I anticipate health issues preventing her testimony, and if she actually shows up, more amnesia than a season of General Hospital.
I'd luv to see the shrinks who diagnosed The Bad Orange Man without meeting him to opine on what pathologies Hillary displays.
I've put Hillary being indicted on my list of signs of the Apocalypse. Next to Cthulu rising from the sea at Malibu and moving into Al Gore's beach mansion. And Jeffery Epstien's missing videos going live on Porn Hub.
Yellow cake is just ground up ore. It’s not especially radioactive. They don’t even have to use any special precautions when they transport it or handle it.
It’s not an intermediary, it’s the raw material. My objection was solely that it was referred to as ‘weapons grade’. There is no such thing. You can’t refer to uranium as weapons grade until it is enriched beyond a certain level. Elemental uranium isn’t a fissile material. It has to be enriched to create an unstable isotope.
And strictly speaking, "The Clintons" didn't sell any Uranium to Putin's buddies.
They just took a bribe bigger than most people make in a Century to approve the sale of the Uranium industry ( mostly mining ) to Putin's buddies. So Hillary never handed a lump of ore or a block of metal to anyone.
Treasonous corruption with obvious assistance to the Enemies of Western Civilization? Absolutely. 33,000 felony counts of destroying evidence? Confirmed by the FBI. Corruption and political interference in Criminal Justice? Again, true...
But all these suicides are "obviously" because of White Supremacist groups . ( true, the Klan Party has a multi -century history of Racist Dogma. )
It shows Walmart as a donor. She was on their board back when, so maybe dirt on someone? It was fun bringing up Hillary on the board when lefty acquaintances would bitch about how bad Walmart is.
Wal-Mart, like my Union, bribed Hillary and supported her campaign.
Simple self interest. My Union bosses made the decision to support Hillary at the beginning of the multi-year cycle, against Bernie and Joe* and the Forgotten. Cover of the Monthly newsletter.
My objection was public and at meetings, simply that Exxon and ADM bribes Both sides. That way no matter who wins, they owe you.
The Union operated on tradition, since WW2 until Bill the alleged rapist, the Dems were in power. I thought things were different, so spreading the bribes was wiser. After Hillary lost, they did loosen up and support some R candidates for Federal office, I can't take credit, but my 2cents was heard.
There was a lot of pressure from the Party to be exclusive. They wanted every penny, and every free campaign worker.
My local Union guys didn't agree with the choice, but, like in the Klan Party, the rank & file might get polled, but not a vote in the choice. That's an Upper Management Decision.
Hillary wasn't a Union person except the Party made clear who they wanted,
I could have made a legal request for a refund of a percentage of my dues spent on lobbying. I didn't, because while they'd write me the check, the few hundred dollars wasn't worth the potential problems from Upper. Besides, if the supported won, my bribe money helped save our jobs.
Feel free to mock Wal-Mart and my Union, and the other bribing companies. At least we didn't pay a half million for a speech.
Some pundits opine she's running to avoid prosecution.
It worked last time with 33,000 felony counts of destruction of official documents.
When the head of the FBI claimed they had ample evidence of her crimes, but personally decided to decline to charge her, after the AG met in not secret enough her beard on his plane to discuss matters having nothing to do with her crimes, oh, no, not me, then recused herself from any risk of being found dead of natural causes like a bullet through the brain.
But the investigation into the fake "Dossier" her campaign purchased through her lawyers and pimped for 5 years has got to have accumulated enough evidence to prosecute. Running for Prez is her best cover.