Among the little old lady hypochondriac community, the word/rumor is the Moderna vaccine has more severe side effects, than the Pfizer, notably chills and fever after the second dose.
I'd expect a working vaccine to produce chills and fever on a second dose. That means it's produced a response in the immune system with the first dose. Like it's supposed to.
Of course it's experimental. New medication of any kind when used by the public is going to run into human genetic variation not found in any limited study. It's literally impossible to have every gene combination in a test group smaller than the whole planet.
So, like every drug and vaccine in history, the Beta test is the release. Gamma test? Whatever! It's a known fact that some people are going to be allergic to or react badly to, every substance, ever.
And this is untested tech being tested in the planetary population.
The NY vaccine sign up website is glitchy and annoying, as you'd expect from incompetent lying corrupt governments.
Still, my sister got appointments for her and her husband, by using Comic Con sign-up process of keeping the page up on a second monitor and hitting refresh like a ferret on meth. While she worked. That gets you eventually to an hour count down timer, ( which will crash 75% of the time, requiring a start over from scratch... Ferret time! )
I assume the system is intended to be a test of perseverance and cover for insufficient server power, and it accomplishes the first part.
Took me about 4 hours with multiple crashes after waiting through the timer... to give up on day One of my Coronapanic Lottery. Then about 3 hours the next day with servers down, then sign-up page version 2 popped up & I'm scheduled for March.
I'm hoping for either flight, or Wolverine like healing powers.
I completely get that kids are nasty little germ factories, and that dedication to an ideal led a lot of people to a fairly poor paying job where the parents of the rug rats are stupidly wretched to deal with, and "supervisors" that are incompetent, micro managing, and vindictive, if they're not really lucky.
Throw a State Government like New York or California on top of that, like a corrosive slime that seeps into every crevice, and I wouldn't want to go back to work in a classroom... ever.
But what we are learning from the tyrannical and doubtfully useful lock down Society is that if there are going to be schools, they either baby sit the kids, educate them well, or they aren't worth paying for. If Dad has to stay home from work to baby sit while the kids do Zoom Classes, then it's only a short step away from sending them to GOOD zoom classes that will give them the "unfair advantage" of a good education, instead of Commie Core.
I see it all the time: mask wearing while driving, putting on the mask before getting out of the car in the lot, making the brand of vaccine you got and your reaction a major topic of conversation, double masks, wanting to give up normal life, even if vaccinated, etc. It's addictive panic porn.
"Give my dose to someone who's paranoid. Or doesn't understand math. Or how viruses act."
The majority of people fall in those categories, unfortunately. I don't think all of them will take the vaccine, but a big chunk would do so without hesitation. They aren't even risk groups, but good luck trying to explain that to them.
As the saying goes, "You can’t reason someone out of something they weren’t reasoned into to begin with."
That adds Pooh's Breath to Polio, Pneumonia, and a bunch of diseases that kill Iranians ( I had the list of that nasty shot somewhere ) to the "diseases that won't kill me" list.
Feel free to get Mumps, Diptheria, Chicken Pox and measles ( German & common ). I've either had my shots, or the disease. Some we thought eradicated from America until the People's Republic of California brought them back.
There are a couple in that Iran zone mercenary/oil worker multi shot ( same one for troops ) that had me throwing up & sweating for 2 days. I Paid for that immunity, both with discomfort and out of pocket. Turns out I never got to go to Tehran, just missed the Carter Hostage Failure. Still, having Iranian, Saudi, and Iraqi customers, fresh off the plane, was a no worry work life. Except for the bomb making, but the shot for that is different.
If they bother with a 2021 flu shot, I'll get that too. I still deal with elderly relatives. If I kill them it'll be homicide, not negligence.
Paranoid? Sure, that's why I took all those "how not to die while doing CPR" classes and practice the all compression technique. Literally decades of first aid work with International tourists, or worse, Texans! ( who'll get the latest out of Mexico first )
I've freely admitted that just projecting calm and pretending to be unphased is more often useful than the "how to use oxygen" classes have been. I quit counting saves long ago as most of the scary ones probably would have lived anyway, even If It took another half hour to get them on an ambulance. I just am happy to not have them die while I'm there. Wish my memories didn't include the times I couldn't revive them.
In retrospect, I've been first guy to too many trauma scenes. Maybe I should have done safer hobbies... Wouldn't have made a difference in the Motor vehicle accidents.
I will get the vaccine when it becomes available as well. This antivax fear mongering is getting tiresome. Just because Bill Gates says it’s good, doesn’t mean it’s bad. Some of youns sound like the orange man bad crowd when it comes to this stuff.
Could you explain what you mean about the vaccine being in the experimental stage? I think there is a misunderstanding of terms. Quite literally, the experimental stage ended after the clinical trials in which over 40,000 human subjects were given the vaccine, and the results were analyzed. The FDA reviewed the results, and approved it. Thus, it literally is an FDA approved vaccine, not an experimental vaccine. That's why I felt confident and relieved to get both doses. I had minor fatigue and a sore shoulder for about 12h after the 2nd dose, but have been absolutely fine since. So, I am honestly curious what you mean about it being experimental.
Some don’t. Schools require vaccinations. I got armloads of vaccines in the military. There was no opting out. Although, I hear some members are refusing today. Not sure how that works.
A nice gold star. Prominently displayed. Some kind of Mark on their front doors, too, to protect others.
Trains, courtesy of Warren Buffett, are for later.
I'm still getting it. Gotta be alive to derail trains, eh?
And sure, it's an experiment. We haven't given mRNA vaccines to a billion people before. I'm fascinated by the results. Might accidentally prevent the common cold. Viral genocide! There'll be protests!
Math, eh? I'm good with taking precautions against a roughly 5% chance of dying or killing old folk. Haven't seen a reliable number on permanent crippling damage.
I preflight aircraft I fly. I wash my hands after handling raw meat. I clean my dishes. I even occasionally avoid riots.
Lottery odds are over 200,000,000 to one. Now that's a scam. 9 1/2 to one? That calls for rationality.
Jeff, "lawful order" is a pleonasm. I am not saying no to lawful order, I am saying yes to it. We need more lawful order, not less.
Truth is simple and bears good fruit. Will there be severe consequences for speaking the truth? Absolutely. Truth is not free, but truth will set you free.
So, Aesquire tried to address my question to Sami by saying, "we've never given a billion people." By that logic, everything is experimental. The 1st time you take aspirin, it's an experiment. Also, the 2nd time, because you've never taken it twice until you do. I plan to do an experiment and take my x millionth breath of air.....
Whew, I'm glad that experiment turned out okay. I may try another one later.
So, seriously, the point is there is a difference between saying it is still experimental vs saying we don't know the long term consequences of this new medicine/vaccine.....because it's new.
If you want to wait until 40 years after the introduction of new meds, equipment and procedures to be sure of the long term consequences, you will have to accept healthcare quality of 40 years ago. People died from a host of diseases which are now considered curable or chronic nuisances. I generally prefer the outcomes of modern medicine.
40 years ago, there was no obesity epidemic. 40 years ago, there was no opioid epidemic. 40 years ago, there was no STD epidemic. Some things were better 40 years ago.