Posted on Saturday, September 02, 2023 - 01:20 pm:
I saw Jimmy Buffett in Sept or Oct of 1974 at a free concert at the University of West Florida in Pensacola. Maybe 50 or 60 students there. He and the coral reefer band played for an hour and a half. It was a great evening. I've been a fan ever since.
In 1981, i was a Field Engineer working on Fast Attack Submarines up and down the East Coast.
Me and another Field Engineer were assigned the task of replacing forward dome arrayed hydrophones and their related amplifiers. 1024 hydrophones were inspected, those defective were replaced, along with the amplifiers as we worked our way along the 1-4 acoustic amplifier cabinets.
This job was 12 hour days for 30 days. After the second day, me and the other guy decided we needed some music. So he brought to the boat a boombox and a ton of cassettes! I was a happy camper...for the first several hours! Turned out, all his cassettes were ONLY Jimmy Buffett.
Needless to say, i tried to figure out how to dispose of this other mans body once i murdered him, wrapped him and his boombox and cassettes up. There was one problem. Only one way in/out of the forward dome. Through an assigned crew bunk and down a short stainless steel slide.
There was no murder. However, since that period i have never owned or listened to any Jimmy Buffett music!!!