He withheld the potential bad news because he thought it might be bad for business.
aka "he didn't exaggerate speculation to deliberately ruin business"
The difference between those two statements is intent. ( no I'm not going to go all Jesuit on you )
IMHO Trump's enemies are speculating to gain political advantage. Intent.
But I'm not going to argue Trump balance issues. Different thread, and you can argue with the FANS. I'm just being over sensitive on lying for power issues on the subject.
Don't panic, but be ready to... hold it that's General...
I read an interesting article by a pandemic researcher last night that discussed our current situation in detail. He pointed out that ruining the economy could well cause more deaths than the pandemic. The overall health of the population is related to the GDP. This must be considered in any actions to deal with the pandemic.
Not only ruining the economy, ( deliberately for political reasons in this case ) will lead to a high death rate.
Imposing an authoritarian rule over a country, "for your own good" ( of course ) will also lead to a high death rate.
Mao murdered more people than died of the Spanish flu.
I don't say that to diminish the Spanish flu. It was a planetary disaster. But it went away. Mao's murder machine is still killing people, not even counting Pooh's Breath.
Keep your priorities straight. Wash your hands.
And if anyone on stage at a Democrat debate coughs? Lock them in until next spring. It's the only way to be safe!
Had another strong shift last night, good $$$... even had a family of 6, with 3 pre-teens, one teenager. Unlike many tables with kids, this family was a pure joy to work with. Kids smart and perfectly behaved, mom and dad super nice and gracious, obviously appreciative for a fine dinner. Mom's b-day to boot, I aced the table- hope they'll become call customers.
As to EB's post- as of this weekend our host staff will be attempting to seat tables at a distance from others, not per SOP with a regular table section. I really don't see how that will help... proper table service involves handling everyone's water glasses for refills, clearing plates, and so on. We're washing hands like maniacs, but there's no way to really modify the nature of a fine dining experience. Found out that we've been essentially forced to drop private dining, no large groups.
To the point of whether/when we'll have a vaccine- any new vaccine requires at least a year to be developed and tested. If another country besides the US gets it first, I sure hope they'll share.
As I mowed my lawn in the rain over the last hour... something occurred to me, and it really doesn't seem all that far-fetched.
What if this virus is something 99.999% of all humans already has inside them, and this entire "pandemic" is just a test run for the government to see how easily they can keep most people from leaving their houses and crash the economy?
Who is to say who has it or who doesn't? THEY do. Who is to say when it is cured, or when it isn't? THEY do.
If it's already there, and they just start testing for it, of course it's going to be a positive test. Some people happen to die from a mixture of things, and sure enough they have the Corona Virus! The media gets to scream about the virus claiming another victim!
The video series I've been posting pounds on the balance of three things.
1) Keeping the economy going. 2) Not overrunning the health care system. 3) Locking down/isolating the population to prevent virus spread.
Those things compete with each other. How much you focus on each and when is critical to not crippling the country. There would also be constitutional questions if the feds suddenly shut the borders to Washington or New York for example. I don't believe that our country has ever had to deal with if they have the authority to do what some other countries have done.
China focused on their economy until it was out of control and had overrun their health care. Then they locked things down hurting their economy anyway. Same with Italy. S. Korea did a good job of locking things down as it spread, and I think their health care system was able to cope so far. I haven't really heard how their economy has held up. It's pretty early with the spread of it in the US to say how we have done IMO. Selective control of who can enter the country was a very good decision. The lack of testing meant poor contact tracing, which was very bad. I hope the reasons for that gets investigated and fixed for the future. More likely it will just be used for politics.
What if this virus is something 99.999% of all humans already has inside them, and this entire "pandemic" is just a test run for the government to see how easily they can keep most people from leaving their houses and crash the economy?
And every government around the world is participating in this "test"? Sometimes, it's just paranoia.
What if this virus is something 99.999% of all humans already has inside them, ...
That's the plot in a post apocalyptic novel Emergence by David Palmer.
A virus is spread world wide, then triggered into violent, fatal, growth by Redacted. It's a very good novel, & the plot is the setup to the bigger story.
But Pwnzor's version makes a good novel plot, too. Who do you trust?
The lack of testing meant poor contact tracing, which was very bad. I hope the reasons for that gets investigated and fixed for the future. More likely it will just be used for politics
Already known. FDA regulations dating back decades and known to be a problem from the H1N1 Swine flu epidemic back in the Obama regime.
And already used to attack the current administration, even though the immediate preceding one did a worse job, and did not fix the problem, which predates both by decades.
Bureaucratic rules never go away by themselves. You need to tear them out by force of law. ( and it's nearly impossible to get rid of the staff, even if you cancel a regulation )
I've had a bidet for years now, ever since M's brother had hemorroid surgery and stayed with us to recuperate. Mine's hot or cold, self-cleaning, has a second jet for cleaning tuna. You're welcome.
While this is a bit off topic for this thread, I really do have a hard time being sympathetic to the left's whining about Trump. He was, after all, their pick to run against. The MSM worked 24/7 to make him the nominee. They got exactly what they wished for.
Thanks for that Aesquire! I was pretty sure it would be something like that.
