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Message |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 07:46 am: |
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| Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 - 08:04 am: |
| -freakout-democrats-are-having-a-panic-attack-over -joe-bidens-electoral-prospects-n2174745 I rate this as hype by the pundits on both sides. Overly optimistic is underestimating? The most interesting part is Po!itico, a full Soros/DNC propaganda machine, is declaring the Democrats are Lying to You on TV, while crying in their Newsom monopoly wine to their actual friends. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 12:11 am: |
| /28/heres-how-biden-will-get-on-the-ballot-in-ohio -n2639652 Accusing Ohio Republicans for "chipping away at Our Democracy" ( reg trademark DNC ) by offering a waiver to the law, with the poison pill that makes, say, Moldovan money in the campaign illegal, the mouthpiece for the Democrats fails to mention Democrats voted it down. ( of course! How about Xi's money? ) And declared a virtual roll call, to pretend to pretend that democracy has anything to do with the D Party. So apparently the DNC rejected #1 & preferred version #2 above. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 05:59 pm: |
| -they-need-not-believe-trump-is-guilty-to-convict- him?utm_source=The%20Babylon%20Bee%20Newsletter&ut m_medium=email |
| Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 02:20 am: |
| 4/05/30/trump-wins-what-next-part-2-n2639690 Pt. 2 is a wish list. I don't think I disagree with any. I do have some foreign policy suggestions. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 05:32 am: |
Pt 2 does sound good! |
| Posted on Saturday, June 01, 2024 - 09:44 am: |
| hafer-hilariously-explains-why-verdict-proves-you- should-vote-for-trump-n2396852 |
| Posted on Sunday, June 02, 2024 - 07:03 pm: |
| ocrats-opportunists-or-situational-ethicists.php I'm not really familiar with rfkjr's, attitude on vaccination. ( he should be famous enough for a letter designation, like LBJ, JFK, & AOC. But I don't want to confuse him with more famous murdered relatives, so no caps ) I'm going to guess I disagree with a Lot. Time, Famous Liars like "I Am Science" and a lot of dead bodies, and actual studies, show he might have been accidentally correct about the Covid shots, but I don't think that's genius intellect, just luck, and a long term dislike for Big Pharma. If I'd been a "FBI is Evil" guy for decades, I'd be crowing about how smart I was, today. But I'm not, I thought for years that despite Ruby Ridge & Waco, that most FBI agents were good guys, but there were a few bad eggs that needed to be put in prison, mostly political appointees. I may still be wrong on that. So a Big Pharma alarmist is certain to be pleased with himself as the studies continue to show health risks from the experimental mRNA drugs. But they'd be happy if anything had unexpected side effects. It's not genius, it's statistical certainty. Politically it's SOP All The Way. rfkjr announced he was running, and while the centrist, patriot ( not commie Party ) media has long called him a fruit loop, the switch from praise to hatred on the Left/Democrat Party Media and politicians was instant and 180 degrees. But they lie. A Lot. So I'm going by rfkjr's speeches ( what little gets published ) and old (-2023) editorials from right wing ultra mags enemies of the state. I disagree with him. A lot. But I do enjoy a spoiler for the enemy. So... Go! Bobby! He's got zero chance to become Prez, and that is fine with me. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 05, 2024 - 02:50 pm: |
| -good-time/ The pundit presumed substitute Prez, not winning hearts and minds. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 05, 2024 - 03:05 pm: |
| fk_jr_the_silver_tongued_spoiler.html |
| Posted on Thursday, June 06, 2024 - 05:14 am: |
Regarding the Newsom post, the Teacher Unions have a sweet deal, make millions in campaign contributions to the jokers you "negotiate" with on the teacher contracts. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 06, 2024 - 11:33 am: |
Early this morning, I deleted before post analysis/opinion of the players and strategies. Almost sorry I did, I tied together the various historical parallels, And current intersecting craziness. ... but decided it was a little too ADHD, "squirrel!" for light morning reading and too ( that meme with the board covered in string and pictures indicating crazy conspiracy stuff ). Bottom line, 2024 election is between The Bad Orange Man & Barack Obama as Rasputin. I'm not, repeat not, calling for Barry the Weasel to be poisoned, shot, drowned etc. like Grigori!... And Barack never claimed the ability to heal etc. though he is worshipped as a demigod by his loyal followers and Fellow Travelers. So not a perfect comparison. |
