Aesquire I do have hope that the "missing money" will reappear as the economy improves,
WE NEVER HAD the money. We were about $24-26Trillion overdrawn when the miracle of $2T more was going to be distributed. (never mind the attorneys and 3-piece-suited whores who grabbed "their share")
When we see that money, I'm sure we'll all write our grandchildren a letter of thanks. It's their money after all.
True, but not like you think. I'm talking about MY money. 30 years of investments my pay. 27 years of 15% of my bi-weekly pretax income. It's invested in an Index fund, and some bonds, and some other stuff, but mostly a basic index. know, like a 401k.
For 8 years, the last six months of the Bush the Younger regime, and during the Obama New Normal, I gained near zip for my money. Not zero, over all, but far below the market average. 3 years of the Bad Orange Man, and I'm up enough that I was not worried about the next 5 years. ( All I have to do is die before the money runs out! ) Because of the Corona panic & lock downs, we aren't yet back up to the one year ago level, but I'm mildly optimistic. Depending, of course, on the election.
But, yeah, that money did not actually exist.
I don't see a loss or a gain until I cash in some chips. ( Many people don't get that )
AND I'm well aware that the guys that get rich on the market do so because people panic and sell low, when they could have just shrugged, and waited out the dip. Not everyone has that cushion, and they do get screwed by the market, just as I would if I cashed in some tomorrow to pay bills. And that's a real probability. I just spent all my budgeted vacation money ( yes, I budget luxuries like that first, and sometimes years in advance, since my vacation has been going to work at the annual Pennsic Historical gathering ) on medical costs. I don't regret that, since I'm not blind or dead. It's just the breaks I had. Not going to cry about it.
I won't know if the gathering is cancelled until later in May. Be a pity, but it's also a fairly high population density gathering with limited sanitation, a War Camp re-creation from the middle ages, and much like the conditions that contributed to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.
And since I've done volunteer medical help there for 28 odd years, I'm acutely aware of the dangers and risks involved.
Not only is this not my first rodeo, I can give you references going back well over 1500 years on how this crap happens.
You forget history, and you will repeat it... and it doesn't really repeat, but it sure does rhyme.
Yep, that's my last quote. But, as usual, you're taking it in the wrong context.
My comment there, or any of my comments anywhere in this thread, isn't to belittle the loss of life from CV19. My comments are to point out the hypocrisy of the people who have shuttered western society, for the same death toll as an annual flu season.
This whole thing isn't about the deaths, and anyone who tells you it is, is a hypocrite. Present company included.
This is about power. This is about an overblown estimate. This is about seeing how far a population can be pushed, before they push back.
If it was about dead bodies, it would happen every year.
This is "new", "scary", and hyped to shit in the press. People were suckered in to the horror that was forecast, simply because it was an "unknown"...and they could get away with it.
In your own words, the one hard number we have is dead bodies.
And, using the CDC's own numbers, we don't have the death toll for CV19 that we have for influenza. Forget the hype, forget the speculation as to "why" and "what numbers are what" and "how we got to them" - the bodies simply don't stack up.
I'm not belittling the death toll for CV19, nor any of the victims.
I'm asking why these hypocrites don't raise the same holy hell over flu deaths - which happen every. Single. Year.
I'm asking why these hypocrites don't raise the same holy hell over flu deaths - which happen every. Single. Year.
ooh! ooh! I know!
Skip that it's almost always from China. ( MERS was from the middle east ) And the Big Money types don't want to lose their investments in the biggest potential market.
It's because it's normal. And if you get all hyper about this year's flu, you get called out over your ignoring last year's.
THIS ONE! has a new name. Fresh, Organic, Free Range, NEW! ( in other words, yep, you are right )
Has there been an over reaction?
Yes, in some places, no in others. That's opinion, and subject to change.
Taking actions on a case by case basis, we'll be here all day. I think cutting off travel from China was a good idea, ditto Europe, and I'd keep China on the Screw You list as long as possible.
The Feds haven't been as heavy handed as I expected. There will be lots of lawsuits. My baseline is cynical.
The States? There are a few, Michigan, California, and maybe New York, where I don't expect the governors to get burned at the stake, as they probably should. ( that's hyperbole, by the way, i do not advocate burning people at the stake! ) ( but for instructions on how to.... )
To calculate the rise and decline of COVID19 we need, state by state, MORE TESTS. And, accurate ones. From there we can prognosticate.
At this point in time, nobody's in agreement on a damn thing except you can now find toilet paper here and there. If you get takeout, SAVE THE NAPKINS. F the virus, it's the amount of shit slinging from all of us monkeys that will force the next TP shortage.
DATA. Time. Intelligence. TRUTH, or a good average.
OK then. Allow me this, simply a prayer that we can all 100% agree upon. Joe, I know you're with me here.
