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| Posted on Monday, August 03, 2020 - 08:03 pm: |
It's an article from the New York Times; a known source of lies and misinformation. The Times makes Pravda look like a model of journalistic integrity. What's there may be true, but it's probably just embellished fiction. |
| Posted on Monday, August 03, 2020 - 09:54 pm: |
delirium, nightmares and hallucinations I used to pay good money for that. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 12:31 am: |
...virus deaths fall much less towards the side of murder,... While the Governor of New York, and the other Governors that sent infected to nursing homes, might be a bit further towards the Murder side of that scale, it's hard to prove, outside of waterboarding, what their motives were. Perhaps it's exposure to Jesuit logic chopping, but "intent & action" do seem to determine where on the scale of idiot to evil one is. At the least, at some point SOMEONE did tell Andrew Cuomo that sending infected to nursing homes and forbidding the testing there was killing people entirely unnecessarily, and some weeks later, after the first 10 thousand plus deaths resulting from his orders became public knowledge, he changed his order. And, typically of ANY politician ( bipartisan ) he absolutely refuses to take responsibility for the dead, and I believe he does so without feeling a hint of guilt. ( conscienceless monster ) So it's ever so hard to Prove intent, although the bulk of the evidence may point a flaming arrow. Ditto the "if Trump said it we must censor, mock, and deny" Political/Media herd that suppressed HCQ use. They act on the orders of a Higher Truth. (aka Satan?) Since their power must be assured forever By Any Means Necessary, and Breaking a Few Eggs is a small price to pay to put their boots on the faces of the masses for all eternity. ( extra points for literary reference identification ) Re: Darwin... It's how they did it other places, Sweden, for example. They just gave the country an IQ test and the average went up. I'm not usually so hard hearted as to endorse that approach, but it's tempting. The trouble is, So far, everyone I personally know who has died from Pooh's Breath qualifies as smart, careful, and "at risk" to varying degrees. The ages I can remember... 55, 62, 73. So Darwin isn't the best principle to follow where idiot teens can kill grandma by going to Daytona Beach, snog & party, then return to Moline and pass along disease. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 01:00 am: |
I'm in California right now, and walking about 10-15 miles every morning. The other people I see sometimes have masks on, while some do not. ALL of them steer well out of my way - I walk in a straight line, on the right side of the sidewalk or whatever path I'm on. People pretty much all say good morning, but they uniformly orbit my personal space around 10-12 feet. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 12:05 pm: |
I think it is a lot easier to wear a mask in crowded situations than it is to raise a child to the age where you can kick them out. It also costs a lot less and has fewer legal responsibilities. On the other hand, I agree it is a tragedy that babies are dumped in trash bins when there are places around the corner who will see to it that abandoned babies are raised healthy. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 03:15 pm: |
I dunno H0gwash. When the kids get old enough, they can be pretty handy. When I turned 12, I was handed the responsibility for lawn upkeep, snow shoveling, garage cleaning, having the dishes done before mom got home from work, tilling, weeding, watering, and picking the garden, nipping the darn string beans, etc... then there was grandpa's farm to look after, hauling rocks, mowing, pruning the orchard, logging 80 acres of hardwoods, stacking brush, splitting and stacking firewood, bucking hay bales... In return I got food a plenty and anything off the discount racks at J.C. Penney's or Sears. (Message edited by Blake on August 04, 2020) |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 04:01 pm: |
You waited till 12? Slacker... My father (CPA, Cdr-USN/Ret, and from a German immigrant family - I miss ya, pop!) taught me early. You WILL do things correctly, the first time. You WILL do things when you are told. You WILL learn to do it yourself. You WILL do what you're told, before you go out and play. Step out of line, and you WILL be...reminded, that it is not a good idea. More than one occasion my dad gave me a good whack - and whenever he did, I knew I deserved it. One time, I learned how to do drywall afterwards because I cracked the wall he sent me into. This wasn't "abuse", this was "discipline". "Abuse" would be smacking me around for no reason. "Discipline" is something we need a lot more of, these days. And father figures in a family. And people learning to do things for themselves instead of whining about handouts. And none of this bullshit "my parents were mean to me so I'm going to sue"...and a court system that LETS them. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 05:30 pm: |
My hat is off to you if you are volunteering to raise, feed and clothe abandoned children until they are twelve when they are trained to maintain farms and the like. I still think wearing a mask is easier than all of that. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 05:43 pm: |
It wasn't abuse but it is your father fault that he had to send you to the drywall. It means he allowed you had lack of discipline way before you showed lack of discipline. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 09:37 pm: |
Absolutely not. You have no idea what you're talking about. I was an arrogant little shit and I knew full well what I was doing, and I knew it was wrong. And, I got caught. Just like cops don't "abuse" criminals. Criminals made the decision to commit crime. They get caught by the cops. So...they whine, and blame the cops, for a decision THEY made. Like petulant children. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 09:46 pm: |
It is your father fault that you were an arrogant little shit. He is responsible you grew an arrogant little shit in the first place. Of course there are reasons he was not be able to prevent this, maybe he did not know how to grow children, maybe he had no desire to put time and effort in his children, but this is his responsibility he allowed this situation. And if your children will be an arrogant little shit this is going to be your responsibility. You have to figure out fist what it takes to prevent your children to be an arrogant little shit rather than allow this situation and you have to send your children to the drywall. (Message edited by TPEHAK on August 04, 2020) |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 10:02 pm: |
