He discusses the chloroquine treatment. BTW, he first reported on it back on Feb. 19 from a study from China.
Spain has been a disaster because they have big tourist events this time of year. People in Norther Italy go there a lot.
World cases (currently at just under 250,000) is doubling every 4.1 days! Do the freaking math!!!
US Government memo says they are preparing for it to last 18 months or more.
Also some interesting info on the economics that are in play.
I'm honestly not sure where you can get a better daily update on what's going on.
There are plenty of people still out in the wild contributing to "herd immunity". Just look at all the kids partying on the beaches in California and Florida.
M and I had a productive first day of Spring. She focused on cleaning indoors, I focused on the yard. Switched on my Polk and Yamaha outdoor speakers with WDVX on, left off the indoors to please her. We both did good.
Thought about working up shrimp scampi, then an Indian tikka masala type noodle dish, then settled on Hebrew National dogs, some Ore-Ida garlic and pepper fries, onion rings, dog relish, and such. Easy button dinner, we were tired, fed her brother too.
Very satisfied. Been a gorgeous day here, even saw our first carpenter bee, evicted a couple of stinkbugs.
Hope all youn's are doing at least as well as M and me.
So maybe I can help add some logical perspective to this situation with a few questions.
Nope, your questions lack meaning since as you already know, this is early days and we don't have the data yet. It's a logical fallacy. A Bad argument. I realize there was emotional stuff going on, but don't make a habit of being intellectually dishonest, please. 'Nuff said.
But I can mention that I have 2 parents in the extreme high risk age bracket.
4 of 5 close friends in my high risk age bracket that I ride with ( bicycle, motorcycle ) and normally get together with at least once a week, have risk factors like diabetes and/or heart disease, and the 5th is a heavy smoker.
We may start a pool, because with a 10% ( a guess based on several estimates ) death rate in our bracket, that's 50/50 one of us won't last the year. ( not counting the chance of stroke, accident, or being killed buying toilet paper )
Also, I've spent the day running errands for elderly parents ( to keep them out of the stores ) and a dying friend that has nothing to do with Corona or Yuengling. So I'm a bit testy.
I agree that panic is useless, and we need more information to determine how the isolation efforts are doing at "bending the curve".
The kids at Spring Break probably figure they are unlikely to die, so, why not party? The people really at risk are the parents. When the young ones get home from the beach party, then we'll see another uptick in deaths. I wonder what the parents were thinking?
Of course I always wonder what the parents are thinking. Spring Break didn't exist when I was younger, and even when MTV started hyping it, and I was still in college, I never expected my parents to pay to send me to a Mexican beach. They were perfectly happy to let me go do fun stuff, ( as long as grades were good ) but if I wanted to watch wet t-shirt contests in Daytona or Cabo, I had to pay my own way. I admit to some class envy here.
On a pandemic-related note, lots of people raising hell about this:
Burr seems to be getting most of the heat since he was the first discovered. Loefner claims her portfolio is managed independently and she had nothing to do with it.
When it comes to the Chinese, I firmly believe the regime there is dishonest, controlling, inhumane, and flat out evil in general. When it comes to the virus, I think they are either massively lying about no new infections, or they planned the entire thing purposely as an attack on Western Civilization. Maybe both. Either way this started with them, and I hope the world remembers that.
So I think we can agree that there is no herd immunity to this. They are telling us it spreads more effectively than the flu. Mortality estimates, on the low side are around 1%, or about 10x that of the flu. We are seeing what it's doing to countries like Italy.
So given the above, what makes you think that total deaths from this will be lower than flu?
The curve for China is so different from the rest of the world, or anything that you would expect, that it's clear they are not being transparent. That says a lot about their leader. They should have the best data available, yet are not sharing it with the world as we all suffer from this.
It's too early to tell about herd immunity, isn't it?
Assuming, ( and as of today, one official wild a$s guess ) 1% fatality rate, overall, sure, that's an order of magnitude worse than this year's early flu pandemic. But probably not Spanish flu bad by the same ratio.
I hear a new flu is ongoing, so 3 waves of "peasants die, so what?" Out of Xi's paradise this season. Maybe.
If only there was a bug that targeted stupid people instead of the elderly, I could get a job at CNN. ( sarcasm & disrespect )
Not sure how you can blame senators for getting out of the stock market on insider trading knowledge when everybody but Trump was talking about Coronavirus since January.
Pure luck .... I retired on 2/28 ....and elected to withdraw my entire pension and 401k as a lump sum. I’ve got a period of time before it must be reinvested.
I’d love .... even if through pure luck.... to have bailed at 29,000+ and get back in at 19,000.
Not sure how you can blame senators for getting out of the stock market on insider trading knowledge when everybody but Trump was talking about Coronavirus since January.
I think what has people pissed is they attended a closed meeting, came out and publicly announced “everything will be fine”, and THEN sold their stock.
Good for you Court, you know what you're doing. I'm too timid to play with stocks. My dad was complaining last month he couldn't find anything to reinvest in.
By the way ..... the way you CAN blame Senators if we they got out of the market based on “inside information” .... information not available to you or I.
There’s a very good reason there are laws against that as well as regulations why I .... as an example .... can’t prospectively reveal information about planned power plant shutdowns for maintenance and possibly impact the trading markets. It’s the reason energy markets use OASIS.
May not be totally unrelated as to how a politician works a $180,000k/yr job for 4 years and leaves with a net worth of $10M.
If you want to see the impact this might have on class warfare .... keep an eye on The Hamptons where P. C. Richards sold 700 freezers last weekend and wealthy folks from Manhattan, some having tested positive, were arriving in motorcades of SUVs and private jets and bought up nearly all of the local food supply. .... one last bought $8,000+ in the local Citarella.