Again, (and we can start a new thread so as not to hijack this one) prove those two chemicals cause an uncontrolled and uncapped rise in global temperatures.
Prove to me it isn't standard, cyclical, ice-age / warming period temperature cycle, as evidenced by any number of historical studies that show "little ice ages" such as the medieval plague era, or warmer times such as the Roman Warm Period. Last I checked, the Romans didn't create CO2 - why was it warmer then, than it is now?
I'll wait.
You can post your proof in the "Science, Climate, and Winter is Coming" thread.
Yeah, we already have a thread where the head of the UN Climate Change thing admits there's no science involved, it's all about power and wealth, "changing the system" ( to one where Authoritarians Rule }
Post your science fiction there, please.
However, you are correct that the lack of human activity reduces pollution. Since China's skies haven't been this clean in decades. Except for the incinerator smoke. But the difference between a functioning industrial nation, especially one with almost no pollution controls, and a few hundred thousands bodies being burned is massive.
The hard greens are cheering the Virus on, as they think Mankind is the plague upon the Earth. I don't necessarily disagree, except for the minor detail that I don't want to be slaughtered to save the wood tick.
Damn, I already thought Italy was in trouble, this article says things are even worse than reported.
I figured Italy was on the highway to hell as soon as they decided not to treat those over 65. You get mercy as you give it. They are responsible for their actions.
Friend from Avon with Pooh's Breath V/D has been released from IU West today after spending 7 days in there and a week prior at home with it. He stayed off the vent. Supposed to have another 3 days on quarantine. His wife who also got it is still doing well at home. Ages approximately 72 years.
Even deadly viruses want to survive. There is nothing virus can do about it, like there is nothing people can do about people eat another creatures. People are part of ecosystem just like other animals, we eat animals and animals eat us.
Just another way of looking at the data. This plot of daily mortality will better help identify the peak of the epidemic. It appears that both Spain and Italy are heading for the downside.
Our USA experts (Fauci, Birx and friends) are estimating our peak in two weeks or so, at 26 days in the chart below.
This semi-log plot of total cumulative deaths is helpful for identifying the peak total death toll, indicated by the apparent asymptote that will eventually become obvious.
I's gonna be more useful data if you will calculate not deaths per million people but deaths area per million people and you will find that situation in USA is significantly worst because of with smaller population density USA has more infection probability.
We're not as bad off because our President initiated travel bans early.
We're not doing as well as S. Korea because the federal bureaucracy know and the CDC utterly failed at its job, completely botching the production of vital early test kits, shipping kits that failed to work. If it hadn't been for that, we'd have been golden.
Then de Blasio scoffed at closing schools and large gatherings. He didn't listen to the experts. Now lot's of people are paying.
My dear old friends of college and offshore days just lost his dear aunt. She died alone in Tampa while her husband stayed quarantined at home.
Well, I have a data point in my world. My nearly 70 year-old sister in Chapel Hill is now a confirmed case in the UNC Hospital. Watching and praying from a distance, we are. My BIL is wracking his brain trying to guess where she got it, since they have been in their house for three weeks, with only three forays to get groceries.(One for him, two for her) Maybe filling up with gas?