Don’t need aliens for that. IOT devices are notoriously insecure and difficult to patch. Those with an ear to the ground see IOT as the next big attack surface. Most of the major players have solutions, but they’re still in their infancy and rely on device fingerprinting by mac, and behavioral baselines. Oh, and spans on switches, which are difficult to maintain. I evaluated a half dozen or so last year for a project I ran. You can bet that state and organized hacking groups are all over them.
Former Buell/EBR racer Geoff May posted to Facebook tonight that he tested positive for COVID today. He says this is his forth day of the whole array of symptoms and he’s starting to feel a little better. Hopefully he’ll be over it quickly.
Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 08:06 am:
But tempering that is a 41 yo congressman-elect from LA that died 10 days after testing positive...
Keep in mind, three million Americans die every year.
Every. Year.
(*correction...close to 3M. Since 1999, our total mortality has been over 2.3M and climbing every year, and 2019 was just under 3M - like, 2.8M or 2.9M. Just to clarify...but round numbers are easier)
So, we lose 3,000,000 a year, every year.
This COVID thing has put 1/10 of those people (high end numbers from the CDC - take it with a grain of salt - put this at 300k "excess deaths" for 2020) under a microscope. We are obsessed with them.
Bear in mind - for every one of them who actually (key word there) dies from COVID...there are NINE MORE AMERICANS who have simply....died.
It happens.
Obsessing over people dying is the job of 95-year-olds in the nursing home scanning the obituaries for their friends...not healthy, productive, everyday Americans.
We need to get past this. Like, yesterday. We have GOT to move on with our lives.
Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 08:25 am:
I haven't stopped all year. My point was not obsessing over deaths, but the arbitrary nature of the virus: some get it, some don't. Some get sick from it, some don't. Some die after getting sick, some don't. At my age, the grim reaper keeps sticking his head around the corner to glimpse at me. (This morning he was driving a white Corolla that ran the light, crossing my bow <10' away...) I'm celebrating my friends' and relatives' recoveries whilst being a little cautious.
Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 08:29 am:
Some die after getting sick, some don't
Like, 99.969% don't.
But again - that part isn't publicized. People are too busy focusing on that 0.04% so they can shut down our lives, and our livelihood, and our Nation.
Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 10:16 am:
Those who deny Pooh's Breath is a nasty deadly disease are idiots. Those who panic about it are fools.
Those who complain their Glorious Leader ( Governor or Mayor who thinks themselves filled with terrible purpose ) are dictatorial arbitrary monsters... Are correct. ( you might be wrong if you live in Florida or South Dakota, but the daily victims of New York and California are stupid if they don't so realize )
There's a rational middle ground in concern about the CCP biological warfare assault on the planet. It's real. People I know are dead. Many others are crippled for life.
There are panic mongering scum. The Venn diagram of "cower in fear!" and "actually reporting is hard work, so I'll lie instead" and "Republicans are racists"( because Transference is our mental illness and Strategy to distract you from our crimes ) have so much overlap it doesn't take much squinting to be a single circle.
I need a fact check here. Because it seems to me...
There was a big surge in R Congresscritters and politicians reported having caught the plague after gathering on stage, on the way to & from their cars, visiting the White House, etc. But I don't recall any reported D pols getting ill after gathering on stage, on the way to & from their cars, visiting crowds of Marxist thugs.
Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2020 - 10:53 am:
Those who deny Pooh's Breath is a nasty deadly disease are idiots.
I don't deny its existence.
However, I will disagree with you about the "nasty, deadly" part.
99.969% recovery rate. CDC numbers there. That would be something that puts it on a par with...lots of other things in life. Like undercooked chicken. Not all your chicken is undercooked, but if it IS undercooked, you stand a much better chance of fatality or severe illness from that, than you do of this thing, IF you catch it in the first place.
Obsessively focusing on this "disease" is what's screwing up our globe right now. A "plague" would KILL 99.969% of people, not let that many survive.
Think about it. You have to GET TESTED to see if you even have the damn thing. If it was "all that"...all you'd have to do is follow the trail of dead bodies, to find out if you've got it. And if you did, you'd update your will because you're next in the body line.
This, is not that. Not even close.'s not even ONE FULL PERCENTAGE POINT of fatal. It's THREE PEOPLE IN EVERY TEN THOUSAND fatal. (that's ten thousand people WITH the virus, not ten thousand people TOTAL...) Stuff like that, doesn't keep me awake at night - especially now that there's a vaccine out.
So I had the news on this morning while I got ready for work, and they were (surprise) talking about COVID, and the TWO CASES (!!!) of the "new strain" that's now here in the USA. (note: Sacramento can KEEP IT).
Then, a commercial comes on for RoboCaller, the cell phone spam blocker. It's advertising that it "blocks 99% of spam calls" - and that's a selling point.
So, I think to myself "self...why is it a GOOD thing that RoboCaller blocks 99% of spam calls, but we've locked down a nation (and a GLOBE) for a disease that lets more than 99% of the people who catch it, survive?? Is that just a difference in advertising budget??"