For working with epoxy paints & resins, a full hood with fresh air pumped in is nice. You can get combo HVLP paint rigs that supply air to paint gun and protective gear.
Most, SCA events have been cancelled since March. Including Pennsic, the biggest event that attracts over 10,000 participants, from all over the world. ( the camp that hosts the Swedish contingent actually has a sign next to their gate that says "Swede Drop Off", so When you find a lost guy speaking in a Scandahoovian sounding language, you can just take them there. I usually ask "Sweden?" first, since I don't want to lead a Chech or Lithuanian to the wrong camp )
Of course, I'm disappointed. But pragmatically I'm not upset. It's hard enough to keep plague from sweeping a group that large, packed that tightly, living in tents, partying very hard, and living without running water or electricity.
It's happened before, with the flu, ( rare in July, but it happens ) and the difficulty of keeping clean and impossibility of keeping out of crowds means it's a real concern for the people that try and keep it a safe place to bring your families. ( OTOH it's a spectacularly unsafe place for wannabe rapists. Or wife beaters. Or muggers. I have stories. )
And one big reason we enjoy these events, besides the Living History aspect, is the martial arts competitions. There can be over 2000 men & women in the battles and it's very much "in your face" fighting. ( full contact in the armored fighting, and solid touch for the Fencing ) Sweat flies an amazing distance when someone wearing dozens of pounds of armor ( and the fencers are often in even less "breathable" gear ) has been running around in the July Pennsylvania sun, and then has a kinetic event. ( like me getting hit with a 7' pole arm in the helmet. Sploosh! )
So, especially given the fact that Pennsic gets a planetary attendance, I'm not going to complain that it got delayed for a year.
As to the complaints that Covid-19 is not as bad as past flus? True. But it also is a real pandemic. And it's especially deadly to old folk. Like me. .
And I certainly understand the concerns many teachers have about getting sick when they go back to classrooms full of filthy little germ factories. Especially in the insane world of Progressive education where teachers aren't ALLOWED to control their classrooms to prevent being assaulted. How are they going to enforce some idiot politician's idea of disease control?
The Governor Of New York Now Will Dictate Exactly What FOOD IS for the purpose of allowing Bars to open. Under his whim that you must order food to order alcohol, in His State. ( He's already told everyone that doesn't agree 100% with his views on everything to leave His State, so...)
Wings, aren't food. Sandwiches are. Soup is. etc.
So, just like you need to carefully study his Whims on other subjects to avoid arrest, massive fines, and prison time, you now must obey his culinary prejudices.
Another fantastic way to get a dose of Mike Rowe’s laid back, “aw shucks” sense of humor is to read the fan mail he shares sometimes on his Facebook page. Here’s the latest one I’ve read, which was posted late on Wednesday, it appears. If you aren’t familiar with the format, a viewer drops Rowe a question online, and he spins a stem-winder of an answer on his page. You always finish reading it with a feeling of delight — and that you learned something at the same time.
This time, the fan asked Mike a question about the Wuhan coronavirus… and I’m not too sure she got the answer she expected.
She wrote:
“Mike. In a recent post, you said you’ve been to Tennessee and Georgia, giving speeches and filming for your new show. Before that, you were on the road shooting for Dirty Jobs. Is it really so important to film a television show in the midst of pandemic? Is it responsible of you to encourage this kind of behavior when infection rates are spiking? Don’t you watch the news? More and more cases every day – aren’t you concerned?
Darlene Gabon
As I mentioned, he takes his time. Stick with it to the end — it’s worth it.
Rowe replied:
“Hi Darlene
Of course, I’m concerned. I’m just not petrified.
On March 15th, the day after my part of the country was locked down, I posted a link to an interview with Dr. Michael Osterholm. I’m posting it again, because I believe you and everyone else in the country would benefit from listening carefully to what he has to say.
Dr. Osterholm is the Director of Infectious Disease Research and Policy. This is the same epidemiologist who ten years ago, predicted a coronavirus would come from China and turn our country upside down. In his book “Deadliest Enemies,” he anticipated the utterly irresponsible way in which the media would report on the situation, the completely opportunistic and shamelessly political way our leaders would likely react, and the unprecedented chaos and confusion that would arise from all the mixed messages from the medical community. His resume is unexampled,, and his analysis of the situation is the most logical and persuasive of any I’d heard so far. He’s also the only expert I know of who hasn’t walked back his numbers, reconsidered his position, or moved the goalposts with regard to what we must do, what we can do, and what he expects to happen next. I say all of this because Dr. Osterholm publicly predicted – in early MArch – that we could conservatively see over 100 million COVID cases in this country, with a very strong possibility of 480,000 fatalities – even if we successfully “flattened the curve.”
It took me a few weeks to accept this scenario, because 480,000 fatalities is a frightening number, and [a] lot of other experts were saying lots of conflicting things. But eventually, I came to the conclusion that Dr. Osterholm was probably correct, and quickly navigated the four stages of grief that usually precede acceptance – denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. By late April, I had come to accept Dr. Osterholm’s predictions as a matter of fact. Since then, I’ve had three full months to come to terms with the fact that, a) I am probably going to get COVID-19 at some point, b), I am almost certainly going to survive it, and c), I might very well give it to someone else.
