia, every country taken by the same ploy. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 12:12 pm: |
| -money-surprise-n3793501 I say ignore polls, or at least don't take them as Gospel. Two reasons, the cell phone changed the way polls work, the land line polls of yesteryear were to actual households, and far fewer respond to cell phone calls. Whole generation who doesn't even think of answering their phones, "If it's important they'll leave a message and text me that I should listen." Second, centrists don't want the pollsters to tell their neighbors they aren't Of The Body. Don't want to risk being shunned, and the HOA coming after them. Plus the Puckish desire to mess with the pollsters. But betting? That's actually opinions. Yard signs are a tell. Out in rural areas where the Trump & American flags are flying high, the Biden*Harris* yard signs are not putting themselves in physical danger. But in Biden*Harris* Blue suburbs and cities, that MAGA sign means vandalism and trespassing, even assault. It's like Islam, when they are few, it's all about religious freedom. When they hit critical minority mass, it's about equality, then it slides into intimidation and oppression like clockwork. It's in their holy books. |