Someone sent me the video and since it had nothing to do with politics, I didn't check to see if it was legit. Plus, that was some really impressive CGI; it looked real to my eyes.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I've already sent out the info to my mailing list.
There's an interesting story there. Commercial aircraft aren’t usually allowed to fly over Lake Washington. There’s a documentary on the development of the 707 on youtube somewhere that goes into detail.
FYI, that’s not just a roll, that's a barrel roll. Much harder to perform. Some airplanes won’t do it. That it was done in a plane that size speaks volumes about the airframe.
The second dumbest thing Harley ever did was kick Erik out the door. I mean really, buying MV Agusta has to be number one!! I really don't "KNOW" Erik but just from his actions, and the couple of conversations I've had with him, I wouldn't say he does what he does because he's chasing the almighty dollar. If you gave him a choice of huge money and a headache of a job or a chance to create something for a fraction of the income I think I'd know which one he would choose. CEO of Harley sounds too much like a headache, unless he was able to bypass committees and create the company in his own image, so to speak!
Could you imagine the horror the faithful sheep would have when they found out that the Softail and Touring platforms were being axed and all future products would be based off of XB and 1125/1190 platforms?!?!
Hey, somebody else started it - I'm just carrying on...
I don't think he'd get rid of the bread and butter. Maybe slow down production of them for sure. Improve them? Yes!! Get rid of all the "street" based models? Probably. Replace them with EBR style machines? I hope so!! As long as it includes a Ulysseys!
I'd say, yes you do! I walked into an Indian/Victory dealer right after they shut down Victory. I was looking at one when the salesman walked up. Are you interested in a Victory? I said, "I might as well buy one since I already have a red headed step child." What is that? A Buell. His response was just, Oh.
Please consider the source. 9gag is a Hong Kong based meme site with zero fact checking on memes. Don't take it any more seriously than you would Babylon Bee or a cartoon.
Further, it's fairly Eurocentric, so expect America bashing, AND bashing of lots of other countries. Slav jokes. Redneck humor.
And some unedited footage of the CCP conquest of Hong Kong.
But mostly memes. That dang cat, over & over!!!!!
Great pics in the Cosplay section, and if you don't read comments, ( except perhaps to get a band's name ) far less crazy than 4chan. Maybe.