Who's wondering if the reptilian thing may actually be a thing? I mean if you wanted to conquer a planet, if you were smart you'd get the indigenous residents to do your work for you.
Only thing though, reptilians would seem to want a warmer planet. But they know that all the nonsense the climatistas are on about will do nothing, so...
Kelvin didn't know about radioactive decay or plate tectonics, so he was wrong, but it's more accurate to say his understanding was incomplete.
Pretty much every thing we think we know is incomplete.
So... What spins the core? If you assume a high rate of spin left over from planetary formation from a spinning cloud of gas and dust, the drag of creating the magnetic field would have stopped it by now? Like Kelvin's model was incomplete, obviously so is this one.
This summer is going to be the 25th anniversary of me angering people with the following true statement, and bad joke after.
"If you believe in Global Warming, then you can't let 2 billion Chinese drive SUVs. The only way to stop that, is war. ( true ) But don't worry, Nuclear Winter will solve the problem. ( false, and very bad taste joke )"
In 25 years, I'm completely convinced of several facts.
Anthropogenic Global Warming is real, and nearly insignificant compared to natural causes.
They lie. Accuse others of being pawns of the oil companies. I sure am not.
If the same solution for an onrushing Ice Age is proposed for an onrushing heat wave, the Solution is the agenda, not the climate.
The Solution is tyranny.
F$%& Them. I
Oh, and an opinion. This morning when I shovel off my steps, in freezing temperatures, I'm going to be for global warming. And pi$$3d that it's a Con.
I remember when there were serious plans to use big tug boats to pull Antarctic ice sheets to LA for the fresh, clean water. Decades later the Saudis thought about it.
Greenies had fits, even though that water still ends up in the ocean even if you pass it through humans or cropland on the way.
The Niven/Pournelle novel Oath Of Fealty had a megacorp haul a berg to LA, surround it with an inflatable collar to catch the fresh water, and install ski lifts so you could ski down groomed trails in Long Beach harbor.
I bet there's a genius/loon in the People's Army in China who proposes using a moved ice shelf berg to create a bridge to Taiwan for the Army to cross & conquer.
Also see the mega aircraft carrier program from WW2,
"banning the direct use of natural gas in homes and businesses may be worse for the climate. You read that right. Burning gas directly allows consumers to use about 90% of the energy contained in the fuel. Using gas indirectly — by converting it into electricity and then using that juice to power a heat pump, stove, or water heater — wastes more than half of the energy in the fuel. "
Which means double the CO2 emissions.
In one way, I understand the billionaire's attitude towards the stupid peons. Half the people are below average, and more than half seem to believe they can change the temperature of a planet by taking away your motorcycle.
I want to ask the Navy how loud the wind turbines are. They have an extensive underwater microphone system to listen for Soviet, Chinese, and other submarines.
I bet they can not only hear them as far away as Iceland, they can hear the whales dying.
My question - and don't get me wrong, I think these turbine fields are a load of BS as far as a reliable "energy source" - are whales not supposed to die? Like, ever? How many of them are out there in the oceans, that ten dead mean a big deal? Is it that ten have died? Or, that ten have washed ashore? There is a difference...where do they usually go when they die - sink? Sharks?
Maybe it's "whale covid" and they should start wearing masks?
If 5 fish are dead on the beach, you wouldn't find it unusual. Lots of fish. Fairly few whales. 10 in one year on one small ( for the U.S. ) State's beaches might be a bit obvious, since each one is headline worthy by virtue of rareness.
Generic averaged responses from AI? Free if you feed it information? A lot of so called reporters are about to be out of a job. If all you do is cut & paste from the handout the Mayor/Governor/FEMA head/etc. gives you, then AI can do it better.
I've done some research on the disposal of thousands of giant fiberglass, balsa & resin blades.
Although recycling programs have been announced, like a sub-corporation of the dreadfully dishonest University of Pennsylvania, they only exist, so far, as tax incentive funded shell companies. It would be both premature, and legally even libel, to say for sure, but I may speculate that it's a mega scam and that every penny of your taxes & investor's money will line the pockets of billionaires and not one cent will go to actually cleaning anything except money.
But I could be wrong. I doubt it, but...I
Along the way I found that shipping dead blades to South Dakota to be crushed into the probably permanently lifeless ground is such a waste problem they are trying to ban out of state shipments. Literally running out of place to pile the busted blades while they labor to crush them with bulldozers at very high cost.
And that's after Biden* changed the rules by Executive Order which led to the loss of jobs actually making turbines in my old home town.
300 laid off with no notice doesn't sound like many, but it's a really small town and a State hit hard by Joe's* fracking ban. ( not in this case a BSG reference, but an ESG crime )
And now the new, ( Chinese, thanks Joe* ) turbines are failing in record numbers now that the nice folk in Aberdeen got fired. Probably the children of folk I went to school with.
Wish we could pile them in front of the White House, but In front of Joe's* mansions would be a lovely act of ecoterrorism.
Just to be clear, my speculation that the Chinese might scatter plague by balloon is just speculation, until it turns out in about 2 weeks that people are dying in vast numbers in a rapidly spreading irregular line across the continent.
I don't expect it. But who would? You'd have to assume an utterly ruthless monster who willingly murders hundreds of millions of innocent people. You know, like the Chinese Government.
I thought the science on ice/water was settled? I mean, my high school physics teachers' Masters thesis was on the properties of water. And that was early 70's.
You can, today, book a hotel in a tropical paradise that the Climate Con Cult promised would be under water. But they aren't.
And it's not that they fixed the problem and saved the low lying lands. Nope, they claim we are months, or minutes, away from irreversible climate catastrophe, and thus also claim they've done nothing to Save The Planet.
Well, the good news is we are in fact going to have irreversible climate change. No amount of stealing our wealth and taking our freedoms will ever change the change. Maybe every nuclear bomb detonated in key spots on fault lines and volcanoes can trigger an earlier major glacier period, but nothing short of that, and even that wouldn't change anything in a few thousand years. The Climate Changes. Period, freaking dot.
And, they've Done Nothing to save the planet. In fact, they made pollution worse. Killed more children with starvation and toxic waste. But they did get richer.
Al Gore and Barack Obama both KNOW they lie, or they wouldn't have bought beach front mansions.
I'm still upset my Manhattan water taxi scheme didn't pan out.
Almost all the predictions of the Climate Con have been wrong.
And it's been 50 years now, since 1977, that I've been studying weather, both in college courses, and in pursuit of flying things. Sure, I'm an amateur, and dilettante, it's only a part of my life. ( the Climate aspects, the wind and lift aspects have been a life changing experience. My life has Actually depended on my understanding weather, seriously. )
I'm still waiting to see if the 1977 predictions of sudden catastrophic glacial formation in the Northern hemisphere happens. The ice free Arctic & massive storm series dumping megatons of snow on Eurasia and N. America, with the albedo change sustaining an premature? Endless Winter doom.
It's not a proven, or disproven, theory, yet.
What is proven, and actually stated by the UNIPCC, is that the Climate Fear Exploitation Movement is not about Science. It's about Power and Wealth, for those who run their desired result of massive Social Control.
He didn't call it a religious cult. No one running a cult, does.
See your future as Marxist politicians rule over a power poor hell.
Sure, the rationalization for the government destroying farming and food production is different than Sri Lanka or Holland Greens use. But starving to death is still death.