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Buell Forum » Quick Board » Archive through November 26, 2020 » What to do... « Previous Next »

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Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 04:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I have had my current job since 1997 but the writing is on the wall... and it has been for a long time.

I work for a family owned business.
The owner/founder passed away a few years ago.
Much to my surprise, his children have tried to keep us afloat... and for that I am thankful

But the wheels have started coming off way faster than any of us expected.

Last Thursday one of the family members went home, sat down on his couch... and never got back up.

Needless to say it has caused a lot of pain & stress for all of us.
So much so, the manager (son of the original owner) to state he is ready to retire.
We were thin before... him retiring with no replacement would only leave myself and the owners daughter to answer the phones and take care of customers. She is coming unglued is a nice way of putting it.
The woman that handles our accounting and such was able to talk him into staying until next spring. This put the daughters mind at ease. We should be able to find some help by then....

Not more than an hour later I hear the daughter page our warehouse workers to come quick, there is an emergency up in the showroom.
The manager (also her brother) has had a seizure and is collapsed on the floor.
911 is called and he is taken to the hospital...

There is so much going on in my head its hard to keep up...

What to do? I know I'll be here to help with whatever I can... I'm just a little on edge and needed to get a some of the load off my mind
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Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 05:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

WOW, Mark. Prayers and my best mojo heading your way.

What caused the fella to have a seizure? I have two dogs- one is prone to seizures, on 3 meds plus CBD oil. The other was diagnosed with lymphoma in January, and dang if he occasionally has a seizure. The first dog, it's kinda routine, not pleasant at all... the second dog, it's horrible when he gets one. (Making me think of Glitch- hopefully he's got his meds figured out.)

My $.02: Hold fast at your position, and find ways to comfort the daughter. Look after the son/manager. Lots of things have happened suddenly... once the dust settles, things may very well fall into place. An all staff meeting should be figured out.

Oh, and make the most of the WVBR get-together. Wish I could make it.
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Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 06:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

If it's a successful enterprise, why not sell it to a motivated buyer with a work ethic? Could you buy the biz yourself, Mark?
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Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 06:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

I'm sure stress has played big part in him having a seizure.... but I would say the life style has played a even bigger roll.

I have no desire to own it... and with the way thing are now, I wonder if and when it will come back.
The major part of my sales are to chain restaurants.... you can imagine how that is going right now.
All projects got put on hold back in March with only a few construction projects starting back up.

I'm sure I will suck it up and keep moving forward.

parents are getting to the age when you start to worry about them... work... the news... its all just a big fecal frappuccino and we all have our share to drink
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Posted on Tuesday, August 04, 2020 - 06:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Hang in there Mark.
Its always darkest before the dawn.
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Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - 12:05 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

There's usually a silver lining for hard working intelligent folks like you Wolf man. You'll do well, no matter what.
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Posted on Wednesday, August 05, 2020 - 09:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

Mark, one thing I have noticed about you is your innate ability to bring people together.

I was in your first MSF class at AD Farrow and it was great. Since then, I have seen some of the largest, longest lasting threads on Badweb such as the Suspension Upgrades thread, still going on. Before that, the huge weightloss thread. The WVBR! In spite of a global pandemic, people are still itching to go to. I think your gift is in being able to fit in anywhere and lead.

You might be a reluctant leader, but you're a leader. You might not want to but that business now, but in spite of the current situations, did you think about it before? The economy is rough. The family wants out. Things are slow now, but they will come back and you can check with much, much smarter folks than me who think that it will be a quick rebound. If that's the case, now might be a great time to get into it, if you can, because if people at work look at you as a leader there, you might have some automatic buy in as an owner...

In the automotive side of things, we were dealing with a first quarter worse than 2009 and June/July have been great. Things are worrisome because of surges in cases.

Motorcycle sales and car sales have been slow... I think they will be going up quickly once stock starts getting back to dealers. I think we might actually be hiring for sales. I'll look into that and text you details.

You're smart and a people person. 'You'll do well, no matter what."

(Message edited by Thumper74 on August 05, 2020)
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