| Posted on Friday, June 07, 2024 - 11:51 am: |
| uddenly-supporting-trump-is-cool-n4929656 |
| Posted on Friday, June 07, 2024 - 07:10 pm: |
| hat-a-dictator-would-do-trump-n2397077 As fools & evil tools often say, If you're not guilty you have nothing to worry about. Adam seems a bit worried. Good news, there's a huge loophole in slander laws, where you can lie for years about someone, and if they are a "public figure" then you can't go to prison for it. Conspiracy to destroy government documents and evidence in a criminal case, though, that's good for meeting new shower friends. Remember the head of the FBI declaration that they had ample evidence to convict, on a huge government documents destruction case, but it wasn't legally his job, to decide to prosecute, and his boss, the AG, had recused herself after it got out she met with the Criminal's husband secretly on a plane in the security section of the airport? Sure he didn't say out loud he didn't want to have his suicide faked, but we all understood. So Adam has to ask himself, does he have a reputation so fearsome no one dares to cross him? He may so believe. |
| Posted on Monday, June 10, 2024 - 11:44 am: |
| jection-anyone.php "You had me at..." It's sarcastic hyperbole that I say I'm angry at AOC for lying to me about what Her Enemy will do to her and her Masters. I knew she was lying or parroting Party Lies ( without understanding ) from the start. And I knew that Her Enemies didn't play her game, weren't the Projection of her brainwashed fantasies. But 2025, If Trump wins, the Republicans in Congress might ( suuuuper low odds! ) go along with allowing the purge of the Injustice Dept. & the prosecution of crooked politicians. Odds suck, because they want to keep the status quo and fear reprisal from their esteemed colleagues in bribes. I'm not advocating a French/Euro style restructuring of our government. Macron in France just dissolved the Assembly. His Party lost the majority and their system is based on the Wrong Ideology of the French Revolution. ( see the Bill Whittle video on the 2 Revolutions ) mlsbCB3aGl0dGxlIHRhbGUgb2YgMiByZXZvbHV0aW9ucw%3D%3 D Tempting as the firing of Congress is, the results in systems that restructure quickly are inevitably the take over by increasingly radical leftists. Hypothetically, if Dr. Evil used his laser to erase Congress, after the initial cheering, it would get reformed with newbies unleashed from the status quo. Which sounds great, but keep in mind the polls that show the government miseducation system has successfully erased ethics and Civics from generations to produce Useful Idiots. |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - 11:07 am: |
| ocrats-arent-preparing-to-throw-kamala-harris-unde r-any-buses-just-yet-n4926190 st-me-doctor-jill-biden-has-already-worked-out-a-m odified-weekend-at-bernies-plan-n4929793 All the pundit piddle on Joe* being replaced runs into the 2 female speed bumps of Dr. Jill the Elder Abuser and Kamala* the cackle machine. I'll ignore Dr. Jill, for now, since any decision to ask Joe* to retire for medical reasons will come from Obama, and I'm sure he has a plan to hide Dr. Jill from the public while she "selflessly accompanies Joe* into his care at home exile". And he'd get away with it, no one in the Party Media would mention Dr. Jill again and Never ask where she is. But it's been obvious since January 2021 that any replacement for Joe* has to plan the Harris* retirement First. Just the thought of President Harris* explaining her foreign policy scares everyone. Even the Babylon Bee won't try to parody that. The nervous laughter as she discusses the Iranian nuclear strikes on Amsterdam? Some pundits think Kamala* would get offered a Supreme Court seat to get her out of the Naval Observatory. ( the current agitprop against the Court might be related ) But I don't see Sonya retiring to give her lifetime gig away, willingly. My bet since Jan '21 has been "helicopter crash" with a heavy frosting of False Flag operation to blame ULTRAMAGA domestic terrorism. But my aviation mechanic friends disagree, and Marine 2 pilots are too good to hit a mountain like the Iranians. Conveniently quickly "found" Stinger launcher with a MAGA sticker would be so over the top only MSNBC would buy it last century, but with today's Idiocratic Media? |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - 11:10 am: |
| ay-preppers-dems-brace-for-potential-trump-20-n492 9795 You had me at... |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - 11:17 am: |
