My opinions are still... Get vaccinated against disease if it's safe for you. For some, it's not.
Learn to shoot safely and accurately.
Learn some science and math. Or you are too ignorant to make good judgements. I don't care if you can define mean and average and other terms used in statistics, but you should be able to see trends. And it would be nice to know enough to spot obvious lies.
Aesquire, What are the possible side affects from the shot? I need to know this to make an educated decision on whether I feel the risk is worth the benefit. Do you know something we don't? I know you can't change your mind now, but there are those of us that aren't that willing to take the jab without real information, and I don't mean a biased doctor saying "trust me, it's safe"
The list of side effects is good, but the % occurrence is also critical to making a full evaluation. Some people fixate on the number of Covid dead (that is suspect in its own right), while ignoring the survival rate for their age group.
There's a lot of stuff happening...and we haven't had it around long enough to truly see what the long-term effects are going to be.
Everybody's choice is different, and you have to go with your gut. But for me, something that even JHU (one of the main suppliers of info to the CDC) is saying has a 98.7% recovery doesn't scare me one bit. I have an immune system. I don't have preexisting conditions. I never get colds (the common cold is a coronavirus, by the way - anyone telling you COVID is "all new" is either lying, or uninformed). I eat right. I exercise. I get sunshine (vitamin D). I wash my hands. I cover my mouth when I cough. I use common sense.
Do your research. Verify your sources. Use medical texts, to understand how viruses work, how they transmit, and (most importantly) how they DIE when they are out of host. A bare virus, no host, in UV light (sunlight), has a lifespan of less than ten seconds. Medical fact.
One of my tenants is a home-care nurse (old folks). SHE is refusing the shot. Her office has not lost a single patient to covid.
And, don't let people feed you the line that it's "your responsibility to keep other people safe". Bullshit. YOUR job, is to keep YOU safe and healthy. Just like everyone ELSE's job, is to keep THEMSELVES safe. You aren't their problem, and they aren't yours.
Educate yourself, and go with your gut with what is right for YOU.
These are all things I've heard about the shot already, but I need to educate myself with the "official scientific" list of possible side effects, but I guess it might be a while since there is no one at the helm of the FDA!
Until this type of shot gets put through the years of testing like all other types of vaccines, I won't be pulling up my sleeve anytime soon.
Some people don't have, or have less, of the enzyme that breaks up the protein spike that the mRNA vaccines tell your body to produce to show your immune system what to attack. Even without the virus itself, the Spike can cause inflammation, as it pokes cells. Which organ gets harmed is highly idiosyncratic, different for everyone, and seems related to preexisting conditions.
That's as I understand today, from various "probably not crazy" sources.
But unlike attenuated vaccines where you get a dead or weak virus to trigger your immune system, there's no chance of getting the CCP virus from the shot. Also the mRNA experimental ones don't use eggs to grow in, so people with that allergy are safe from that.
My CHOICE was based on my own preexisting conditions and because I needed to run errands for my Mother, who is, obviously, older and at higher risk. No bad side effects so far except maybe a rash?
"Your Body, Your Choice. "
( I hear competing pro-anti abortion ads daily. That's a whole ball of angst not relevant here. No need to point out the logic bomb in the above quote to me )
We'll know more about the dangers of the vaccines in a while. They might even be reported by Party Propaganda outlets eventually. It totally sucks that the information is censored or denied for political reasons.
The attack on treatments That might/have saved lives because their Political Enemy mentioned them is cruel insanity.
Wish it was as easy as "believe X and remember Y lies", but occasionally the pathological lying sociopaths give sane advice, like "don't drink bleach". ( which they said right after lying that their enemy said to drink bleach, which he didn't )
Testing can tell you side effects but not if YOU will have one.
There are studies to create a database so they can test you and know if you have a genetic sensitivity or malfunctioning chemistry, but we just don't know enough.
And there's understandable paranoia that someday they'll be able to test at birth or before and know your potential for not just heart disease and Downs, but also IQ and likelihood to like ska. Or revolt against the Corporation.
My opinion is that's science fiction for another century, and that genes don't run everything. But I could be wrong. I worry that the "government" or some organization , will think they can, but really can't. You can easily predict some control freak in power will believe that a simple tissue samples test will tell them what goats to eliminate leaving them with sheep.
As of Wikipedia today, the U.S. has 621 thousand dead from Pooh's Breath. Assuming 300+ million population, ( census bureau ) Utterly ignoring exposure or risk or demographics it's a serious number. I personally heard of several folk I have camped with ( out of 10,000 ) are dead from Pooh's Breath. Most were over 45 years old, but not all. I'm uber skeptical about published numbers... But the disease is a real killer, even though it's a fraction of a percent? People are dead. The odds don't matter to the grieving.
