One of the best comments I ever heard a politician say was Mayor Willie Brown about campaign contributions. It went something like:
"Yeah they gave me money, and when the time came I didn't vote the way they wanted me to, because that would have cost me in the next election. I knew I wasn't ever going to vote their way, but what kind of politician would I be if I didn't take their money anyway?"
Dirty play?, sure, but I can at least respect the honesty of the statement.
I'll have a bigger $hit-eating grin on than The Donald.
What I want to know is... down the line, how in the world can the Republican party top DT as POTUS? Unless he installs himself as benevolent ruler, we'll have to figure that out. Oh, wait a minute...
Meme on, Ebeeatch. I have fun watching your funnin'. It's...
It was a guy explaining how Trump had all the ballots made with an invisible watermark so when counting you can see if it's a real ballot or not. He claimed it was a set up to catch the swamp at cheating. Probably untrue but time will tell. I didn't realize the Feds produced the ballots and that's the only way that could happen so I'm thinking it's bull but you can always hope!