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| Posted on Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 08:07 am: |
| kdown-disasters.php Bottom line is lockdown kills five times as many as die from CCP Covid-19. Don't Allow people to go to a doctor for two years, and this is the result. This is in the UK, which uniformly screwed it's Subjects. In the U.S., the screwing was variable by State, and thus by Party. So Florida and New York had different results. So, for example, in New York, you have more dead from lockdown. More dead from murder. More dead from The Governor Ordering Old Folk Facilities to become Covid Death Camps. We don't have numbers for More Dead from Despair, as children were forbidden to see their parents in the Facilities. But not zero is undeniable. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 20, 2022 - 08:25 pm: |
For the completely obvious file. e-bans-masks-thieves-use-avoid-identification Mask mandates work. For the criminal. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 06:46 am: |
Majority didn’t know they had it. And yet you still see people wearing masks on the street. _finds_that_over_half_of_people_with_omicron_varia nt_of_covid_dont_even_know_they_had_it.html |
| Posted on Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 10:12 am: |
Only half? That's down from the projected "order of magnitude" who had the O.G. Covid and never knew it.... As for always felt weird to me going into a bank to do actual business, wearing a mask...and my EDC with carry permit. Good thing the mask kept them from seeing the silly grin on my face as I marveled at the stupidity.... |
| Posted on Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 12:21 pm: |
Question: Early on in the "pandemic" many businesses were declared "non-esential". Exactly who decided which businesses were "non-esential" and exactly how was that decision made? G |
| Posted on Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 02:03 pm: |
Greg, As Patrick said in another thread, the decision was made to purposely crush small businesses. At least that's what I believe. Why Trump went along with that, I do not know. I agree with Patrick when he says the elite left fear small businesses owners, as they are more likely to turn against the commies that want to take over. Meanwhile while, the exact opposite is true of big retailers like Walmart. They cozied up to the Left, are firmly in league with the Socialist Agenda, have always looked to crush small business competitors, and want to rule their corner of a fantasy commie paradise. They obeyed all the rules the CDC and Dr. Tony threw out, pushed the vaccine hard and made billions while the little guy was screwed over. The saddest thing of all, is that even with all the evidence and proof before their very eyes, the useful idiots are still rushing themselves headlong into slavery. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 05:01 pm: |
That still doesn't answer the question. Were the decisions made at the local, state or national level? By who's authority? Who said, "That business is non-esential." There should be people doing jail time for some of those edicts. G |
| Posted on Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 06:45 pm: |
People at all levels of government took control and issued orders. From the top down Government hacks assumed authority, and for the most part went unchallenged. I know at the state level, in California and New York, the edicts came from the Governors themselves. In CA, the crimes were especially egregious with the Gov shutting down many wineries and businesses while making sure the ones he owned stayed open. Here in my state of Arkansas, the governor resisted at first but eventually caved to the will of the Federal Government. It happened all over the country at the City level as well. The mayor of Los Angeles put out a bunch of edicts. The Mayor of Chicago, ditto. The mayor of NY shut down everything he could and barred access to those still open for those who were unvaccinated. Even in the South city mayors and county dictators shut down small businesses and churches. By who's authority? The people's. By going along with the edicts, we the people are most at fault. Followed by the LEO community who just 'followed orders' and enforced the edicts that were handed down. Sure some County Sheriff's here and there refused to enforce the outdoor mask mandate, but far to many simply shut up and did what they were told. Many Big Business leaders were all too happy to enforce the various mandates, they should be held accountable as well. The medical community sold out fast, letting their fellow workers get fired for not getting the jab. The Unions - HA - The piece of garbage unions sold their members out. As usual. As for me, I'm guilty as well. I made the choice to be a good little lemming by voluntarily getting on an airplane and wearing that useless mask... Jail time? Yes, lots of people should be doing jail time. Very, very few ever will. The United States of America needs to look in the mirror. We are all to blame |
| Posted on Sunday, August 21, 2022 - 09:20 pm: |
In my town, it was the non-elected Health Dept administrator granted the authority by codified ordinance after the WI state supreme court shot down the mandates issued at the state level by the WI DOH. Those were shot down (rightly so) because they included penalties which is the provence of the state legislature. So our brilliant mayor and city council went around that decision by creating the ordinance instead authorizing the local administrator. WHO WE CAN NOT FIRE OR VOTE OUT OF HER POSITION. Yes, a little bitter. And looking to toss everyone on the council and mayor come election time. Don't really care who is opposing. |
| Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022 - 08:15 am: |
I'm really hoping that "next time" We The People remember this debacle...and resist/refuse en masse. Not here and there....ALL of us. Unfortunately, since there are still quite a few maskaholics out there...I don't hold much faith anymore. Fauci needs to go. CDC needs to go. The people RUNNING and FUNDING the Wuhan labs need to go ( is US funding that lab - I forget the name of the org, but congress just "temporarily" halted their funding - which, to me, is an admission of guilt). They ALL need to go. |
| Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022 - 05:34 pm: |
I really hope We The People refuse en masse as well, but like you, I'm very doubtful. I know people that have gotten the jab, a booster every chance they can, and are still wearing masks and social distancing. These are people in great health with strong immune systems. All of which is 100% their right. And I support their right to CHOOSE to do that. The issue I take, is that they feel everyone should do as they do, and that it should be mandatory. And they vote for people wanting to make it mandatory. The MSM still won't admit that the Wu-flu was bioengineered in China, and most likely intentionally released. I still see articles in my news fed saying COVID-19 originated naturally. The people funding these labs are evil. Evil pieces of crap, with evil agendas. They feel above the law, and so far they have been. There has been zero accountability for those who created and are profiting from the plandemic. They must be laughing their asses off. I hope God's retribution is severe. |
| Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022 - 07:49 pm: |
Lockdowns, aiding and abetting riots, ‘criminal justice reform’, and defunding the police sure seem to have not been the right decisions for this town. n-minneapolis-closes-latest-victim-crisis |
| Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022 - 07:54 pm: |
It's just sad. |
| Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022 - 08:39 pm: |
And yet they learned nothing. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 - 08:20 am: |
Typically, they learn they don't like they move to where things are "better"....and then they vote for the same ol' bullshit and wonder why things still suck. Morons. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 04:57 am: |
"Of the 210 people who likely contracted the omicron variant — based on antibodies in their blood — 56% percent did not know they had the virus, the researchers found.Of the 210 people who likely contracted the omicron variant — based on antibodies in their blood — 56% percent did not know they had the virus, the researchers found." _finds_that_over_half_of_people_with_omicron_varia nt_of_covid_dont_even_know_they_had_it.html |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 06:26 am: |
St. Anthony of Fauci: |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 12:41 pm: |
Typically, they learn they don't like they move to where things are "better"....and then they vote for the same ol' bullshit and wonder why things still suck. That's what will happen in Texas in the next few years. Pisses me off, wish they'd stay where they are. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 04:27 pm: |
Same with FL - it's becoming NY-South. Needs to be some sort of requirement that if you want to move HAVE to vote a certain way. Without being an infringement on the 1st. Tough one there... |
| Posted on Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 09:50 am: |
| se-going-on-in-wuhan/ My OPINION is that anyone who thinks the 2019 CCP plague was caused by a pangolin licking a bat while listening to K-pop, ( I think that's close to former comedy guy's scenario ) is either in the extremely gullible category, or ignorant, or both. It's been known for over 2 years that SARS-CoV-2, aka Covid-19 was bioengineered. It's literally spelled out in the gene sequence, where the splices are. Biotech standard ellipsis. Just search covid -19 furin cleavage For a host of CYA bull pucks and some actual reporting if you look long enough. And it was known in 2021, at least, that SARS-CoV-2 had a patented gene sequence inserted. I don't know if the patent holder got royalties, but I'd bet not in the legal manner. Note that I am not blaming the pharmaceutical company that had it's patented sequence inserted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and People's Republic Army Bioweapons lab. ( same place ) I just point out that it's pretty solid proof the disease was not of random natural origin. The odds are much better that you win the Powerball. Twice. In a row. However. I still buy the yearly flu season New strains are of natural origin, human, yes, but not lab products, it's from medieval farming and sanitation systems. Simply, if millions of people raise chickens in their yard, in crowded conditions, ditto pigs, without strict waste control so the feces doesn't dry up and powder into the air, you get cross species diseases. Typically a swine or chicken digestive tract virus inhaled and adapting to a respiratory infection. But that's not the plague the Chinese government deliberately spread across the globe. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 10:46 am: |
quote:Same with FL - it's becoming NY-South.