The vaccine I have no reliable numbers on. Probably won't for years. Wish I could do a neat data analysis for you but I lack reliable data.
Sorry, I just can't bull$#&+ you one way or another.
So my suggestion is read what you can find, guess how legit it is, then make your own guess about subtle aspects of biochemistry that are simply not known.
I don't know. Joe Biden* doesn't know. No one in the world knows. Maybe your gods do, but other than the supernatural and lying sacks there's no way to know if you'll get sick from Pooh's Breath or the Pfizer mRNA shot, or a Chipotles meal.
There is one thing I would contest with you, and that is using the 600 thousand plus dead as any kind of factual information, especially with the invalidation of the PCR tests, that nearly everything was based on, and hospitals receiving financial support based on positive Covid cases. Maybe my Gods drive my instincts, but I would trust my instincts over any public or private expert on what is safe and what isn't. I think most people wouldn't recognize their own instincts if they bit them in the ass, shove a grenade in the hole and pulled the pin.
Keep in mind that I'm purely amateur in any kind of health care. I've done first at scene stuff and volunteer work at more organized settings. Someone gets broken and I have a better than average chance, purely through training, than the average guy, at keeping you alive until the ambulance arrives. Most of my experience is with heat/dehydration problems active idiots get when they don't hydrate enough wearing lots of protective gear. And I've been an idiot there too.
If I have any unusual creds it's that for decades I both fought in full contact martial arts melees and did first aid on the spot in the midst of chaos. I'm not the only person to apply a splint 50 feet up in a tree, but that can't be that common. ( to be clear that wasn't martial arts, but skydiving )
90% of my value has been projecting calm in very uncalm situations. A lot of that is training, both in first responder stuff and flying. I learned half a century ago that screaming in terror is fine, but you have to keep flying the aircraft until it stops moving. And the screaming really bothers the people around you, and does little good.
I have taken the "don't wipe blood in your eyes" course so many times I can't count, maybe 18? And I grew up with PDRs full of pretty pictures of pills, and a Father who sold those pills, and was willing to answer technical questions. Which almost always meant having to look something else up. Clever guy.
The only certain facts I know about Covid-19 are...
It's a killer, probably twice the usual flu. Which kills a Lot of people. It's not the 1918 Spanish Flu that nearly decimated the planet. That one came from China too.
Less discussed is the number of people with permanent lung damage and other bad results from the disease. I'd be more worried about being crippled by Pooh's Breath than dying. If I'm dead I don't care anymore. I do try to avoid death anyway, it so limits your choices.
Politicians are full of it and are exploiting the crisis to make themselves and the people that bribe them richer and take more power.
Masks are very effective at keeping people from spitting on each other. That's a good thing. It's going to be a fashion statement and Virtue signal for a while yet, get used to it. No shirt, no shoes, no service. Is a legit policy for a business, because barefoot idiots sue. Don't give the store clerk a hard time because his boss wants to stay in business and the Mayor is a prick.
( Opinion ) But feel free to mock Karens, wherever, whenever.
You can't trust the Chinese government to tell the truth about anything. They will deny murder with a straight face as they wipe the blood spatter off their boots. I could write a book about why they are like that, but the movie Hero with Jet Li explains it very well, if you understand it's propaganda supporting their perceived need & excuse for utter brutal evil.
( Opinion ) Anyone who defends the Chinese Government is probably a dishonest monster. Don't trust anything they say.
( Opinion ) Even dishonest monsters can tell the truth if it profits them.
So don't drink bleach. Also don't believe Donald told you to. he didn't.
The new experimental vaccines seem to be fairly effective, at keeping the vaccinated alive. Or from getting really sick. It's unrealistic to expect ANY vaccine to keep you from getting a mild case of the disease & then fighting it off with no harm. That's how they work. They aren't Star Trek force fields.
That's always been true, it's just the flood of freak out and fake statistics and testing gives people the wrong impression.
An example is the Texas Fleebaggers. Your opinion of their tactics and ideology isn't relevant here. They went in a Very Public Way with selfies to the most Paranoid city in the country, where they had to take multiple tests that immediately became spin fodder for both sides of the political spectrum. The Authoritarians cried "See! See! It's PROOF you Must Obey!" and their opposition ( which unfortunately has Sane Libertarians and Insane AntiVaxxers among them ) cried "See! See! They Lied to you! The Vaccines Don't Work!".
you have to understand the PCR test can easily give false positives depending on the setting in the computer. You can run the same swab through twice with only a few mouse clicks difference in settings and get opposite answers.
