Posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 - 07:16 pm:
One funny thing that is happening is the covid junkies have as a topic what brand the vaccine is and obsessing on the side effects of the second dose. Now double masking is being pushed, it is like they want more restrictions.
Double masking is... Anyone saying it's a great idea because the CDC says it's good proves they are idiots. If reporters, idiots, lazy, and probably evil. They sure didn't read the freaking study, and it's on the website.
Lazy, because the study was to measure tiny particle penetration from inside the mask.
So cough droplets & aerosols are 95% stopped by a N95 mask the cougher wears. Just as you'd expect from the label. Add a paper surgical mask, you get more particles stopped. Duh.
The CDC ALSO DOESN'T RECOMMEND THIS! They say some people would have breathing problems with more restrictions, totally logical. A lot of people shouldn't wear a N95 mask for more than a short time, too. Nurses strip them off and burn bag them after treating infected. Then put on stock paper surgical masks the rest of the time they are required to.
So you have my encouragement to mock anyone who says the CDC says you should double mask.
They might not be deliberately lying, I must point out. They may be parroting lazy idiot useless "talents" ( The folk paid to pretend they are journalists, because they are pretty ) who also are just reading a script.
To be fair, if you are coughing and sneezing, and running around in public during a panicdemic about a respiratory infection? You should wear more than a bandana. I recommend Johnny Space Helmet from Mainway toys.
California Governor apparently didn't believe that a vaccine would exist so didn't plan to distribute any. The New York Governor promised to destroy anyone who gave shots to anyone he didn't approve of, so enough vaccine for a small country has been ruined.
Bet you find a different percentage of vaccinations depending on the Letter after the Governor's name? We got a 50 State experiment going today.
And any bets the Persecution in Houston was sponsored by Soros?
Taken to the logical next step, if 2 masks are better than a single mask, then 3 masks must be better than 2? Take that to the logical conclusion, once you have enough masks to totally prevent airflow and the wearer stops breathing, the 100% level is achieved.
Reminds me of the 'more blades is better' crap with razors a couple years back. Went from a single to 2 to 7.
Hey - suffocation means the host dies. Host dying means the virus can't spread.
That's the only goal, right? Stop the spread, everything else be damned?
Quality of life doesn't mean shit, earning a living doesn't mean shit, actually being healthy and having a working immune system doesn't mean's all about stopping the spread of a virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate.
And not wearing a mask means you aren't allowed into stores, into bureaucratic fortresses, or into restaurants. At least in "Blue" states. It's a mixed bag, but I'd say not wearing your mandated veil reduces your quality of life by limiting your options.
I've said from the beginning, I wear the veil to assure the nice innocent store clerks that I'm not a Karen, or an aggressive idiot. I've worked retail. It's not their choice that you are told to wear a veil, they may get fired if they serve the disobedient, they didn't make the policy, and there's no reason for me to make their life harder.
That's the only goal, right? Stop the spread, everything else be damned?
Nope. Some might claim that, but that's like saying you want there to be no more sin. Unrealistically dishonest.
We Bent the curve. We didn't have the Hospital hallways full of dying problem that some other countries did. ( and the problem spots here were where you'd expect. And probably know the names of the Governors and Mayors who aggravated the problem ) Success!
We're in the beginning of the end of the Fall/Winter spike predicted back in March. By 2082, this will all be over. ( because the nanotech plague will have reduced the planet to grey goo. )
Btw, 6 masks ends racism! Zacks understands.
Realistically, the veil is a spit shield. It protects others from your spray. Sneezes, etc. Expecting more is silly.
You object to the tyranny? I agree.
You want to stand in the door at Safeway and scream at some poor clerk who's boss told her the next Karen she lets in the door without a mask to scream at him for only selling 15 rolls of toilet paper and she's fired? Grow up. And get the heck out of my way.
Now that there are 7 blades in a razor head, I only change them every 6 months instead of monthly.
Patrick, Was there a time that you questioned everything? I asked myself why I chose a side and quit questioning it. I am trying to change my mind back to the point where I questioned everything. I have been getting better at it.
If not questioning everything, just keep the energy to hunt for your own answers instead of simply accepting "what everyone else says".
For example...look at Erik Buell, and tell him "that's not the way we've always done it" - and let me know how that goes for ya. Hint: I'd recommend ducking, and taking a step backwards, as that sentence comes out of your mouth...
I've come to a few conclusions on a few subjects that I think no longer need inquiry.
Leftists Lie. Socialism/Communism/whatever lie they pretend their label is, is fundamentally evil. Half the people are below average. The map is not the territory. And if the advertisement says the advertisement is perfect, it's a scam.
Most of the rest of the Universe is open for discussion. Most people are in a Party because they were conned into it. ( see below average, above ) And are A problem but aren't the Party Leaders, but their victims.
Coronavirus version Communist Chinese Party Biological Warfare Laboratory Hunan released in 2019 is a nasty business. In many ways. Lots of dead people that didn't need to die when they did.
Some from suicide. Others from untreated illness. But a lot from the super cold.
I'm cynical as heck on the mask business.
Seen the movie Hero? With Jet Li and other very talented folk? Gorgeous propaganda film.
Just Joe apparently cancelled all Trump orders, including investigating lying murderers. It's good to be in the Party in Power when you're a D.
So we'll see if the body count from his whims on whom he allows a vaccine can beat his Nursing homes massacre. Just count every wasted dose as another dead. It's how his Brother would figure it he was Trump.
Incompetence, or theft? Millions of missing doses.
Vaccine flows into States, States trickle it out.
A paranoid would say they want the crisis to never end. A cynic would say the State Government minions are irresponsible because they never had to be responsible. An angry mob would burn the place they give the shots.