You've got some bizarre ideas. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 11:21 pm: |
H0gwash: Went to the orphanage, but I wasn't allowed to properly test the kids for endurance and strength. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - 12:28 am: |
That's cause I called the orphanage security and left an anonymous tip about some weird old farmer looking for cheap child labor! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - 07:21 am: |
| -lockdowns-work-evidence-says-no.php A foreign economist might not be the best source for medical advice in a plague. Better than CNN, But So is a Magic 8-ball. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - 07:53 am: |
| ovid_and_the_red_states.html Obviously biased. Not saying wrong, just biased. Certainly not spin free. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - 10:09 am: |
Results of observational study of countries practicing early usage of hydroxychloroquine vs. countries not using HCQ early. Bottom line: 79% lower death rate for those infected with COVID in countries with early HCQ usage. Meanwhile the media continues with the “no proof” story lines and vastly overblown the potential side effects. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - 10:44 am: |
Darn. Hopefully the exchange student deal works out. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - 08:07 pm: |
Whisky. Tango. Foxtrot. Pick your article - what in the HELL is this place coming to????? |
| Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 - 12:52 pm: |
| 3472479/blowtorch-coronavirus-face-mask-experiment / |
| Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 - 01:06 pm: |
Well, I guess he has demonstrated that a cloth or paper mask will prevent someone from spitting on you, assuming the spitter is the one wearing a mask. For an airborne virus, that means squat. |
| Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 - 04:26 pm: |
Any excuse to let dangerous people out of prison, I guess. rape-kills-accuser |
| Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 - 09:13 pm: |
\ (Message edited by ebutch on August 07, 2020) |
| Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 - 09:39 pm: |
| -less-children-adults-study There us a known link between high levels of the enzyme and high blood pressure, due to arterial constriction. High blood pressure is one of the comorbid conditions for covid. I wonder whether an ace inhibitor, commonly used as a treatment for high blood pressure, could be used as a prophylactic for high risk folks? |
| Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 - 11:16 pm: |
...prevent someone from spitting on you, assuming the spitter is the one wearing a mask. For an airborne virus, that means squat. Yep, that's what the mask is for. Helps if you are the only one with a mask too. Nothing short of a Rascal suit is going to completely protect you from airborne viruses. Any less... A Nurse buddy caught H1N1 while in full FDA & hospital approved protective gear, face shield, mask, gown, gloves, and decontamination. But he was in close proximity over some time, not normal day to day civilian living. You play the odds and take reasonable action to tilt them in your favor. When I finally get to go see a movie in a theater, ( if Fill In The Blank doesn't happen first ) and things are cruising along as they are today? I'll skip the popcorn and wear a paper mask, and use hand sanitizer after I get back to my car, just like I do at the grocery store. |
| Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 - 11:43 pm: |
Point is, that demonstration demonstrated nothing as it relates to covid. |
| Posted on Friday, August 07, 2020 - 11:59 pm: |
I'll skip the popcorn and wear a paper mask, and use hand sanitizer after I get back to my car, just like I do at the grocery store. Just skip the movie. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 08, 2020 - 05:49 am: |
More bogus death reporting: old_boy_in_georgia_died_from_covid19_media_leaving _out_key_details.html |
| Posted on Saturday, August 08, 2020 - 07:19 am: |
That "demonstration" showed ether vapors, which I WILL point out, are smaller that Coronavirus, loses velocity when you spray through paper. I'm assuming at least a slight breeze during his video, since the hemi-ball of ether hanging around the dummy face should have ignited by about six inches from the torch, based on infrared camera footage of masked humans, in still air. You get your masked face 1/2 foot from my masked face and yell at me, you've got a good shot at a virus passing between us. And a broken nose. Prove nothing related to Covid? Sure! Wet drops of mucus sprayed from mouth breathing cretins or PhDs in victim studies ( Which overlap in the Venn diagram ) will be reduced just like ether vapor and reduce but not eliminate your odds of dying this month. Mostly he "proved" Styrofoam is flammable. But I knew that, just as I knew putting paper in front of a spray can can really slow down a paint job. And that's the desired result. I don't want sick people sneezing on me. Spit, spray paint, sneeze... Whatever. Just skip the movie? Why not skip life altogether? It's fatal, after all. 100%. I could stay home until I die, now that groceries are delivered. Pay my bills by phone. No human contact until the ME takes my discarded husk away, or the mob burns my house because I posted a joke. Nah, I'm going to the drive in! (Message edited by Aesquire on August 08, 2020) |
| Posted on Saturday, August 08, 2020 - 07:58 am: |
| sk_or_not_to_mask_.html If mask wearing is a political choice then you're rationalizing. Not being rational. As I've repeatedly said, masks are social camouflage, maybe as much as disease control. Maybe More. I don't wear a mask at the store because I'm an obedient sheep. I do so to pretend I am. And the facade is a rational choice. Nevermind that in NY revealing you have a pistol accidentally gets you in serious trouble. That pistol is concealed so you aren't targeted immediately when the SHTF. You want to be ignored as a threat. Isn't there a lovely quote about being polite??? stration/2016/12/james-mattis-quotes-232097 #4! #5 is true too. |