Rate is crazy, this is very rare disease but there are already 3 children died and more than a hundred developed symptoms. And this is just what was registered and linked to coronavirus. Actual amount of cases is obviously bigger.
TSA just announced a new protocol. As part of the screening process they will now also be checking your temperature. Knowing the government, they'll be using rectal thermometers. That's just a guess but I wouldn't put it past Gov. dim-Whitmer
}My problem with the shutdown orders wasn’t that they couldn’t slow the rate of infection; I assumed they did. My argument has been that 1) the cost of the shutdown orders in human sickness, death, poverty and misery is far too high for any marginal benefit they might confer, and 2) temporarily slowing the disease’s spread is of little or no value, since the shutdowns must inevitably end, and when they do, the disease will still be there, continuing to infect people.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Another relevant fact is that resuming normal business and social activity won’t significantly increase traffic in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, where a large percentage of COVID fatalities–over 80% in Minnesota, where I live–have taken place. The shutdowns were always irrelevant to nursing homes, sadly, and lifting the shutdowns will be, too.
Also a valid point.
I still hold this was simply a power grab.
And, an incredibly convenient way to keep Biden locked in his basement, out of the public eye, without raising any questions whatsoever as to "why?".
^ Great article. It’s insane that this combination was touted months ago, weeks before Trump even mentioned it, and they STILL haven’t done a proper clinical trial.
If masks don't prevent broadcast of microorganisms out of the germ holes on your face, why do surgeons wear them????
Are they 100% absolutely perfect? Is anything in this world? Does ATTGATT prevent every motorcycle injury? No, but most people elect to wear at least some gear to protect themselves from the remote chance of injury to THEMSELVES.
In this case we are talking about protecting other innocent bystanders from us. As able bodied folks, we owe that level of personal responsibility to put the safety of elderly and others at high risk of dying ahead of our convenience.