And, apparently, you are required to leave any driving skills you have in South Carolina on the way here. :-)
| Posted on Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 11:58 am: |
...speaking of New Yawkers who have invaded the hell are ya, Court? |
| Posted on Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 03:13 pm: |
Doctor Evil
(Message edited by ebutch on August 25, 2022) |
| Posted on Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 08:14 am: |
| and-the-price-of-suppressing-dissent/or If I'm not allowed to question you, you must be lying. This ploy ain't new. It's SOP in Islamic Terrorist government for 1200 years, and Marxist dictatorship for over a century. |
| Posted on Monday, August 29, 2022 - 08:13 am: |
| ing-the-truth-about-lockdowns.php By year's end over 75,000 people in the UK will have died because they locked down and were not allowed to get health care. Tyranny, the gift that keeps on taking. In the U.S., Facebook/twit/Google will lie about it. Censoring truth is their gift... |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 - 06:39 am: |
And today's youth swallow it all up. Far to many have been trained just like the young pups in Animal Farm. They were in essence taken away from their parents and Indoctrinated into the totalitarian vision of those working to destroy the greatest country on earth. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022 - 07:18 am: |
| Posted on Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 09:17 am: |
| e-factor Maps! Colors! Read with cynical pessimism about accuracy. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 01, 2022 - 06:06 pm: |
| conservative-think-tank-was-ahead-media-health-off icials-key-covid-19-facts Existing knowledge tossed side. Panic was preferable. |
| Posted on Saturday, September 03, 2022 - 10:06 am: |
| id19/100520 Men with low testosterone more likely to be hospitalized with CCP-Fauci-19. I find this interesting for multiple, probably ADHD reasons. I know a family where one gal was on testosterone treatments for being more butch. ( that's not the current medical or PC Fantasy way to phrase it, but it's most accurate. ) All three were vaccinated and boosted and all three got Covid-19 this year. Interesting that the one on testosterone had the mildest symptoms, but it was still a normal case of "never been so sick in my life" which seems to be the mantra of survivors who got Pooh's Breath. Also interesting was the gal on testosterone worked at a hotel front desk the last 3 years, so was in a very high risk to catch it category, but instead one of her hermit roommates who were mostly huddled in politically appropriate fear the entire time picked it up somewhere in their rare emergence from their apartment. That implies to me that isolation depresses the immune system. Like your legs atrophy if you sit on the couch and never walk further than the kitchen. No, I'm not going to explain their relationship, I don't have any prurient details and don't grok it anyway. As long as they're happy I don't care. But it seems to show a data point that agrees with the actual medical report, above. That testosterone affects your body's response to Covid-19. Or, alternatively, someone with normal (for a male, or high in a female ) testosterone just doesn't want to go to the hospital or in crude terms, toughs it out when sick instead of seeking help. Either way you get the same statistical results. I Suspect both. I'm not suggesting you have your chemistry checked and adjusted to improve your chances of being hospitalized for Covid-19. For your general well being, it isn't a bad idea! ( and it's voluntary! Not a mandated experimental drug Alpha Test like the New Fauci Order demands. ) And finally. There's a LOT of jokes and insulting humor that dwells in the Implications of the study above. ( and the anecdote that follows ) Example, cynical version. I thought it was a biological weapon to kill old folk, perfect for correcting the demographics of China, and ruthless dictators like Cuomo, to reduce the drain on the State Pension fund and eliminate Enemy voters. I didn't expect it to cull wimps. ( no apologies for rough and nasty, accurate, humor. I'm seriously sympathetic with those who lost family and friends. I did too. Not going to stop me from seeing the irony & humor as Armageddon in progress continues. ) |