Pray for our EMT's, our first responders, our long-care term staff, and those who are working their aisses off while many or most cannot. Also the morticians... dang.
There is one, every year. It's just not necessarily going to prevent any new flu. The "standard" yearly vaccine that most doctors recommend, covers the flu versions they expect to see come back, over the next year. ( and I get, with mild, but some reaction every year. Personal choice, and IMHO a good idea, unless you have issues with it. )
understand that THIS year's flu, like Covid-19, has no vaccine. Hasn't been developed yet. I'm sure they are working on it, and are probably ahead of the work on Covid-19, just because they've been working on it longer, but if the Pooh's Breath vaccine gets priority, and it probably should, then we'll get the vaccine for this year's flu in next fall's shots. Or the next. This year's flu version is fairly nasty, right?, so it will have priority over lesser risk versions. And probably in a year they'll have run through a SECOND round of safety testing, and include Covid-x vaccine in with the "flu shot".
As far as a Pooh's Breath vaccine, that depends on how fast they can finish testing.
First, they have to test it to see if it's more dangerous than anything else they use. What percentage get the disease? How many just roll over and die? That sounds hard hearted, but no vaccine is 100% safe, somebody is going to have a bad reaction. Aspirin can be fatal. Curry!
Then they do an effectiveness trial, where volunteers, ( hopefully, not always the case ) are vaccinated and then exposed to the virus/germ in question to see if it works. And how well for how many.
IIRC the Israeli lab already has the code for a subunit vaccine ( I think ) and might even have a batch ready for testing as we speak. Multiple labs around the world are working on an attenuated /inactivated vaccines which are "easier" to make. ( and can be made by college level, preferably bright med students, who know how to properly use microscopy and cultures to test before trial. It's a well understood technology )
No matter where you get the original vaccine, it has to undergo time consuming tests. Risk management is a real issue.
Take with a bit of doubt, as you should any politically biased editorial. But good news if it turns out to be true.
If your political bias has you rooting for mass death to win, then you're either an evil f$%& and/or your political Party is. I'm specifically pointing at the Media & pols, not folk here. ( our apparent comedy trolls feigning ignorance of basic technology are probably just victims of their education )
I'm not sold yet, myself. But I'm not sold either way.
It’s cost me a fortune buying all new shirts and jeans with 8” less waist!
I’m learning to do daily teleconference with Ireland from aboard a road bike and most calls run about 30 miles . . . That, in concert with 94°F weather, has accelerated the rate of loss (yep, I know it’s temporary and artificial conditions) recently.
Last night had this video. I think about 24 minutes were devoted to the study that claimed up to 85x the current known infections. Holy crap what a bad study! The lead authors have previously shown they are intellectually invested in this idea. Now they are writing about this study in opinion pieces in the news without disclosing their connections. That's just bad all around. The video gets into a lot of details, including the poor performance of the test kit used in the study. Poor performance documented by the manufacturer BTW. Watch or don't. Comment or don't. I really don't plan on further discussion with the three stooges of this thread any further. Facts simply don't sway some peoples opinions. That's a lesson that I have to constantly relearn. Enjoy...
———>>>> That's a lesson that I have to constantly relearn.
And you will continue to.
Neither intellect, nor intellectual curiosity, have a finish line.
Be mindful that some some intellectuals resolve disparate opinions not by convincing, overcoming or “winning” ..... but by truly understanding smart people holding opinions different than your own.
So millions out of work. Millions of people dealing with stress, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, increased rates of suicide and abuse for .... a highly contagious version of the Flu?
So, I had a conversation today with a man in fatigues, who would say only that he was a "department head" at Walter Reed, and has been administering and processing "thousands" of tests for CV19. His statements to me today?
- Antibodies ARE out there in the herd
- Coronaviruses have been around for years. This is a new version, but this family of viruses are the general cause of the common cold and other "normal" illnesses that we live with every day.
- CV19 does not appear to be mutating
- the only severe cases he's seen have been in people over 60, and he flat-out stated "kids don't get sick from this"
- infection and complication numbers are on a steady decline
- he fully expects this whole thing to be over in 6-8 weeks (medically, anyway...)
News from the front lines. Take from it what you will.
Coronaviruses are common. There are hundreds of kinds of viruses, but the three big ones that make us sick are corona, rhino, and influenza. Coronas are most active in late winter/spring. A summer cold is likely a rhinovirus.
Viruses mutate, so he’s wrong about that. They typically get less lethal as they do so. Seems spot on otherwise.
So who would be surprised to find out that the two lead authors of the Santa Clara County cluster f*ck "study" are also contributing authors on the "new" USC study? Damn, this is turning into the same "scientific" circle jerk that climate science is!
I see the sweetheart of the let's do nothing crowd, Sweden, has made into the top 10 list of deaths per million as of today. Congratulations, your strategy is working swimmingly!