I'm skeptical that Trump voters can win this year. But I do have months to prepare for the obvious inevitable, the Riots that would follow a Joe* loss, which are already budgeted and planned. |
| Posted on Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 05:59 am: |
The warranty periods on all those looted TVs are expiring, so the looting season is just about due. |
| Posted on Friday, June 14, 2024 - 12:14 am: |
| False flag? Or good policing? Odds, odds.... |
| Posted on Friday, June 14, 2024 - 11:44 am: |
| artist-sabo-mocks-biden-and-amal-and-george-cloone y-on-the-eve-of-a-california-democrat-fundraiser-n 2175471 Tyrants Hate Humor. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 16, 2024 - 11:13 am: |
| eceipt-n2397327 |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - 02:28 am: |
| cant-have-an-election-were-democrats.php One of the problems of a representative Republic is the Single Issue voter. It's also a strength, but that power can be used for good or evil. I know 2nd Amendment Asolutionists. They figure that if you take away One right, they all fall. And 1st Amendment Absolutionists, using the same logic. And there are Abortion Absolutionists. They figure that if they lose the right to bodily autonomy, it's back to the Dark Ages and women are Property, again, in the West, like they still are in Islamic countries and certain cultures that just naming gets me labeled as racist. I'm not racist. I'm anti slavery. I'm anti bad cultures. I don't need to be anti baby sacrifice or anti Baal, that's gone, except maybe in Hollywood, D.C. & Brussels. You can accuse Putin, Xi, and Kim of many evils, but not burning babies to please Baal. I think. And to be fair, the Hollywood and D.C. crowd probably don't worship Baal. Themselves and Satan, probably. Not sure about Brussels. Here, I have to admit to bias. I'm a first & second Amendment totalitarian. Lose them, and it's death camps for the losers. And I can't help but notice who gets Hated to Camps, first, the last 6000 years or so. That's why I have utter contempt for the Ivy League censorship and Jew Hating monsters. Anti First Amendment and evil Hate manipulators. I know their kind. I'm also, reluctantly, pro choice on the edge cases of rape. I'm hoping better education and an attitude of responsibility will reduce the number of abortions as lazy birth control, and maybe a bit of technology. But we have to get past the bad influences of hedonistic irresponsibility, that is pushed & exploited by, but not created by, the Leftist civilization wreckers. The brutal irony of the Abortion Abolitionists is how they are manipulated by the lies of the pro-slavery crowd who accuse us of wanting to enslave the women. I think we who are desperate to keep those first 2 Amendments ( which codify THREE natural/God Given rights ) need to assure all those women frightened by the Hate Propaganda monsters, that we are the ones that want to protect them, and everyone, from the slavery they fear. But that's a hard sell in multiple ways. |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - 10:50 am: |
| -morning-briefing-dems-2024-platform-your-reality- is-wrong-stupid-voters-n4929948 Who you gonna believe, the cute lesbian mouthpiece or your empty bank account? |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 07:08 am: |
Pretty funny wisecrack at the end: |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 10:09 am: |
| that-a-promise-rachel-maddow-and-joy-behar-worry-a bout-the-view-being-canceled-if-trump-wins-n239740 3 Best Trump Campaign Ad yet! |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 12:58 pm: |
| om-cnns-upcoming-presidential-debate?utm_source=Th e%20Babylon%20Bee%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 01:11 pm: |
And: -moderators-to-zap-trump-with-giant-cattle-prod-an ytime-they-feel-like-it?utm_source=The%20Babylon%2 0Bee%20Newsletter&utm_medium=email |
| Posted on Thursday, June 20, 2024 - 08:31 am: |
| -to-see-how-many-proud-patriots-condemn-his-junete enth-statement-n2397438 Yay! Junteenth! My only complaint is the stupid name. They should have a National Renaming Contest. I get that it's just too long to put on a calender "Finally stopped The Democrats from Owning Slaves after a brutally murderous Civil War where Patriots fought to Free them led by the first Republican President, that a Democrat actor assassinated too late to keep Slavery." And it's a reminder that news took time to arrive by horse if the telegraph lines hadn't reached you or been cut during the War. |
| Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2024 - 06:36 am: |
| AOC... It's like every fantasy of the Klan rolled into one, pretty, airhead, nazi. The perfect storm of racist stupidity. |