I hope that doesn’t sound blasé, or glib, or fatalistic, or selfish. Four-hundred eighty thousand deaths is an obvious tragedy, and I’m deeply sympathetic to all who have been impacted thus far. I’m also very concerned for my parents, and everyone else in a high risk category. But when Dr. Osterholm says that COVID can be slowed but not stopped, I believe him. When he says a vaccine will not necessarily hasten herd immunity, I believe him. And when he says that people have confused “flattening the curve” with “eliminating the virus,” I believe him.
Thus, for the last three months, I’ve been operating from the assumption that this is a year-round virus that’s eventually going to infect 100 million people and kill roughly 1/2 of one percent of those infected, conservatively. I’ve accepted those numbers. Unfortunately, millions of others have not. Many people have no sense of where this is headed, and I understand why. They’ve been betrayed by a hysterical media that insists on covering each new reported case as if it were the first case. Every headline today drips with dread, as the next doomed hotspot approaches the next “grim milestone.” And so, for a lot of people, everyday is Groundhogs [sic] Day. They’re paralyzed by the rising numbers because the numbers have no context. They don’t know where it will end. But Dr. Osterholm says he does, and I’m persuaded that he’s correct. He might be wrong, and frankly, I hope he is, but either way, he’s presented us with a set of projections based on a logical analysis, and accepting those projections has allowed me to move past denial, anger, bargaining, and depression, and get on with my life with a better understanding of what the risks really are.
Fact is, we the people can accept almost anything if we’re given the facts, and enough time to get evaluate the risk and make our own decisions. Last year in this country, there were six million traffic accidents and 36,000 fatalities. Tragic, for sure. But imagine for a moment if no one had ever died from a car accident. Imagine if this year, America endured six million traffic accidents and 36,000 fatalities…for the first time ever. Now, imagine if these accidents and fatalities – over 16,000 and 90 per day respectively – imagine if they were reported upon like every new incidence of COVID. What would that do to our willingness to drive? For a while, I suspect it would keep us all off the roads, right? I mean, six million accidents out of the blue is a lot to process, and 36,000 deaths is scary – especially if you don’t know how high that number could get. It would take us a while to access the risk, before we blindly hopped into our cars again. Eventually though – after getting some context and perspective – we’d be able to evaluate the relative danger of operating a motor vehicle. Then, we could decide for ourselves when to drive, where to drive, and how much to drive. And so we do.
Again, don’t misunderstand. I’m not ignoring COVID, or downplaying COVID, or pretending the risks at hand aren’t real. Nor am I comparing COVID cases to car accidents – I’m simply comparing the fear of each to the other, and the fear that always accompanies uncertainty. I don’t want to get this disease or give it to someone else, any more than I want to be in a car car wreck that injures someone else. But I’ve accepted certain things about the pandemic, and now, I’ve gotten used to the risk as I understand it. I take precautions. I get tested as often as I can, and if I can’t physically distance, I wear a mask – especially around higher risk people. Likewise, I wear a seatbelt, obey the speed limits, and check my mirrors before changing lanes. Yes – I’m aware that we’d all be a lot safer if we kept our cars in the garage. I’m also aware we’d be a lot safer if we all kept ourselves in the house. But that’s not why cars, or people, exist.
Anyway Darlene, that’s a long way of saying that I have accepted Dr. Osterholm’s numbers, and now, after three months of acceptance, I’ve made a decision on how I wish to live my life. Sooner or later, you will too. We all will.
PS. My foundation is selling masks to raise money for our next work-ethic scholarship program. They’re going fast.
I’m going to bet that, like Mike Rowe, you hope Darlene and everyone else in the country takes a listen to the doctor’s advice, too.
Attribution Becca Lower Becca Lower is a writer with RedState and formerly worked at as a writer and editor. She grew up outside Cincinnati, OH, in former Speaker John Boehner's district, and currently lives in Mesa, AZ.
The conflicting opinions on how dangerous and how inaccurate the reporting on Covid-19 is, has raised a lot of anger and arguments here & in society.
I've tried, poorly, to urge against personal animosity and anger over badly done statistics and conflicting media propaganda.
But that there is such incredible evil hatred in media and government that because one politician mentions a drug that Might help in a killing epidemic, that his political enemies would forbid it, and persecute doctors who save lives with it, should fill us all with righteous Rage.
It doesn't matter if the drug is not ideal or only of limited effectiveness, ( apparently good if used early, and like every other treatment, not so good if used late ) that these politicians by their actions are preventing doctors from saving lives ( how is that different from murder? ) is unbearable. While they accuse their enemies of killing people!
I don't know if the cheap generic drug cocktail is all that great. But the ONLY reason it's forbidden by some Governors is childish and Power political propaganda. It just Won't Do to allow the Bad Orange Man to have been right. Better their people die.
I could be wrong. Please tell me they aren't THAT evil.
It might be interesting to compare the proportion of nursing home deaths due to the virus among all the states. It is a prevalent situation in other states, even in Texas. I don't think Andrew Cuomo is that monstrous. I think he and his state health department are/were that incompetent.
Andrew The First is monstrous enough to say none of the nursing homes told him they weren't set up to isolate the patients that he sent them with orders not to refuse or else. And when told that, in public, so everyone knew he had been so told, he didn't change his orders for thousands of dead bodies.
And ordered them not to test incoming time bombs.
And there is the little matter of erasing his order.
No resident shall be denied readmission or admission to the NH [nursing home] solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs [Nursing homes] are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission."
Short form, he established a corruption investigation board then when it investigated his money laundering minions he shut it down.
He's darn good on tv, though. And hates Trump so what's a few tens of thousands of dead bodies that probably would have voted Republican anyway? ( they're voting Democrat Now )