( opinion ) as to instincts... Some stuff is counter intuitive. But generally, go with the gut.
Common sense might not apply if you lack specialized information. An "Expert" telling you not to stand still in a place, and not to kick up dust, may make no sense at all, unless you understand that the area is contaminated with radioactives and how they work.
My Father was a Navy Corpsman, and participated in Operation Crossroad. Feel free to make Mutant jokes. ( I was also born Downwind of the location shoots on The Conquerer. While Mom was pregnant with me dust storms swept the area, my Great Aunts ran a photo studio, and couldn't use rainwater to develop film because the radiation ruined it )
Real useful information I wish I could know and trust: What are the real death totals from Covid. What are the real percentages of the different comorbidities that were involved in their deaths, since I don't have any of the risk factors that have been pointed out. What are the real numbers for side effects that have come from the shot including the type of side effect.
I really don't expect to get any of this "real" information any time soon, so once again I can't make an educated decision on the shot, period. My wife has a genetic disorder with her blood vessels and if she gets blood clots in her lungs, of nearly any size, could cause stroke or death. I feel like complete strangers are holding us captive and the only way to be free is to risk her life.
There are always people who for various reasons shouldn't get a vaccine. Allergy to the eggs used in production ( not a factor for the ones in the US, iirc ) sensitivity to the preservatives that let the vaccines be shipped without being in tightly temp controlled refrigerated containers ) and a host of other stuff I ain't qualified to judge.
So if you CHOOSE not to get vaccinated you are counting on the bulk of others to act as a buffer of "probably won't get sick & infectious" around you.
And I highly suggest you follow reasonable hygiene practices.
Here is the "to do" list from one of the links above. I've added numbers to critique...
2 Social distance – maintain 6 feet distance.
3 Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
4 Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
5 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
6 Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
7 Stay home when you are sick.
8 Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue.
9 Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
IMHO.. Ok, not so Humble, 3,4,5,6,7,& 8 are all good general advice any day, plague or not.
5 is really hard for me. It's Really good advice, but...
8 is basic polite behavior, and anyone who deliberately sprays you with mucus? Feel free to kick them in the groin. I think that's acceptable behavior. Go Full Karen!
3 the only problem/question is "often". Before meals and grooming, at least. Times you touch stuff like shopping cart handles. Before messing with contact lenses. etc.
4 I do when I get back to my car after shopping, because, ewwww! People!!! Also If I have to care for another, ( putting on bandages, etc. ) it's just basic.
That leaves 9... which surfaces? In your own home, your mouse, tv remote, food prep areas. Balancing "clean freak" and "regular slob" is a mental and emotional thing. If you run a store like a 7-11, handles, countertops, anything those filthy customers touch.
1... in crowded public settings, because it's flu season, and this year's looks Bad. Also Pooh's Breath is still a thing. And when you are asked to by shop owners. Feel free to get right in the face of any politician and lick them. If that's your kink.
2. Why 6? Make it 200 and enforce it with mines. or seriously, give everyone some space if you can. I openly mock the tape stripes on the floor everyone had to put in in NY, but I also don't like smelly bums rubbing on me. But if that's your kink....
The above is opinion for daily life. If you work with toxic stuff or with medical samples, go with work approved methodology.
"600 thousand plus" was from Wikipedia, not the CDC, and all info from Wiki is not definitive? Trustworthy? Insert rant here.
Feel free to distrust that number.
I totally agree... I want good data. The lack of reliable sources and data is maddening.
In your situation I'd wait on your wife's vaccination until there's an attenuated ( dead ) virus vaccine, if your family doc agrees. (legal weasel words, sorry. And for the love of the Loki series, don't take medical advice from an internet loon. )
Attenuated vaccines are in testing, I'm not sure if any are available in the U.S.
I'd probably go for the shot of the best current available vaccine myself, to Try And cushion family at higher risk. That was My choice. I think that's the safest advice, but there's certainly a real risk I will have a bad side effect long term.
Zombie apocalypse? ( brain inflammation! I've read several sci-fi/spy novels with that in the technobabble. )
Mind control? ... You have an uncontrollable urge to make everyone wear masks!
I COMPLETELY respect your decision to get the shot, and I believe that everyone has to consider everything going on with their own lives and bodies and make their OWN decision on whether or not to get it. My mother (80 yrs old) got it, and think it's fine that she did, but once again, we don't fall into any of the high risk categories, so why?
