That's a lot of big words you fellas just used. And real surprising seeing as your old leader's greatest enemy is basic English.
And for the record Joe and company are a bunch of hypocritical centrists. We'll need a real workers revolution before there will ever be any real change.
Keep voting against your own interests and let the machine keep telling you the dems are the "extreme left" without doing a ½ a second worth of political reading.
Enjoy the badweb glad to see it has turned into Qanon light over here
Stop this stupid banter.It's just as bad as reading facebook comments. Biden hasn't been effective for 47 years- what another 4 going to do? keep your head and keeping working- or go take a ride on your bike instead of making childish threats.
Stop this stupid banter.It's just as bad as reading facebook comments. Biden hasn't been effective for 47 years- what another 4 going to do? keep your head and keeping working- or go take a ride on your bike instead of making childish threats.
True. He is the epitome of the establishment politician. Congratulations. The way to not get pissed on while being told it's raining is to carry an umbrella.
I'm sure Just Joe has been effective at getting your tax dollars sent to Delaware. Over 47 years of graft, at least some of that might even have helped his constituents, instead of the many that bribed him.
Even local right wing radio pundits have to praise Chuck You Schumer for bringing Federal money to State programs. It would surprise me a lot if Just Joe isn't well loved by recipients of our money in the Bureaucracy.
That every foreign policy choice he's made in five decades was Wrong is repeated so often you might want to verify that. I don't recall him ever being right, and I'm sure that won't change, but it's possible that in 1986 he wasn't wrong for a few minutes.
The one thing no one can say about The Bad Orange Man is until possibly 4 1/2 years ago, nobody tried to bribe him to get taxpayer's money. And it's clear by the overwhelming bias in Media, if there was any credible quid pro quo illegal graft, it would be front page... Aka 24/7 News.
These days the western or neo Marxists are all hung up on German Sociology and French postmodernism. It's what's trendy.
At any rate, none of that garbage should have any significance on American politics...but here we are. A vocal minority thinks they can rule the world.
It always tickles me how the white "non white supremacists" think they can dictate how everyone else lives.
Most of the folks on BWB or more to the point quickboard are conservative/libertarian. Spidey and Wiscokid aren’t, for a short example list. If politics don’t come up in a conversation, you’d never know it.
I’m a solid constitutional libertarian and have talked to both with no animosity from either side without politics and the conversations were civil and enjoyable. Gotta love Homecoming.
As I'm blocked daily by authoritarian butt holes on social media I cannot relate much to such people. As soon as you show conservative roots the activist in them can't help but come out.
They've been conditioned to such responses, I suppose, but it's no excuse. It's like the second they know you're not on their team their bare butt is glistening in the wind.
I'm frankly tired of it.
They call themselves the resistance...but resisting your own social and economic freedoms seems counter productive.
If you can define the difference between the Marxist cults, you are hair splitting lying.
But hey! Why not?
Most Holy is...
Communism is the means of production ( factories, agriculture, minerals... Henceforth MOP ) is owned by the People.
Less Pure and the step before the above...
Socialism is MOP owned by the State.
( The State IS The People. Or It's all a scam, which it is. )
Even less Pure, and the first big stepping stone towards the Marxist Heaven On Earth...
Fascism is MOP privately owned, but run & funded/beholden to the State.
The Mussolini Italian regime and the Obama economy qualify as Fascist. Corrupt government run by bribes to give tax money to & even allow to function. Neither were "pure" Fascism, but...
Preemptive strike on the Inevitable Scripted Lie...
"Real ( communism/socialism/Marxism ) has never been tried!"
That's actually correct, if dishonest.
Because it doesn't exist.
It's like saying we never went to the Moon like H.G. Wells wrote! We didn't use Cavorite!
Happy to explain why to the ignorant, it's pretty easy to grasp. But I doubt I need to.
The people well versed in said cults will claim ignorance on your part for not understanding the enlightenment and freedom that comes with full State control and relinquishment of your fundamental rights and freedoms, I.E. being "free from worry."
They're always like, "where's your proof that it's a failure???" I don't know...probably the entirety of human history.
...or, more immediately....Cuba, and Venezuela. Two extremely well-off nations that have turned themselves quite successfully into third-world shitholes in the space of less than a generation.
Posted on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - 10:07 am:
Interesting analysis of voting data from the 4 largest counties in Michigan. There appears to be clear evidence of manipulation of Trump/Biden votes by software:
Basically, in these 4 counties, the more people that voted a straight republican ticket, the less likely they voted for Trump. Romney has already suggested that maybe Republicans are sick of Trump, but the data shows a clear linear trend that is NOT a natural feature, and it didn’t happen at all in other counties they checked.
It's become an accepted truth in some circles that believing in everyone being equal equates to racism and possibly being a Nazi, yet believing in a hierarchy of victimhood predicated on racial constructs is not racist. WTF, over.
Here's a page with a lot of good mini-articles about our election. Every link I've clicked at the bottom ("Next", or "Just Breaking") has led to another good article.