I'd prefer to discuss the pandemic of the season here, and not American politics.
However, the need to correct political spin is necessary to learn what's going on.
Foreign response and problems should be non partisan here, and can often be taken as examples to emulate or avoid.
Italy has a large number of Chinese workers, because of the Demographic problem. Not enough young people to support the system & replace the aging. Europe in general is ahead of us in this.
France imported a lot of people from N. Africa, but didn't try to assimilate them, ( for local attitude reasons & the lack of desire to assimilate by the immigrants. One feeds the other. ) So they have ghettos where the police dare not go alone.
Germany imported Turks and Vietnam refugees. Again, local laws and attitudes mean limited assimilation.
Italy imported Chinese workers, and in part because of the dishonest Chinese government, have been traveling back & forth and spreading the Coronavirus.
The U.S. has even more Chinese ( in total numbers, I don't know the percentages ) students and workers than Italy. With open travel until the ban this Administration out on China in early February.
So it's here, but more diffuse overall, than Italy. Expect clusters in college towns.
Rochester has 4 major colleges, ( St. John Fisher, Nazareth, University of Rochester, & Rochester Institute of Technology. Plus a large Community college. )
U of R & R.I.T. Get the most foreign students. My customers were for some years ( on my route ) a large apartment complex that was mostly older folk, doctors ( U of R Medical center/school ) and foreign students from MANY countries. Mostly China, India, Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, etc. ( in roughly that order. This is from memory, but I paid attention. )
That one apartment complex is a serious danger zone for any pandemic, with folk continually coming and going each semester.
The guy doing the videos claims to have a PHD in epidemiology so should have some idea what he's talking about. He's said that the strain that has ravaged Italy is shared with the outbreak in Iran. I'm not sure if it's clear which got that strain first, but once in Italy, is spread as a home grown virus, not needing a lot of travel to and from China. Different strain than seen in China. They could have controlled the outbreak early, but focused on keeping their economy working and letting people move around freely, telling them all was well. By the time they made a serious effort to contain the virus by quarantine, the overrunning of the health care issue was a sealed deal as those already infected became critical.
Remember, you have to balance... 1) Keeping the economy working. 2) Keeping the health care system from being over run. 3) Containing the virus. Doing all three is a very difficult balancing act.
And every government around the world is participating in this "test"? Sometimes, it's just paranoia.
The other governments don't have a choice if the one behind it all just keeps shipping infected people everywhere.
They all know something is up. They are either in on it, or on the short end of it.
Or nothing at all is going on besides the media acting the way we all expect them to, and the people eating it all up are reacting exactly how they are supposed to.
It's shit I think about while I'm walking my dog in the woods behind my house.
Do I really think all that conspiracy crap is going on?
I can't be sure either way. It's not really affecting me much, the stores are a little wacky but nothing that made me feel in danger.
The Kroger shelves are pretty low right now, but it's Sunday evening and it's just a little lower than usual - and of course there is no toilet paper.
I went to Costco first because I wanted a fresh pork shoulder, and they were low on a few things... like toilet paper... and they were out of pork shoulder. They had a lot of great looking beef, and hams and a full rack of rotisserie chickens...
So I went to Kroger and a couple of aisles looked as if they were cut out of a picture from Venezuela, but the rest of the store was pretty well stocked. Plenty of the regular panic items like milk, eggs and bread. On a Sunday. So all is not lost.
Pwnzor, being in the shipping industry, you would be likely to see early signs of the supply chain breaking down. Please keep us updated on any changes in demand of your business.
I haven't been to town this weekend and haven't watched any news. I have no idea what's going in town. We did take our pup out for a nice walk in a nature area this afternoon though. Live has been way too busy for us in recent weeks. We all needed that break. Time to talk, think, and exercise outside. Wonderful day with winter winding down around here. Does a body good!
Yes, indeed. I have finally finished my pond rebuild, and moved my fish back in a few days ago. I spent the better part of the day futzing with plants, listening to the falling water, and hand feeding some very appreciative fish. At least, that’s the way I anthropomorphize their reaction to plump little shrimp. It is quite relaxing.
The Costco distribution centers have plenty of products. What they have is a driver shortage. Swift is the contract carrier for a large portion of it, at least here in the Southeast and they're the ones who don't have people.
Slight uptick in lab equipment delivery for this coming week, Thermo Fisher is still shipping.
People are shipping via EUV and finding that nobody is there on the receiving end. Rohr Aerospace in Foley Alabama ordered some parts from a vendor in Seattle - we picked it up from the airport area and drove it all the way, to find a deserted assembly plant.
Well here in the peoples republic of illinois our wonderful governor has closed all restaurants and bars as of the end of today. Went to breakfast with my brother at Denny's and all the waitresses etc. are done after today. Many with kids and bills due. The more I look at this "crises" I believe the globalist are once again not letting a crises go to waste. The media has hyped this out of proportion all in the name of blaming Trump. Something is going on, the markets don't go down without bonds going up. Even gold is going down, that's not normal by any means. I think this is a planned breakdown to collapse the country. Fortunately this country is stronger than people think.