Here's an expert that I'd put a lot of weight on since he seemingly doesn't have anything to gain, actually quite the opposite, from what he says.
Alex, much like Zerohedge, specializes in sensational "news". You can tell by the ads for gold, food pouches, and ( for Zerohedge ) investments tapes/advice.
That doesn't mean they are lying. But get a salt lick handy for the doom cries.
Alex actually gets credibility points because the Left hates him so much they both censor and accuse him of being a conspiracy nut. ( which he is... or Cassandra... same thing today )
First, consider that the 98.7% recovery rate from JHU (Johns Hopkins University, one of the primary sources for the CDC)...and it says it right there on their for known cases. They freely admit there could be ten TIMES as many cases as we know about; they freely admit there could be one HUNDRED times the cases than we know about. The reason for this is, the vast majority of people with the virus are asymptomatic.
Insert "imagine a virus so deadly, you have to get a test to know if you have it" meme, here.
So, if ten times the cases are out there, that 98.7% recovery rate goes to 99.87%. If 100 times the cases are out there? 99.987%. That's pretty goddamned close to a 0% kill rate, and even LESS scary to me.
Read the JHU page. Their disclaimer about case counts is right there.
There is also good evidence about Remdisivir being an excellent preventative, when taken immediately upon diagnosis. Go figure - MEDICINE, as opposed to "wait until it's too late and your lungs are already injured".
I have spoken personally with close friends, TODAY/YESTERDAY, who live in Colombia. Hospitals are maxed out, 100%. Fact.
Allow me to remind you that my dear sister is a retired hospital chaplain. I also have another dear friend, a retired (edited) CHILDREN'S hospital chaplain, who may or may not now have Delta, waiting on results of her test. She was going to wed me and M. She cannot, now.
THIS. SHIITE> Is. REAL.>>> I again refer to Pascal's Wager.
(Message edited by 86129squids on August 21, 2021)
One of the problems with statistics like 99.04% is that it's a Number, not a person. Each person is real. People are Quantum. Not Percentage.
Assume a worse disease than Covid-19, that kills One Percent. That's more than 3 million dead in the U.S. and the planetary death toll is the same as New York City, not that many years ago. If everyone in NYC dropped dead in 1968... That's Biblical Scale Death. Just because it's spread over a whole planet, and quite a lot of it is places where you never see their local news, like Dakar or Buffalo, doesn't mean it's not happening.
The interesting statistic I just can't give you, is what the percentage of people that catch the CCP Virus 2019, get miserable sick, Nasty sick, critically sick, and Too bad about Aunt May. That's because we have no reliable numbers.
Never mind that the government and CNN will just flat out lie, and suppress news that doesn't suit their agenda of the day, that's all true, so you can't trust the numbers others use based on them. Still doesn't matter. The number of asymptomatic cases is Blank. You want to add up all the cases that are sick enough to go to a clinic, AND the ones that didn't go because they were illegal, broke, hate doctors, whatever, AND the ones that were miserable, but not so bad they got counted, AND the ones you can't count even with polls and door to door interviews that ask if you had a cold the last 2 years.
All those people that annoy by telling everyone they never get colds, ( but oddly, sometimes you do after they visit ) probably ran around with Covid-19 too. Bell Curves.
When I was working around a UN's worth of foreign students, I averaged a couple of colds a year that I took One Day off to recover from, and another couple I barely noticed, could have been hay fever, but wrong season.
So I'm in the still fat part of the curve, towards the "not bad" side, while the "I never get a cold" guys are a little further into the point, and the "Colds Suck So Much" side of the curve has the same kind of distribution. But that curve has "What cold?" at one end and "Too bad about Aunt May" at the other, because Colds can and do kill.
Covid-19 curves exist, it's the slopes and tilt I need to see to see to learn how different than a Cold.
Especially interesting if you think it's an experimental disease. Remember, the testing that apparently Fauci signed off on in that Biowar lab in Wuhan, was intended to figure out how viruses adapt to other species, and what makes a virus virulent? Both in Spread Speed/Potential and Deadliness. If you can dial up & down how fast it spreads, or how sick it makes you, that's useful. Useful for research for medicines, and Nasty Motive uses.
Of course I do ride with a Fkin outdated helmet. That will change. Soon. Also will be farkling the Pacific Coast, for lights. Got a set of cartridge emulators on the shelf, waiting to pay labor to my mechanic.
Throw caution to the wind, pearls to swine, maybe flu.