I don't recommend N-95 masks for children, period end dot.
Arguably it's literally torture. Legally, too.
OSHA requires a physical examination and certification for people wearing N-95 masks at work if so required by the actual science behind their jobs. For some, it would seriously harm them, ( COPD & respiratory failure victims ) and most aDULTS who wouldn't be seriously harmed find them annoying.
Personally I don't wear one because to wear it properly would require me to shave off my beard and maintain a smooth seal. Plus no sane doctor would tell me to bother, since my medical conditions contraindicated one today.
If you see this as tyrants moving the goal posts, you are right. None of the above has changed this century, much less since the CCP-PLAGUE-2019 was released and the Great Exploitation began.
My attitudes on masking, at all, have been long argued and known here. No need to reiterate much.
I wear a mask so the shop employees don't think I'm a Karen.
Masks slow, but don't stop transmission of disease. Paper, N-95, full face helmet, all help. Not perfect. You want safe, wear filtered air pumped system like you use to paint epoxy.
Or move to Mars. Antarctica and Tibet not safe.
None of the above means I disagree about tyranny whores.
Treatment, effect and prompt, is the key to dealing with the Coronavirus especially if vaccines prove mediocre or short term.
So we should be evolving, and in the medical community, openly debating and suggesting new better combinations.
It was KNOWN for years that Coronaviruses like the Common Cold were hard if not impossible to create vaccines for. We'll see if the Astrazeneca vaccine holds up. ( different technology )
Considering that the mRNA Spike based vaccines fade over time and it's probably a Bad Thing to beat up your immune system with multiple boosters of the same drug, then they really need to shift focus to treatment protocols & cocktails.
After all, the cause is an experimental virus, the experimental vaccines aren't the solution, and we might as well keep experimenting on the unwitting victims in a smart manner to repair the System.
Seriously, it should be rapid access to ongoing studies and learning as we go. If drug A is less effective, or has more side effects, in an age group, say 15-17 females, then revise the protocol. Doctors, hospitals and bureaucracy are like computers, you run into a disease and use the SOP, automatically. Good docs help update the SOP.
One of my doctors took me off a "you take this now till you die" drug because research showed it was a big help to not dying for years... Newer studies show it doesn't matter after a decade, it did it's job. ( or you'd be gone )
Now, That's Science.
Eventually we'll have a better handle on genetic variation. Today it's "oh, Y is bad for this percentage, and we think it's this gene". Tomorrow it will be more, "you have this gene, so I won't Give you Y, you should respond well to G."
Their lies, A!ways, have an Agenda that excuses concea!ing the truth.
A Greater Good. Mostly career protection. Since you would die without their expert guidance in what to think.
They can rationalize Anything that way, including ordering you executed for disbelief.
In Australia the reasoning to deport the tennis star was he was a bad example, with his thinking and not being struck dead by their gods. That would encourage disobedience! Shame!
I'm going to Reverse my own advice, based on new evidence!
Buy Invermectin from your animal medical supply place. Tell your critter doctor you're worried about your cat, goat, or whatever.
It's obvious now that banning the drugs that trials show save lives if taken early is a criminal conspiracy. The E mails are public.
The editorial opines that perhaps 40,000 are now dead because the Bureaucrats forbid treatment. I think that number may be 3-8 times bigger, as many with previous conditions who died "with Covid", would not have died if treated early.
That's obviously not true of the "with Covid" deaths by beheading in car crashes, etc. But the thousands now dead of COPD, Diabetes, Heart disease, that had their eventual demise accelerated by the stress of CCP-SARS2-Covid-2019 ( Wuhan Virology institute Strains ) infection and side effects... Might have been saved, lived years longer, if treated with medicine and not the Politics of Hatred of The Bad Orange Man.
You may argue it's more kickbacks and bribery by Big Pharma that pushes the experimental vaccine ( bought with your money by the Hundreds of millions of doses ) that is the primary cause for banning actual treatment. Or that it's Hatred of Trump and you filthy scum who elected him.
My opinion is the Former is rumor, albeit likely, while the Latter is very well documented in E-mails and Propaganda campaigns.
The credibility of The Establishment is now provably negative. We have copies of their own writings to each other both conspiring to lie, and conspiring to slander & Libel anyone they disagreed with.
Apparently telling Any Truth is unthinkable even when honesty would obviously get better results. ( like mask effectiveness. )
And that's now Proven multiple times by their own criminal conspiracy leaks.
Fortunately, it's now fairly easy to tell who is Evil. IF they accuse others of " spreading misinformation " and they are currently in power, they deserve zero respect and belief.
I thought Nancy Reagan's "Just say no" campaign to reduce drug use was silly, back in the day. But it may have been better advice than my younger self thought.