Who was that whom you almost inserted your MC like a suppository?? I'm wearing the Buell jacket, you know the one That's Charlie doing a wheelie and coming on me like a freight train. I shrugged him off, cause I heard him back there and thought he was just signaling for us to pick it up a bit. I didn't know what he was really up to until I viewed the footage. I've got a hard drive full of our shenanigans on our undisclosed top secret squirrel test facility out in the middle of nowhere northwestsoutheast of here. Some of which should never see the light of day, nor the candle of night less some would lose their minds. Good times indeed.
Unlike the often U shaped pulse jets seen today, this old design had a one way valve in the form of shutter like vanes.
Although the V-1s were launched from a catapult or dropped from a bomber, that was because the early cruise missile had small wings and needed to be going pretty fast to fly. Not that the engine needed airflow. ( although that did affect power )
A radio remote control system capable of runway takeoffs existed, but landing gear would have substantially cut the range, and there really weren't runways long enough to fly them from in Europe. So...
Hey all- does anyone here remember those fullface helmets that had a Hurt Report graphic laid over the whole thing? I've always wanted one of those... and it's way past time for me to upgrade my brain bucket.
Leaving that needle in the haystack for now (beer or whiskey for whomever can find that), what's your favorite fullface helmet as of late? My good buddy who's a firefighter, EMS, and looongtime rider uses Suomy. Price and quality, not to spend a fortune...
Suomy Spec 1-R, but... I was at the motorsickle shop...the H-D/Buell dealer used to have the Japanese bikes in a separate building, with quite the contrast in colors and styles of riding gear. So my HJC modular I really must retire was from the H-D side, & Black. The Suomy "replica famous racer name I forget" was on the Yamahondasaki side & has colorful casino graphics.
I tried it on, fit perfectly, XL for my swelled head, but too pricy. Even at $100 off. A year later it was another $100 off, ( too gaudy? Expensive? ) and I pulled out the credit card.
Pros. Really light, excellent aerodynamics, ( no try to twist head off when looking to the side ) lots of air flow, cool, good construction. Good, mirrored, metallic extra face shields available. DOT & Euro-rated.
Cons. No adjustments in air vents at all. Loud. Extra visors expensive and too dark to ride at night. ( but totally block nuclear fire radiation, my Transitions prescription glasses stay clear ) Expensive. Did I mention loud?
That's just the one model & others have different features.
The most, ALMOST ONLY, thing that matters is Fit.
I don't want a flame war on Shell vs. DOT vs. Euro. There are differences, but they are less important IMHO, than fitting your head with no hot spots and excess chipmunk cheeks. ( some is ok )
Suomy, the one I own, fits me. Really good. Ymmv.
I really believe you need to try a helmet on and wander around the store for several minutes. Once you've found a good fit for YOU, feel free to buy the second one at the best price you can get, but I like to encourage the shops to carry good gear and stay in business, so buy the first one from them, at least.
And no matter how much someone else praises a brand, if it doesn't fit you, it's not worth a penny.
I'm a big fan of the Shoei helmets. They fit my pointy head pretty well. On clearance, they can be had for, well not cheap, but reasonable.
I have a dark shield on my helmet and when I ride at night I leave the shield up and wear a clear pair of safety glasses. It's a little noisy but at least I see well.